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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. As from 10.19.2 right click -> send to Evernote has been reinstated. That also creates a note with the title as the filename. Dragging and dropping the attachment into the note list also creates a note with the title of the attachment file name. I'm beginning to wonder how exactly you can attach a file without it being the name of the note!
  2. I have no idea, I don't work for Evernote. I was purely pointing out a solution to your original question which will work now. I too hope that the facility to hide unassigned tags will be returned but I can not control when and if that will happen. I agree that my solution is not as useful as I had thought given that you have modified your original workflow.
  3. You don't say which platform you are using. Recent versions of the windows desktop version open on the last screen before shutdown even without doing a "complete exit". If you don't want the home screen just don't go there.
  4. As you know which notes you are assigning the tags to why don't you select all the notes and add the tags in one go? That sounds like less work than your old way of doing it.
  5. I think your only option at the moment is to use the legacy version for this. It can be used alongside V10 but do make sure everything is synced before/after switching from one to the other. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  6. I think you have got to the root cause of the problem. Typing a comma on my keyboard has the effect of adding the tag and moving on to the next tag. This is why you can paste a comma separated list of tags and it will parse them into separate tags. I can only suggest that in the short term you don't use tags which contain the character. I would also raise a support ticket. I don't think EN has handled different keyboards very well and they need to know that not all their users use a US English keyboard. Most of the problems have been caused by EN hijacking particulat key combinations as keyboard shortcuts - now that these are editable that problem has gone away.
  7. Fortunately you asked the question in this forum and had your question answered in under an hour by members of the fantastic Evernote community of fellow users!
  8. Sorry I got it the wrong way round! However in your response you have answered your own question. If you want all features in the new web version you will need to use the new desktop version and not legacy!
  9. My personal preference would be for better integration with other apps - so your Google sheet would appear embedded in the note. This seems a more general solution and could potentially include everybody's specialised needs (mathematical formulas, code formatting etc etc) without a huge increase in the editor code. Obviously users will disagree on what they consider to be the core features of the editor so EN will have to decide. YouTube videos can now be viewed from within the note so the future looks like integration rather than specialisation.
  10. Sounds like you are on the old version of Evernote web. This is most common if you have a lot of notes (10,000 or more). See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500006072561-Switch-to-the-new-Evernote-Web-Version-10-
  11. That is strange. I checked the Mac forum post for the version where it came out in windows and it is the same: Is this a Mac specific bug?
  12. The good news is that, from a very recent release, all shortcuts, not just the global ones, can be edited or disabled.
  13. I feel for people who have a lot of existing file links. However, for new files the workaround described above works very well. I'm sure free users will be happy to spend a few extra moments using the work around to avoid actually having to pay for the product.
  14. For pdf's i'm pretty sure it is a size limit. In my experience larger pdfs can only be viewed as attachments.
  15. I agree. The easiest sequence i've found (on windows desktop) is: hover over the link text and then select edit OR right click and edit <tab> (cursor moves to the link field and the entire link is automatically highlighted) ctrl-C This works for internal note links as well. The note url has a "copy url" option and it would be nice for consistency if that was also true for links - both external websites and internal note links.
  16. I hoped there might be some hack to avoid using the mouse but if there is I haven't found it yet.
  17. Same here. Imported once despite the files still being in the folder.
  18. I personally don't see that it is very difficult. If I start in a notebook and click into the search bar all I have to do is to click the "add filter" that appears directly below.
  19. Just for information you can import a bulk list of tags into EN without using an enex file. Simply paste a comma separated list of tags into the tags field at the bottom of the note. Doesn't solve the problem of there being no tag hierarchy for the new tags.
  20. Treatment of source urls is problematic when merging notes as well. In some types of webclip the source url is copied into the body of the note. However in other types it is not and the source url is the only reference. My work around is to copy the source url into the main body of the note. I'm prepared to do this short term but I believe the source url is an important part of the note's data and I'm frustrated that EN seem so relaxed about deleting it or at least not giving us the option to retain it.
  21. All keyboard shortcuts can be changed or disabled from the keyboard shortcut menu.
  22. The functionality already exists but it inserts a web style link rather than an app link so is of limited usefulness. Hopefully this will be corrected before they tell us it has been completed.
  23. Mike P

    Calendar Sync

    Glad it's sorted but 2 hours is really too long in my opinion. Hopefully a one-off. My experience is that is normally pretty quick.
  24. Mike P

    Calendar Sync

    It obviously should just happen. You could check the web version as one might expect it to update more quickly. You don't say what system you are using but on the desktop versions you can do a force reload (ctrl-shift-R on windows) - I've no idea whether that will help but worth a try.
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