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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. In case it helps the url can still be changed or deleted using the desktop or web versions. I don't understand the logic of not letting you change it in the Android version.
  2. I've seen that for text searches but not if I do a search or filter for a tag for example.
  3. Sorry to react to such an old post but the thread got bumped and I thought of something else. If it was the "full note view" that we get by clicking the expand note arrow at the top left of the note pane it wouldn't be as much of an issue. It can be reversed simply by clicking the arrow again. The issue is the disappearance of the note list and thus being not able to see the note in context or access the functions that we habitually access from the list.
  4. @gazumped made a perfectly valid comparison with smart filling for the web clipper and now this thread has been hijacked to talk about this very old feature rather than a feature which arrived today. Sighs.
  5. Evernote V10.23 gives us: So what did we ask for? The ability to select from all the tags which are actually in the search results ie exclude tags which are not relevant from the list The ability to quickly select further tags from the sidebar (shift-click behaviour in legacy) What did EN give us? A small random selection of suggested tags (and other filters). I do not know how EN think they know what tag I want to add next. Maybe I'm just unlucky. The list seems to be based on frequency and coming first in the alphabet! This might be nice icing on the cake once the other two things are implemented. This is like the sort by "relevance" option - never seems to be relevant to me. EN please stop thinking that you know better than me what I want to search for and give us back the tools that allowed us to search more easily. What does anybody else think?
  6. This whole area confuses me and I'm not sure that I see consistent behaviour. However it appears that a saved search remembers the sort order. So you need to set up a search for a notebook - either using the search syntax or filtering "notes" by the notebook. Change the sort order to what you want. Then save the search/filter including it in shortcuts if required. Clicking the saved search should bring up the notebook with the desired sort order. It's definitely a work around but might be helpful until (hopefully) the full legacy sorting options are reimplemented. I'm happy to be proved wrong but it is working for me this morning using: 10.22.3-win-ddl-public (2958) Editor: v132.1.16932 Service: v1.40.3 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  7. To compare the current incarnation of V10 with the beta (or even the preview before that) is a little disingenuous. For example there were huge delays between tagging and being able to search or filter for that tag. Now, for me, filtering is updated instantaneously and it normally only take a few seconds for search to also update. In addition tag based search or filter results now update automatically if you remove a tag from one of the found notes but admittedly not as fast as I would like it to. Filters can also now be saved. I'm personally not seeing any issues with incomplete results. If the tag in the sidebar says it is attached to 200 notes and I click it I get 200 notes. V10 is still not as fast as legacy and there are still plenty of things that need to be worked on in in the "tag based search" arena. However, enough progress has been made for me to believe that EN will probably still meet my needs going forward.
  8. Works for me. Sadly your post is full of venom but no actual detail of what exactly the problem is. If you provided some details other users would be able to try to reproduce rwg prroblem and we would see whether it was a general issue or specific to you.
  9. Certainly not related to Evernote. Evernote is not a pdf editor. You would need to open the pdf in an pdf editing app rather than just a viewer.
  10. And in V10 files with txt extension appear inline so no need to open the attachement to view it.
  11. I'm slightly confused. I assume that having have done a search you do have results in the list. Are you saying that when you then click in the "located in" field no notebooks come up? In your screen shot you have not selected a notebook at all. Does the same thing happen if you filter "Notes"?
  12. Notebook names which contain spaces need to be enclosed in double quotation marks. No space between the colon and the notebook name. notebook:my_notebook notebook:"my notebook" I agree that doing it without the syntax is possible and easy. I personally don't think that clicking the notebook name underneath the search bar is too difficult but I have the advantge of rairly using folder specific search.
  13. But why not use notebook:notebookname or -notebook:notebookname. Negating a notebook definitely works in V10. It is not a limitation just a slightly slower procedure than in legacy. Searches in V10 default to search everything while in legacy if you are in a notebook it just searches the notebook.
  14. Personally I like the current default. If I search, I normally want to search everywhere. If I want to search a specific folder the extra effort of clicking "add filter" below the search bar seems a small price to pay.
