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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. This is kind of a maximal version of what I do and hope to do with Evernote. Ideas, documents with drafts, Web clippings, scans from books, etc., all can go into Evernote, along with my remarks and ideas about how it all connects and what the overall aim can be. Not all in one note, I'd expect, but in multiple notes organized via notebook and/or tags, with links and backlinks, searches, and a TOC note. I used the expression "note-taking" earlier, but this is really "note-making": not just jotting down data and thoughts from a meeting, but creative gathering of ideas and materials. If Evernote 10 can be gotten to the place where it can do that, and can be a repository for paperless record-keeping (I admit it: I have appliance manuals in Evernote), and can do relatively massive document management like @idoc does, then Legacy will be honored but left behind. But then the "simple note-taking" that many people did and still do use Legacy for may seem to get lost in the shuffle, and that would be too bad also. I do not envy the people who oversee Evernote's product development.
  2. @Dave-in-Decatur Not sure that's the case for everyone. Should someone opt to go paperless and use EN as the repository and search engine would be one use case not in the note realm. V6 did that well and I think V10 does as well, other than the lack of local notebooks for confidential docs. Just sayin'. This is kind of my point: What Evernote, versions 6 and 10, could and can do can include storage, though that's not what they're most obviously designed for, and lots of people are doing it. But the kind of management, including keeping PDFs in an easily exportable set to export for other software to operate on, that @idoc's use case envisions does seem to me to be a little beyond what note-making software can always do.
  3. I don't know that Evernote has hardware requirements. Presumably anything that runs Windows 10 should run Evernote. Is it conceivable that something has gone missing in you Windows install itself?
  4. @idoc, I appreciate your laying out your scenario. I'm sure you're right that this way of working developed around Evernote Legacy is unusual, and not likely to succeed using Evernote 10 or other note-taking software. I feel sympathy, and hope that they may find a way of keeping Legacy running on ever-developing OSes, without spending a lot on maintaining it. OTOH, this kind of document management is not note-taking, which is what Evernote was and is primarily for. I don't say this to criticize; they added a fairly robust attachment feature, and people naturally developed creative ways to use it. But in the end, EN is meant for taking notes that can have attachments, not for managing documents that can be attached to notes. Truly sympathetic, but that's my view.
  5. So, no helpful intent. OK. Just took a look at UpNote, and it does look impressive. I have no experience, so I can't tell. Anyone can say "Always in sync"; experience will show whether it's true. I note 2 things about UpNote pricing: free for up to 50 notes, which is not very many; and a lifetime subscription is $25. That's fine when they only need server space for a few thousand users. What will pay for the resources to support a few million? Hard to see a realistic long-term future there. (Yes, it is possible for something to be too cheap.)
  6. The issue may be that Evernote runs on the Electron framework, which now no longer supports Windows 7 or 8, as reported in this forum post:
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Can you say something about what version of Evernote you are using (Windows desktop, Mac desktop, mobile app, Web client). There have been problems with images reported on some of these recently, but not others. Also, what types of attachments are these? Are they standard images, or proprietary types used by the embroidery software?
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I don't think it's likely they're in a local storage. Are you able to check Evernote on any other device, e.g. using the Web client? If they're not anywhere, they may just be gone, unfortunately. These forums are user to user; Evernote's tech support is at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  9. Welcome to the forums. There are 2 other recent threads here reporting much the same thing, so you're not alone. Just tried this on my S22 Ultra, and it worked. I'm on Evernote v. 10.50.4--what version do you have? Other threads: Samsung S23 Ultra S Pen not working with Sketch; Sketch does not work Samsung tablet.
  10. There are 2 other recent threads here reporting much the same thing, so you're not alone. Just tried this on my S22 Ultra, and it worked. I'm on Evernote v. 10.50.4--what version do you have? Other threads: Samsung S23 Ultra S Pen not working with Sketch; Problem writing with stylus on Samsung TAB S7 on Android 13.
  11. Welcome to the forums. There are 2 other recent threads here reporting much the same thing, so you're not alone. Just tried this on my S22 Ultra, and it worked. I'm on Evernote v. 10.50.4--what version do you have? Other threads: Sketch does not work Samsung tablet; Problem writing with stylus on Samsung TAB S7 on Android 13.
  12. My current experience: I just updated to v. 10.57.5 and exported several notes with various types of content. I got readable, searchable text, not shifted off page, colors correct, and tables rendered perfectly. Printing to PDF (MS Print to PDF) produced an unsearchable image and tables (but not text) shifted off page right. However, a note consisting of a Web clip did not export with anything from the Web clip; printing to PDF worked fine. @janndk, I assume you've tried all the usual restart - reboot - uninstall/reinstall.
  13. I just updated to 10.57.5 on Windows 10, and I'm not seeing this. The usual suggestion would be to quit the program (File > Quit, not just the X at top right, which only closes the interface), then restart. Maybe reboot the computer in between to be sure.
  14. Please be aware that we are other users here, not Evernote tech support. "Having the same problem" with no further detail leaves us unable to offer what help we can, which in a case like this is likely to be mainly "Try in a different client (Web, desktop app, mobile app)," and if it's still not working, contact Evernote's tech support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
  15. @idoc, look around the forum. There have been at least 2 threads started on this specific issue already. It may be that v. 10.57.5 is not compatible with Windows 7 anymore.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums, and to Evernote. We are other users here, so we don't know any more than what @Scott T. said recently: I did find once that even when "Save as template" was grayed out it still worked (but usually not). Also, templates are created from text and formatting entered into a note in Evernote. A PDF or Word document can't be directly converted to an Evernote template; it would have to be copied and pasted into a note (as far as I know).
  17. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/145850-syncing-temporarily-paused/
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. It is now "tomorrow," and I hope your content may have reappeared. Have you tried checking it in multiple Evernote platforms (Web, desktop app, mobile app)? It's a bit of a long shot, but it's possible that a more complete version has been saved in your note history. You need to be a paying subscriber to access that (it is maintained for all users), but it might be worth it to subscribe for just one month to get access to note history, then drop back to free.
  19. Welcome to the forums, and to Evernote. Sorry to hear you've run into such snags! You can ask a support worker to elevate your issue, which will get it up to the next level. If you don't mind, what is the problem you're seeking help with? It may (or may not) be something one of your fellow users here have encountered and gotten solved.
  20. V. 10 has the URL at top right of the note body (including on Android). Is that not as good?
  21. I wonder if it could somehow be related to the fact that notes need to be converted to the new sync/RTE structure (as reported here by @Scott T.) before they can be loaded. Would that also apply to deleting?? Since all that does is move them to Trash, where they can always be restored and edited, maybe it is felt that conversion is necessary? Wouldn't be how I'd design it, but still. And it still doesn't seem like it should take anywhere near as long as @gazumped experienced.
  22. Thanks, @agsteele. Can you share anything about what exactly it "cleans up"? I realize there may be an NDA involved for beta demos, but I share @scottr99's curiosity.
  23. Et egalement ici: https://help.evernote.com/hc/fr/articles/209005347.
  24. Said it before, perhaps bears repeating: can you point to a price increase since 2017? What squeezing? When and whom? Keep saying it, but don't expect it to be accepted without evidence.
  25. That would be about since the last price increase. Every time there is one (even if it would just be to keep up with inflation) people complain, then say EN is going out of business. But how much "squeezing" did they do by not raising prices since 2016? https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update/
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