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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hmm, I find that when I'm editing a note on Android, the 3-dot menu at top right does have a Save Note option. I presume this just saves it to some temporary storage on the device, rather than fully syncing it to Evernote's servers. To me, that makes sense to save time and data usage.
  2. Very glad to hear it, @catsknit! (BTW, I love that screen name. My daughter has a cat, and knits; but if you've actually trained your cats to knit, you may be onto something.)
  3. I am talking entirely through my hat, as they used to say, i.e., I have no actual knowledge of whether this would work, but I wonder if it would be possible to encrypt the folder in which the Evernote database is stored, so that EN could not run without entering the password for the folder. Looking at a Tom's Guide article, the ability to do this seems to be dependent on your version of Windows, and may only mean that the folder becomes accessible when you enter a general Windows account password--which sounds like the very thing you're trying to avoid. So this may be a dead end; but depending on your situation, it might be worth a thought.
  4. I don't have any idea what's going on, but one way to possibly work around it and test the problem would be to designate a different import folder (creating that folder new, rather than using any existing one), set the Keep vs. Delete setting as you want it, and move the files to the new folder to see if it works right. Maybe just one or two at a time as a test.
  5. Sorry, my bad. Still on Windows 7 here! Hopefully someone else may have a solution--such as what @TK0047 has suggested.
  6. FYI, this is the Android Feedback forum; iOS has its own, and this might be more helpful there. IAC, the forums are mainly user-to-user, and not a great way to address Evernote directly. As a Plus subscriber, you should be able to contact their support on this.
  7. No, no sync issues at all. Perhaps the sync issue you were having may have been related to the required security update: That post has the link to v. 6.7.6 (secure for syncing, no later-introduced bugs) that I posted. The fact that they created a secure issue of that version indicates that they are at least aware of all the mess in subsequent updates, and knew they needed to give people an option.
  8. I've seen other reports here of various problems with the Microsoft Store version of Evernote. Don't know why it should be different, but it may be. I'd give the standard Evernote version a try: https://evernote.com/download.
  9. Hi, @ScottAG, and welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to say that this has been reported for as long as 2 years; see this long-running thread: A search of this forum for "cursor jump*" in the thread titles will find others. Very disappointing to hear that it's still present in 6.14, which did fix a number of other long-running bugs. It's one of the reasons I'm still on 6.7, which doesn't have the cursor-jump bug (or the security issue) and is available here: https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.7.6.7584.exe.
  10. I apologize for missing this post weeks ago! I'll admit that I started this thread basically to call out what looked like an absurd waste of resources. I still feel that way. I suppose a rebrand can be an indication of possibly positive change--which still seems to me a very weak justification! I would say that having a pep rally for employees can be useful--or can be a ginormous time-suck (according to my wife, who used to be a manager and had to go to them). If the positive change is speeded up fixing of bugs and adding features that users request, that'll be great. But that needs to appear sooner rather than later, and needs to be promoted at least as much as the new coat of paint. Frankly, given that the release notes for the most recent Windows and Android app updates consisted of nothing but "Hey, look at our new design"--with no actual indication of what was in the release--I'm still going with ludicrously misplaced priorities rather than getting it back in gear. Or maybe just wildly misjudged communication strategies, which would definitely be in the Evernote corporate tradition. Chirmer, like you I love this product and want to see it do better, and I generally try to contribute positively in these forums. I'm sorry if this one hit a sour note for you, and I do appreciate your taking the time for a thoughtful reply.
  11. My bad! I should have checked the autoformatting article linked by @Ron Bauerle. There it indicates that 1. or 1) followed by a space does produce a numbered list. Also, ---, ===, or *** at the beginning of a line followed by Enter produces a horizontal rule.
  12. I just installed 8.3, and find this happens for me too. - or * and a space produce a bullet; [] and a space produce a check box. Weirdly, and unhelpfully for those who might actually want this, nothing produces a numbered list! Wrong; see my correction below. Two kludges: type - followed by any nonspace character, then a space, then go back and delete the extra character; if your keyboard has it, type an em dash — or en dash – instead of a hyphen -.
