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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Please read through this thread: With deepest respect, @gazumped, connection is not the issue (assuming that this problem is the same as the one in that thread). @mmmaak, are you getting popup notifications about note upload failing? I've reported this to Evernote, and they say they are working on it.
  2. Farewell, then. I'm sure your mind-reading skills will be missed. OK, sorry for the counter-sarcasm. But none of us here, neither those who can manage in Evernote without dark mode nor those who can't, knows what Evernote's development priorities are. And of course Microsoft can gift its own note app with dark mode, while making it difficult for other apps to have it.
  3. Apologies for not understanding clearly before. The changing of certain characters in links to ASCII code forms with % has been reported elsewhere, specifically with reference to Google Drive links in the Windows app: and: The fact that you're having the problem on both Android and Mac, and yet others (including myself) are not having it on Android, is very puzzling indeed. I hope your support ticket gets you some help from Evernote. I'd certainly be interested in knowing what they say.
  4. Hmm, but then why does Chrome insert itself into the process if the YT app has been invoked? I wonder if something has gone wrong in the default setting for YT links on the device. What happens if you click on such a link from some other app (but not Chrome)?
  5. Does the screenshot that you posted come from the Evernote app in Android? If so, which version of the app do yo have? It looks very different from what I see.
  6. Welcome back, @dcon -- at Level 1! All I can say is, some, usually recently edited, thumbs simply never show up. Until some random time in the future when they do.
  7. A long-standing feature, not a bug. For further reading, see the also long-standing request that it be removed or made optional: In particular, this explanation from Evernote staff:
  8. That's not a bad guess. In my case, though, one of the problem notes was created pretty recently; and other notes created about the same time as the various problem notes sync OK. It's very puzzling.
  9. It's an obvious question, but an easy mistake to make: are you sure you're signing in with the same email account and password? If the problem persists, as a Premium subscriber you're eligible for support--but of course that won't work if you can't sign in!
  10. I couldn't see any common features among my several notes that couldn't be synced. But I also haven't experienced it recently, whereas others seem to be having it happen frequently. It does seem pretty random. However, in an earlier post, I reported that tech support told me it's a high priority, and that they had a fix in beta. Let's hope there's more news soon.
  11. I only have about 850 notes, and I don't notice the slow loading, freezing, or crashing. But I do have a number of notes in different notebooks that never appear in thumbnail view, although, bizarrely, they show up fine in snippet or card view. These include very simple text notes or notes with checkbox lists. I reported this last year: I suspect the two issues are related. And I wouldn't be surprised if Chromium is behind it. Why is everyone switching to it, considering how hard it apparently is to get things working right with it? I have a browser and an email app on my phone that use it, and pages sometimes take at least a minute to become functional after they seem to have loaded. Moral: whatever is wrong, it's Google's fault.
  12. Well, I know it's almost a year later. But somebody reported a perhaps similar problem, and I realized that I've gotten so used to thumbnails randombly not showing up that I never updated this thread. So: still broken.
  13. There's a longstanding feature request for this. You can go there and click the upward arrow at the top of the page to vote for it. I'd advise against holding your breath, though.
  14. OK, thanks. Really wish they would indicate something to the effect of "coming soon to a Windows computer near you," rather than presenting these features as if they were already generally available.
  15. What is described here is not available in v. 6.19.2 of the Windows Evernote program (as far as I can tell in a brief test). Is there any information about when it will be?
  16. I hate to pounce on autocorrect, but ... coffee show? You have coffee shows where you live? That would create a very excited tourist industry.
  17. Thanks for the clarification. I've rarely seen that error, and when I have seen it, I think force-closing Evernote or rebooting the phone fixed it. That would be worth a try--first of all saving the content of the note in some other app temporarily! If all else fails, you could uninstall Evernote on the device and reinstall. This can be a bit time-consuming--you do have to make sure that any offline notebooks are temporarily made online, and then do a sync (for whatever notes will sync). On mobile devices, Evernote doesn't store the entire database, only an index and any offline notebooks. So when you uninstall, those will be lost. When you reinstall, the index will be recreated by doing a sync, and if you have a lot of notes and notebooks that can take awhile. So hopefully just restarting the app or the phone will fix it.
  18. Well.... Yes, the step from 0 to US$70 is pretty steep. But $70/year for what Evernote Premium provides has never seemed high to me, if one is using Evernote in a professional context. For purely personal record keeping, yes, it might be a bit much--almost the cost of a cup of coffee per week! Honestly, I pay almost 3 times that much per month to each of my internet/TV and mobile phone service providers. Maybe I'm overpaying there. But the cost for Evernote Premium is trivial in comparison to other technology expenses that are generally considered reasonable, IMHO.
  19. Hello, @tarun6006, and welcome to the forums! These are mostly user-to-user discussions, but we love to help. The original poster here did not give quite enough details to identify the problem, so it would be helpful if you could say a bit more. What exactly is happening, or not happening? Specifically, are edits that you make to your notes getting lost altogether (so that they disappear when you close the note)? Or do they appear in the Android app, but not in the Web, Windows, iOS, etc., versions of Evernote (meaning that they are not being synced)? Are you by any chance having a problem similar to the one reported in this thread? In any case, what version of the Android app are you using?
  20. Stacks don't seem to be implemented yet for Opera. Looking forward to all this, though!
  21. I've been in dialog with Evernote support, and at their request sent them activity logs and a screen recording so it could be bumped up to the development team. From the most recent email to me (today), this is the central point: While I don't have a time or date on when they would be resolved, do know they are working diligently on a resolution. I wish I could provide you a solution in this ticket but it does look like this will need an update to resolve completely. So the developers are working on it. I'm not surprised it would take an update to fix it. My fear is that it may not be common enough or predictable enough to be high on the priority list. It has not happened to me recently, but it was always random (or seemed so to me).
  22. I agree with @CalS; or at least exit Evernote completely (File menu > Exit; clicking the red X-box only closes the interface) and then restart it. This often clears out junk stuck in memory. The usual multi-selection methods are working for me in 6.19 on Win7.
  23. I don't know that paying users get any more information about errors or malfunctions. Tapping on the lock symbol got me that bizarre notice about the note being created in another app--how would that even be possible? But I don't get any info about the red triangle; I presume you also get the notification about notes that don't sync when you attempt a sync? At any rate, it's good to know that they are working on it. This did only start happening shortly after I updated to v. 8.10, so I have to think it is another problem introduced in that version. But I'm surprised that more people have not reported it here; this suggests that it must not be happening to everyone.
  24. I sent this issue to Evernote support on Saturday, and received a reply this morning. Here is part of what they said: So this seems very hopeful. I've also sent them an activity log, as they requested, in hopes that this may help.
  25. Good point, Jeff. I'm a bit out of shape, having been, you know, living life for a couple of months rather than monitoring these forums.
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