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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I find the keyboard shortcut to create a note really useful. If you are worried about the time taken to do things you should really consider learning keyboard shortcuts (in all apps not just EN).
  2. The point is that when you then hit shift-ctrl-C again it reinstates the unchecked check boxes.
  3. This works on Windows with shift-ctrl-C It is though just a shortcut version of the workaround I posted in this thread on 24 Dec 2020!
  4. Very strange. Fortunately that is not my experience. If I go to a note via a link from another note, even when I can't see the new note in the note list, I can still access the three dots menu. I don't recall ever seeing it greyed out. Whether the edit toolbar is there or not I can always access the three dots menu. Unlike the other bug, which I definitely can replicate, this one is a mystery. Perhaps you should raise a support ticket.
  5. I have no idea what version you are using but it sounds like Windows. I don't think there is a "shortcut" as such but if you are already in the note then you can use the three dots menu at the top right. The top item is "Open in new window". So it is two clicks. If you want to open it in a new window from the note list then just double click the entry.
  6. @PinkElephantis exactly right. However, if you find that simplifying destroys the formatting too much and all you want to do is highlight, annotate etc there is another solution that sometimes works quite well. Print the webpage to pdf saving it to the EN import folder. Printing web pages can be a disaster but if it looks OK you can then use EN's pdf annotation capabiliy.
  7. Very strange. It's not something I've monitored but I just tried and the event became available instantaneously. Obviously this could be a one off so it would be interesting to see what other people's experience is.
  8. Geographical search is now a feature of the professional tier. I assume this tier will display the information as well as allow you to search for it but I don't know. The information is still in the enex file if you download it and the traditional search grammar method of searching for it still works. I agree that hiding the data from me is just petty even if they don't want me to use their new geographical search method.
  9. THe elephant icon in the task bar is the key thing to look out for. If it still there EN is still running. Personally I've never seen no icon and then found EN processes running in task manager. File -> quit Evernote (file -> close doesn't exist) always closes the EN completely and the icon disappears. You are correct that alt-N should do nothing. @PinkElephant's suggestion of checking that you haven't assigned it manually to something is a good one. As of the latest version all keyboard shortcuts are editable. Personally I would disable alt-ctrl-N and ctrl-N (assuming there really is nothing assigned to alt-N) and work from there.
  10. I'm not sure that upgrading is going to help. According to the search grammar documentation (linked at the bottom of the article you reference) it should stil work: "eggs ham" matches: "green eggs&ham." But as you say it doesn't anymore. We do know that this document is hopelessly out of date. Would a Boolean search actually help?
  11. Sorry @Giaco. I should have read more carefully which forum this was in . You can't do it in the web version only on the desktop clients.
  12. I completely agree that there should be viewing options in the widget and already commented here:
  13. You can still merge notes in V10. Select the notes you want and a blue menu bar appears at teh bottom of the screen. Select the merge option.
  14. Strange. Provided I only quit EN "completely" when I want to change the startup page and otherwise just use the cross it works well for me. If you are a paying member you could also try raising a support ticket https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  15. I assume this question is about the Windows desktop app despite it being in the Android forum! The following works for me. Navigate to the home page. Then close down EN completely. ie use file -> quit evernote or right click the elephant icon in the task bar and choose quit Evernote. Do not just hit the cross to close the program. When you reopen the program it should open in Home. It will continue to open in Home until you go through that whole procedure again.
  16. A couple of suggestions. EN reopens to the last screen before it ws closed provided you close it completely ie not just hit the cross but file -> quit Evernote or close it from the icon in the task tray. Go to the web version and see if that has the same problem.
  17. Thankyou, that is really useful. Interesting that in both search and filter you don't make a distinction between check boxes and checklists. Some of the items bring up notes I would not expect - particulalry list and table. It would be nice if these were much more specific. It seems to be mainly webclips where the underlying html contains tags but they don't actually look like lists or tables.
  18. I was very excited to see that this has been released and is listed here https://evernote.com/blog/whats-next-for-tasks/ as "delivered". I added it to my home page and it lasted about 30 seconds before I removed it. What is the point of a seeing a selection of tasks over which I have no control (unless I'm missing something). In my case it has decided to just list the tasks from one note - none of which are dated. Dated and overdue tasks are missing. Very disappointed. Also disappointed that it doesn't seem to have been beta tested by those of us who were in the tasks beta/early access programs and collectively dedicated many hours of effort to tasks.
  19. Is faster than what? How are you doing it in V10? I suppose the nearest to how you used to do it is the pop out menu which is well hidden and may well take more clicks.
  20. That is the key question! I keep on going back to the email but I can't see any wriggle room - it says three times the price is not changing. I'm therefore hoping that this is yet another bungled roll out and Hanlon's razor is correct:
  21. Absolutely and is difficult to square with the email I received which said: We’ll upgrade you into a new, more powerful Evernote plan at the same price you’re paying now.
  22. I can reproduce this. Clicking the column header is currently rather strange because, as has been documented elsewhere, lots of columns don't do anything at all. You can of course use the sort options menu to sort in either direction but intuitively you should be able to click any column to sort it and click it again to sort it in the opposite direction.
  23. Are you absolutely sure there is no reduction for an annual contract in your country? Screenshots from https://evernote.com/compare-plans in the UK:
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