  13. Thanks for an interesting post, Wanderling. I think your conclusion is a valid one, in many cases at least. I'm in a quite different situation. I'm retired from teaching, and I'm doing basically my own freelance research and writing; so collaboration is not a factor, and I'm free to put together my digital toolbox as I please. Also, I have purposely resisted being sucked into the MS Office universe ("Captain, it's a tractor beam! Apparently emanating from somewhere near Redmond, Washington!"). So I do well with Evernote on my computers and Android phone to gather notes, references, ideas, links, etc.; Scrivener for organizing the material gathered through Evernote, and crafting it into draft materials; and Nota Bene for the serious writing and polishing. My circumstances, methods, and workflow are a great fit for Evernote; but it can't be that way for everyone.
  14. As explained here: The solution is to update to one of the versions listed in that post. That's also a known issue feature. Look on that page for another link to get to actual support.
  15. Like, you're using their product for free. It was not free for them to develop it. It is not free for them to maintain it, or to take and respond to bug reports. It's great that Evernote offers a somewhat limited version of its service for free; but it seems reasonable to me that that version is in fact somewhat limited. Would I feel wronged if my free lunch was bland and didn't offer a Complaints window? Probably; guess I'm "just like everyone else" too.
  16. For those who support this, please click the upward arrow at the top of this page. 0 votes gets interpreted as 0 support.
  17. I agree that this should be configurable--for those for whom it exists! I tried starting a series of lines with dashes (various kinds of dashes, too), and never got a bullet. What version are you using, @ARNeto, and on what device?
  18. Hopefully many of us have seen the Great Big Brand Refresh Announcement, with its link to the Greater Bigger Details on Medium. First I had to stop yawning, then I had to get my eyes to stop rolling so hard. Evidently the big news is: minor redesign to the elephant; some typography; some other typography. And evidently this is considered vital to Evernote's mission. The Greater Bigger Details go on and on about a "system," but evidently that refers to the "system" involved in the branding itself. What if any changes are planned for Evernote's actual working system--i.e., what they're planning to break without telling us--doesn't seem to be said, although between the yawning and eye-rolling I may have missed it. Now, I know that some of you all here work in marketing, and can explain to me exactly how important this is for Evernote to help me "focus on what matters most" to me (that's the brand slogan motto tagline catchphrase). Kindly don't. Thank you.
  19. When I look at the non-beta Web interface, I do have strikethrough, right after underline and before checkbox. See below.
  20. There's also Text Fairy, simple but very serviceable for both direct OCRing of documents and doing OCR on existing photos. It can share the results to Evernote or to other apps on your device.
  21. This seems to be strangely inconsistent. I've never gotten a request from the Evernote app to OCR a picture, nor do I see evidence in my notes that it is doing so without my permission. I doubt that it has to do with my settings, since those settings don't seem to work for everyone. The inconsistency seems similar to this thread: It makes me wonder if this too (see @Shane D.'s post there) is some test project Evernote is doing.
  22. For the Premium subscribers: Just another user here, but as far as I know there is no "Premium Edition"; that is, there is no difference in the actual apps used to access the service. We have a much higher upload limit; syncing capability to more than 2 devices at once; the ability to do things like forwarding emails into Evernote, searching for text in PDFs and other attachments, and annotating PDFs; and we have access to customer support. Premium users who are experiencing these freezing issues might want to take advantage of that and contact Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. (There's also a button for Chat on this page: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us; but it's not available on weekends, apparently.) It's difficult for other users to sort out freeze-ups like this; and the forums are primarily user-to-user; only occasionally does an Evernote staffer comment here.
  23. I presume you're talking about notes on a mobile device, e.g., Android. (If not, please specify.) In that situation, Evernote tries to keep from eating up your device's storage by only downloading notes that are actively being viewed or edited, for which a connection is needed. Some people have thousands of notes, or notes with large attachments, and downloading the whole note database to a mobile device could be prohibitive. Notebooks that are designated "offline" on the device will be downloaded to it (when you're connected). The full explanation from Evernote is here. Yes, offline notebooks are a Premium/Business feature. From my point of view, the ability to store YOUR notes on SOMEBODY ELSE'S servers at SOMEBODY ELSE's expense and access them from multiple devices using SOMEBODY ELSE'S connectivity (as well as YOURS) is a pretty good deal. If SOMEBODY ELSE wants you to pay to view and edit them without connectivity, well, you've already gotten quite a bit for free, and SOMEBODY ELSE has bills to pay too. Trying to put this more-or-less humorously.
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