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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I can confirm this. I see that Evernote has updated from v. 5.x to v. 6.13.0 on Firefox, as on Opera. It does work in private mode on Opera, but not on Firefox. @Shane D., can you look into this?
  2. This is fairly surprising behavior. I'd suggest trying it in a different browser to see if pasting works there. The Web beta has had strange interactions at times with various browsers. WRT resizing, my bad, I thought you were using the Windows desktop program (downloadable here). But actually, what I said before about left-clicking an image to get a blue outline and resize box should apply in the Web beta client also. Again, trying a different browser might get it working.
  3. Yes, I remember once reading a history of computing which said something like one of the early fundamental principles of computing was that giving the same input to the same program/process would result in the same output every time. I read that years ago, and I still get a good laugh out of it.
  4. There seem to be several threads related to problems with Firefox in the forum dedicated to issues with the Web clipper: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/257-web-clipper-issues/. You may get more help posting there.
  5. ... And we're in the Web forum here, so response to Mac issues (other than by the redoubtable @DTLow) may be iffy.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm afraid "this is how it works in Evernote for Android" is the answer. It just doesn't give access to the underlying URL. The ability to create a link with the URL concealed behind anchor text in this app (sort of the inverse of what you're trying) is a long-standing feature request, but not yet implemented. Some apps, when you select a link to copy to the clipboard, offer options to "copy link text" and "copy link address," and the latter option would get you the URL. But that's no help with other apps that don't show that option. I presume you're trying to check links before actually opening them in a browser, where of course you'd see the URL. I don't think Evernote will be the tool for this particular job.
  7. WRT resizing, it should be possible to click once on the image and get a blue outline with a blue-box resize handle at the bottom right--only the bottom right; the other corners can't be dragged for resizing. It's definitely still possible to copy and paste. Also, if you position your cursor where you want the image and then do File > Attach Files, or click on the paper clip icon on the editing toolbar, you can select a file to attach at the cursor point. Dragging images or documents into Evernote does often result in wrong positioning for me. I can sometimes drag them around to where I want, but it can be tricky.
  8. If you can't get it working again, the scanner should have the ability to save scans to a particular folder. In Evernote, you can create an import folder from the Tools menu. Have the scanner deposit its scans into that folder, and Evernote will automatically import each scanned file as a note.
  9. Sorry I didn't see this before. I've experienced the same thing using Opera on Windows 7. Take a look at this thread: I reported it to tech support, and they said the most recent version should have it fixed. I've still encountered it once or twice though. What I find that usually works is to go to the Help & Learning Center from the Windows desktop program, log in to Help & Learning, and then log out. Then when I go back to the blank page and refresh it, it takes me to the login page, and when I login the page is back.
  10. Please see the ongoing thread I have also begun to see this, for the first time, in the last couple of weeks. EN has said it happens because the service detects problems in our Internet connection. (So why does it always happen with the same one or two notes?) If that is the case, is it possible that the overall increase in load on the Internet during the COVID-19 work-from-home situation is causing this to increase??
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In the Evernote Web client, changes are synced/saved pretty much every time you pause in typing. (Watch for a little "Saving... All changes saved" notification in the bottom right.) If the Android app is not showing any notes, I suspect that it is accessing a different account. It is incredibly easy to accidentally create a new, empty account by logging in with a different email address. Make sure you're using the same credentials on both devices. If that doesn't do it, then try uninstalling and reinstalling the Android app.
  12. This isn't the place to try to sort that out, but if you want to raise a question in the Scrivener for Windows forums, we might be able to discuss it there.
  13. Those thumbnails in the note list are notoriously unmanageable. "Works 90% of the time, can't explain the other 10%" seems to be the common experience, I'm afraid.
  14. Unless a specific program implements a specific way to do it, there is no standard shortcut to select a line. You have to go to the beginning of the line and do Shift+End, or to the end and do Shift+Home.
  15. Hi, and welcome to the forums. With @gazumped, can you give a little more detail about the text you're working with and what simplification is desired?
  16. Have you taken a look at Scrivener? It's a very different product from Evernote, but it is designed for writing books.
  17. Can you clarify what you consider "big"? Also, what is the content: text, images, documents? In another thread, someone was having problems with Evernote for Windows freezing up when they edit a note that (when copied to MS Word) is 298 pages long! Even a much shorter note with a lot of attachments could have problems.
  18. 298 pages? No offense, but to me, that's more like a book than a note! While I'm sure Evernote can, technically, handle that, I don't think it was designed to. (A Basic account has a note size limit of 25 MB, which I'm sure even that much plain text does not approach; there's no limit specified on number of characters.) I'm not surprised it gave you some freezing issues: sometimes when we push the envelope, the envelope pushes back.
  19. I see your point now. I hadn't noticed that the font dialog doesn't provide for creating custom colors, which it seems like it could do. WRT the shortcuts, if you hover over the various options on the editing toolbar, Ctrl+D pops up for font and text size as well as text color, so it's consistent to that extent. Also on the Format menu Ctrl+D is listed for accessing the Font dialog. There actually aren't many dialogs that have their own shortcuts; Tags (Ctrl+Alt+T) may be the only other one.
  20. Thanks for the update. I think you're right about long notes. On some platforms, they can be hard to scroll around in or present other issues as well. Out of curiosity, how would you define "long"? I try to keep notes short, since for me that is the meaning of a "note," as opposed to maybe a "document." But I do have a few in which I have broken my own rule, and sometimes must pay the price. Shorter notes on the same topic can be connected by tagging, notebooks, and/or by using note links. There could be a main note with a kind of header or summary that functions as a table of contents, with links to the other notes, for instance. Or you could create a notebook on the topic, again have a header/summary note, and then individual smaller notes within that notebook. Another option might be to keep the long version in Word, editing there in Print Layout. Every time you come up with something that needs to be added, that could be done in a single Evernote note wherever you are. Later that content could be transferred to the full version in Word, and then that updated document could be attached to the Evernote. None of these is as simple as just keeping one long note in Evernote; but each option comes with its own price tag.
  21. I think I'm just going to keep reporting this when it happens, sort of performance art, irrationally duplicating reports of this irrational duplication. Just happened again now, with 23 duplicates being made of a particular note, over the course of about 2 minutes of editing. I went to the Windows program and synced, then deleted the unwanted 23. I'm leaving them in trash for awhile, rather than risk losing this note too. In the Web beta, syncing this resulted in 27 copies in the trash, plus a block of 4-acting-as-1 in the notebook. I cannot think of any purpose that could be served by doing this, particularly the multiple-note block that seems to act as one note. I am going to raise a support ticket this time. There was no sign of a network issue on my end. If somehow this seems necessary for security, then put the endless duplicates in a special notebook, as happens with Conflicting Changes. @Nick L., can you confirm (a year later) that this is still the intended behavior when there are network problems? EDIT: The incomprehensible block of notes left in the notebook is now up to 6-acting-as-1. It seems to be producing a new version of the note every few minutes even when it is not being actively edited, but (perhaps) when it is still in focus. 3 days later: I've filed a report, and it has been assigned support ticket #3095091. I'll report here what they say.
  22. Is this in the Windows desktop program? Can you say a little more about what would be the desired behavior with a lengthy note clipped from a large Web page? What would you like the PDF conversion to look like? WRT printing, you'd need to open the PDF into a PDF viewer and print from there.
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