  15. You can add coloured icons (emojis) which I find really useful to draw attention to particular notes. The added advantage is that the emoji ca be related to the content.
  16. I agree but it does depend on the reason for his concern. His use case seems to be very much about other people seeing his screen during a presentation rather than serious concerns about somebody hacking his account and accessing data.
  17. I mentioned putting more complex checklists into tables. The hack works really well. I've merged the cells in the first and last row. I used ctrl-shift-C to toggle the checklist.
  18. I completely agree. The stock answer of "create a template and create a new list each time" doesn't work for me. I don't need to keep the completed checklist and I update it on the fly. Remembering to update the template is a pain and an obvious point where I will forget and the system fails. Now the good news! If you have a simple list (ie no indented items or gaps between items) you can do the following. Select the list, uncheck the checklist icon in the toolbar and then recheck it. If your list is more complicated you could try to laying it out in a table so that you have blocks of checked items and just repeat the process for each block. The cynical view is that as creating templates is a paid fo rfeature it is not really in EN's interest to make it easy to reuse checklists.
  19. Another thought. Things like scans of tax documents could be saved as pdfs and attached to the note. Choose the "view as attachment" option rathen than one of the inline options.
  20. "Notes" in the sidebar used to be called "All notes" which was far more descriptive. Notes dispalys all notes and there is nothing you can do about that. It can't be removed from the sidebar. You could change to sorting by created date rather then edited date and then manually change the created date of sensitive documents to a long way in the past (or future) so that they always appear at the bottom of the list. You could also tag notes with a "private" tag or put them in a notebook named private. You can exclude these from a search using -tag:private OR -notebook:private You could save that as a search, add it to shortcuts and always remember to use that rather than notes.
  21. I completely agree. There is no easier way. I've been using EN for so long I'm used to doing it the way EN expects you to do it. But as I said, your way is equally logical. I would say that the opening a new note in a new window "trick" does help as you don't loose the TOC from th main view so it makes it easier to copy and paste the link into the TOC.
  22. That's a really interesting idea. I work the other way around - create the individual notes then pull them together into a table of contents. My way is currently easier but your workflow is just as legitimate. I do think the flexibility of the new TOC system makes it very easy to create a table of contents from the notes. Rather then typing the contents into a single note just create notes with just a title which correspond to the desired entries in your TOC. You can do this in any order as ideas come to you. Then select all the notes and copy internal links. Create a new note and paste into a numbered list. You can then drag the items around to give the order you want. You can also change the level usinng tab. People have also in the past asked for automatic forward and backwards linking between notes and this might help here as well. Another thing worth mentioning is that if you tag your top note with the project name, filter by that tag and then create a new note it will automatically populate it with that tag. Also dont forget that you can create a new note in a new window (alt-ctrl-N on Windows) without loosing focus of your TOC note in the main window.
  23. As @gazumped says you cannot search for notebooks using the search facility, only notes. There is a very basic search facility within the notebooks pop-out screen but it wouldn't meet your needs. You can however search for the notes in those notebooks. Obviously it is simple to filter for the notes within your journal notebook. To find all the notes that are not in the journal notebook you can simply negate the search -notebook:journal If your notebook name contains spaces you should enclose it in double quotation marks. If you then save the search you can add it to the filters widget. There is some debate about whether you are supposed to be able to negate a notebook search. However, the advanced search documentation is hopelessly out of date and it works!
  24. The filter menu provides a simple way of searching for notes created or updated during a range of dates. In particular there are one click options for last 7 days, last 30 days etc. Previously, to search for a date range, you needed to use the search syntax. New users or those who do not want to learn the search syntax now have an easy way of searching. But Using the search syntax there are two ways of searching for notes created in the last 30 days created:20210904 -created:20211005 created:day-30 If you save a search based on the filter you will see that it uses the first method - ie it hard codes the dates. Using this saved search at a later date will still give you notes created in the last 30 days from today. This is obviously also true of the filter widget. This seems an odd default. Personally if I bother to save a search for notes created in the last 30 days, 99 times out of a 100 it's because I want notes created in the last 30 days from when I run the search in the future.
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