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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Back to this specific question: if you search the forums for "checkbox" and "checklist" you will find several threads discussing how this has changed in Evernote 10, and the fact that older versions of Evernote do display it as a bulleted list. I also was using Evernote 10 on a computer and Evernote 8 on my phone (until I was forced to get a new phone by bricking the old one--literally, I dropped it on a brick porch and shattered the screen). I found that it worked fairly well with notes created or edited on the new version, apart from annoying display issues like that. I don't think you are at risk of losing any data in the phone app, and it could be safe, if inconvenient, to work with both till you can get a new phone. My opinion only.
  2. Technical explanation here, plus the comment from Federico a couple of posts further down:
  3. Thank you for expressing your opinion, which is not the experience of everyone else, and may be the experience of only a very few. We are only other users here, and are unable to weep in anguish over your accusations, since it is not us you are accusing.
  4. Adding my thanks for this. There has been some discussion of how the Legacy Windows program (v. 6.25.3, I believe) would handle notes converted to the new format. Recognizing that this program is deprecated and unsupported by Evernote, but that nonetheless it is still in use, can you comment?
  5. The problem does not seem to be widespread, and since we are only other users here, it's difficult for us to suggest anything beyond the steps you've already taken. Evernote tech support is at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. That is for paid subscribers; they do also have a Twitter account.
  6. Welcome to the forums. There are a great many reports of posts written in non-Roman scripts (Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese) appearing in this way. See for instance: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/145635-new-notes-appear-as-numbers-symbols/. If you are able, please report this to Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  7. So the issue definitely seems to be limited to non-Roman texts. BTW, when I said "Russian" I was going only by what the script looked like to me. I don't read either Russian or Ukrainian, so I don't really know which language it was. Posts are here:
  8. I just got the update to Windows app v. 10.56.9. Seeing what @Mike P is seeing, though at most a 5-second delay. Appreciate the explanation, @PinkElephant. As we await the fix, I invite my fellow sufferers to list all the ways in which we wish our lives were better while waiting for a note to be displayed. If you can do them all, consider yourself fortunate. 😃 Or, stated more simply: 5 seconds--life is short, but not that short. EDIT: See the explanation from Evernote staffer Scott T. (and the add-on from Federico 2 posts further down):
  9. Welcome to the forums. These are primarily user-to-user, so we are unable to repair. But this issue clear is happening to everyone. If you can, please also report it to Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. They need to hear from as many people as possible, IMHO.
  10. Text in an HTML frame in Evernote 10 has never been editable. Various comments/complaints/rants can be found in these forums. Is this your initial upgrade from Evernote 6 to v. 10? If so, basically it is what it is. As @Mike P says, there's a tool to make it all editable, but "simplified" means it doesn't retain the original formatting. The options are (1) keep it as is for formatting; (2) convert to editable text with the "magic wand"; (3) duplicate the note, convert to editable in one copy, then re-merge the notes to have the best of both worlds.
  11. I noticed this too. I'm pretty sure it's not a bug but a feature. Someone who knows more about Windows technical detail than I do would have to tell you why it has such a "feature." E.g. Evernote support, as @gazumped suggests. Or an online search, since we're probably not the first ones to wonder about it. But AFAIK Evernote works just fine (on my Windows 10 machine) installed where it has mysteriously chosen to put itself.
  12. Nope. But then we're not Evernote, we're other users ("Community-based help for Evernote Windows"). IMHO, Evernote has (after a long time) caused great convenience based on some fundamentally sound ideas. But hey, only my opinion. If you want to talk to Evernote, their support page is at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  13. @photokitteh, this problem has been reported by quite a number of forum users, always regarding notes using non-Roman scripts (Arabic, Russian, Chinese). See for example https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/145635-new-notes-appear-as-numbers-symbols/. In what language were these Twitter posts written? In many if not all of those cases, the notes had been created using a widget or quick note; I wonder if the process of Twitter > IFTTT > Evernote caused a similar effect. In any case, please do report this to Evernote tech support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new--they need to know how many people are affected and what the details are.
  14. I do hope that as many people as possible are reporting this to support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. They need to know that this is widespread. I personally have not seen it, but there are many reports here.
  15. Hello, did the support help you? I also, only the note is new, there is no history. Yes, and if I open the old ones, then some also begin to appear. Hi all! I have exactly the same problem. Is there a solution? I wrote to the support service, so far silence. I'm going to try going straight to the top: @Federico Simionato, this problem is widespread in Russian, Arabic, and Chinese. Any news?
