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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I wonder if the template icons you add to a note for quick access are device specific. Have you tried adding the to-do list from the windows client (ie Add More -> to do list)
  2. On Windows desktop for me EN opens at the last view before it was shut. If you don't want to see Home just don't go there. My be the mobile version is different but it's certainly shouldn't be an issue on desktop.
  3. I'm not sure where you aquired the ability to speak for all Evernote users. It's a great super power.
  4. If you click in the search bar and look at the list that comes up underneath, there is a section called saved searches. It will probably only show the first three but you can expand it with the arrow to show all of them
  5. It works for me but doesn't look as though it has worked! If I am editing a note I would expect a blue box to appear around the current note and the edit menu to disappear. I don't get that but pressing the arrow keys moves me through the note list not through the current note. Not had that problem. Sometimes keyboard shortcuts are verycontect specific but it seems to work for me wherever I am (notebook, editing a note, search result)
  6. There isn't a edit menu icon to enter a new task but it is the first item on the insert menu (the blue +). Alternatively you can add a task to a note by using alt+T I'm with you on this one. Again keyboard shortcuts help. ctrl+N creates a new note directly.
  7. alt-shift-D works on the web and desktop versions. Unfortunately you cannot change the format of the date. ctrl-shift-D inserts the time.
  8. I'm sorry I have no idea what that means. Could you explain please. You can filter the results of a search using the filter so I assume you mean something else.
  9. Unfortunately this does seem to be a feature for some users. There is no quick fix but lots of questions Which operating system are you using? If not the web does the same happen on the web? Does the same thing happen for old notes or is it just new notes? What are your tags like? Do you have tags with special characters (e.g. *) or are they just alphanumeric? How are you "searching" for the tag? Filtering and searching behave differently. Using the filter menu or clicking a tag in the sidebar or filtering from an existing tag in a note are filters. On the windows desktop they seem to work locally and for me react to changes instantaneously Search (e.g. tag:mytagname) happens on the server. Notes take anywhere from a fraction of a second to hours to be indexed and hence found using search.
  10. @gazumpedsolution of a table of contents is definitely the way to go. Just a bit more detail as you won't find the term "table of contents" anywhere in V10. Select the notes you want to include Copy the internal links by right clicking a selected note in the list or using the three dots in the blue multi-select menu Create a new note and start a numbered list (or bulleted if you prefer) Paste in the links You can reorder them by dragging and dropping the links around the list and it will automatically renumber If you want to add more items in the future just repeat the process but paste into your existing list There are other solutions, like changing the creation date but they are all a bit hacky and the V10 incarnation of the table of contents is really flexible.
  11. Worth mentioning that all the auto formattig options (- for bullet etc) can be removed by hitting backspace.
  12. Completely agree. Having to use the filter menu to apply a second tag is much, much slower than simply shift-clicking another tag in the sidebar. One tiny time saver is to use alt+F2 (or equivalent on mac) which opens the filter menu with tags already open. The other thing to mention is that you don't have to use the arrow on the tag at the bottom of the note to delete it. Click the tag anywhere to select it and simply press the delete key. Might help a bit.
  13. I completely agree. Evernote do not even allow you to add a complete choice of all their templates just a selected 8. Personally I feel it is rather arrogant to assume that their favourite 8 templates are going to meet our needs better than our own custom made and lovingly created templates.
  14. Personally I wouldn't want that. Imagine all the tags containing an R coming up when I start typing R. The edit tags menu does have this facility so it already exists just not from the bottom tag area.
  15. I can't replicate that. Old links created in previous (non V10) versions of EN open perfectly for me in V10.
  16. On Windows 10 it is easiest to use the Windows emoji keyboard which is best accessed from <windows key> + ; I don't know whether this is a Windows issue but if I search for something like intitle:🔴 a list of of notes appears underneath in the "goto" section but when I press enter there are no matches. Very strange.
  17. Evernote has never been great at allowing you to export anything to do with the organisation of notes whether it's stacks, notebooks or tags. The only possible way would be to hack the sql database on your hard drive. You would need some significant sql and regex knowledge to do it but it looks as though it is all there. Obviously this is potentially risky and I would certainly work on a copy and not the live database. Only attempt it if you know what you are doing etc etc. For me the relevant database is here (with user number replaced with XXX): C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\conduit-storage\https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com\UDB-UserXXX+RemoteGraph.sql I sucessfully extracted a list of tag names without organisation quite easily. Getting it with the hierarchy would have been much more challenging. I agree that it shouldn't be that hard and it would be nice if there was a way of extracting it simply.
  18. Thankyou. That seems to work. There is a very interesting biproduct. If I filter on a tag which is attached to more than 128 notes I only get 128 notes. If I then save that filter as a search and then run the saved search I get all the notes (633 in the example I tried). The difference in behaviour between search and filter was already known so I assume that EN is converting the filter to a search under the hood in order to save it. Please can we just be consistent and scrap this ridiculous limitation to 128 filter results.
  19. How are you getting more than 128 to show up on the web version? If I filter (e.g. by clicking the tag in the sidebar) I'm limited to 128. The only way I can get all the notes with a particular tag to show up is to use a tag:tagname type search.
  20. Another thing to try is to proactively add brackets around your search string before saving. Even if EN decides to add another set of brackets may be it will stop it deleting the first negative sign.
  21. The process is not that complicated for me. If I search for a word I get a list of notes that contain that word. I click on the first note (or hit enter) and hit ctrl-F and the search within note box comes up pre-populated with the search term. I can then hit enter to cycle through the occurences of that word within the note. If I want to go to a dufferent note I do need to click that note and repeat the process. Has that not always been the case?
  22. Absolutely. AND all the other dates you can set like reminders, tasks, filters etc
  23. You still can. Why do you think you can't? You can either insert the checkboxes with the insert menu or using the text based format you mention. As always if you want a checkbox at the start of the line add a space or period first.
  24. The headers can be selected using markdown style formatting. # for large header, ## for medium header etc
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