  16. Can you say any more about this? I have edited (maybe even created) notes since my account was provisioned with the new sync structure, and they are perfectly readable and editable in v. 6. There is just no real-time editing in v. 6, so that it would be very unwise to be working in a note there and also in the Web or mobile client at the same time. But I'm not seeing notes become inaccessible in v. 6.
  17. Actually, what I've seen (but I don't monitor every forum!) is that notes created with widgets, or quick-notes, written in non-Roman-alphabet languages (Arabic, Russian, Chinese) are entirely converted to number/symbol codes. This has been reported multiple times to support, and they are supposedly on it diligently. The occasional appearance of codes that @DrFrankBuck is reporting looks like something different. I see 2 circumstances involved. (1) Non-standard characters like a smart quote in "What's" and an ellipsis ... character. ("The cost of the book study is $97.&#xa" is probably also an instance of this, though more surprising. Also much funnier.) (2) The initial boundary of a Web link. In both cases there's probably some underlying HTML being misread. But the fact that it was read properly on May 4 and misread/misinterpreted May 5 is noteworthy. I wonder if something hiccupped in the course of conversion to the new sync system. I would definitely contact Support about this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  18. But there is a flaw in this assumption. Evernote has added all kinds of features without raising prices since something like 2016. The current price increases are not simply to pay for AI yet to be added (which will be opt-in, again showing that it is unrelated to the price increases). They are in part to bring the pricing up to par with the feature set.
  19. When was the last time an update "broke" the app for you? I would take that to mean the the app would no longer load or something. I haven't seen that with any update.
  20. I've seen this too, esp. in the Android app with images added to notes in other clients. Others report that a workaround is to go to another note and the back to the note with the image, at which point the image shows up--that does work for me.
  21. Couple things: The Web client does have note history (for paid subscribers). Two other things the desktop has but the Web client does not: import folders (since the Web client can't know if you're on your own computer) and full keyboard shortcuts (many of which would conflict with shortcuts claimed by the Web browser). A few KB shortcuts do work on the Web browser (such as Ctrl+Alt+1 for the Home page), but there is no list of them. Personally I prefer the desktop app, but if I were doing a lot of Web clipping the Web client might be handier.
  22. I see the same thing on my Android phone. More than a slight annoyance, hope it gets fixed, but far from a deal breaker.
  23. Girding up my loins, to use an old-fashioned phrase, I will wade in (as someone who stuck with Legacy for over a year after v. 10 first limped out): 1. Don't know if this is still the case. 2. I liked the customizable toolbar. OTOH, many functions are available with keyboard shortcuts, which are faster when you're typing. 3. Please don't try to speak for everyone. KB shortcuts available. 4-5. Aesthetics are subjective, screens are larger than they used to be; I like spaciousness, but on a laptop things could indeed be tighter. 6. Reindex? If you mean manual sync, the newly released sync structure makes that obsolete. If you mean rebuild the database: Settings > Application > uncheck "Keep a copy...", sign out, sign back in and let it rebuild. 7. Many defaults have been added or re-added in Settings. But fonts are now meant to be common across all devices, which means sacrificing special fonts that Windows or Mac users might prefer. It's a tradeoff. 8-10. All working now. 11. Hard to know what the pain was, but it's drag & drop now, or click to the right of the notebook name at top of the note. 12. Always and rapidly with the new rollout. 13. We do seem to be stuck with auto-formatting (if you mean typing 1. starts a list); Ctrl-Z is the workaround, but I too wish it were selectable in Settings. 14. I think spell check uses OS level resources now. The list of what was missing in 2020, of course, does not get at all that has been added that never was present in v. 6 and under, which have been game changing improvements for many: Home page, tasks, more consistent interface across platforms, Google Calendar integration, more advanced searching, and much else, including the quick syncing and real-time collaborative editing that have just rolled out. Of course, not everyone wants or needs these, and if you don't, you don't. But simply bemoaning what was lost does not address the value that the new version has added for many of us.
  24. Honestly, I think that the updating with the new sync when you return to the app is fast enough that background syncing might not be worth it for any amount of battery drain. Reminders and tasks might be another question, though.
  25. I just tested, and I also find that all text is exported as an image, yielding a pretty but non-searchable PDF. This happens using either Export to PDF or Print (using Microsoft print to PDF). I did this with two notes, a pure-text note that I created in Evernote and a text-heavy note clipped from the Web. The only difference between exporting and printing is that the MS print to PDF version has graphics in color not black and white (!), but does not allow selection of areas of the image or highlighting. This is ridiculous. If I create text in EN and want to share it with others as a PDF, it definitely should appear just as I typed it and be searchable. And color images should be in color! I don't think that's unreasonable at all. @Federico Simionato, what happened!?
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