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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I'm very mildly curious about the use case for bullets in a table. Do some cells have multiple bullets? Otherwise, why not just have one point per cell and no bullets? If it's so obvious I shouldn't have to ask, no need to take time explaining.
  2. It does seem like this ought to exist, maybe as a pinned note in this forum. Although the release notes on the Android app are so pathetic they might was well not exist, so I wouldn't be too hopeful of something useful. They seem to be putting out minor updates pretty frequently these days (it's up to 6.14 in Opera for me), always without notification, here or elsewhere.
  3. You probably already know this, but while fonts can't be adjust yet in the Android app, it is possible to set the zoom (scale). It's in the Notes section of the Settings, and will apply to every note.
  4. I trust you've clicked the up arrow at the top of the page to support the request. While "Now!" is not really an option, my understanding is that the work they are doing to unify the editor and user experience across platforms as much as possible is exemplified in the current beta of the Web client: https://www.evernote.com/client/web. There are plenty of font styling options there, including size, so we may hope for them in the Android app. Soon!! Or at least in a couple of months!! Or maybe sometime later this year!!
  5. Hmm, maybe it really is a Win10 thing, maybe some kind of control or whatever that wasn't available under 7. It doesn't work that way for me. Ah well.
  6. Very clever! If only I could get it to work. In my Windows 7 setup, the new note always appears at the top left, outside the EN window. OTOH, though, it always opens on top. So maybe I need to save this for when I finally get around to updating to Windows 10, in which case I might have this problem.
  7. Excellent! I suggest this several times a week in these forums, and I think over 50% of the time it works. I don't know why Evernote seems to be so susceptible to this, other than that it is a program that people keep open all the time. Anyway, glad it's fixed!
  8. @LaurelV, do hyperlinks open properly in your browser from other programs, such as MS Word? If not, then perhaps the browser somehow got un-designated as the default browser; you could look around in its settings to find how to set it as default again. If it's only not working in Evernote, then I'd try completely shutting down Evernote with File > Exit; or use the Task Manager (the red X box at top right only closes the interface). Then start Evernote again. Weird things that show up suddenly like this are often due to some code getting "stuck" in the computer's memory, and this will flush it out, as least as far as Evernote is concerned. Restarting the computer will do a more thorough "flush."
  9. Glad that things have gotten clarified for your needs. I agree, Evernote is not best suited to be a local file organizer. WRT support for paying vs. free users, there is a cost associated with support, as with everything that Evernote does. Because they do not do what Google, for instance, does--i.e., they do not gather and sell your data, and they do not serve you third-party ads--they have to recover these costs at some point, which means they have to decide what they can offer for free and what they need to charge for. IMHO, free support for people who choose not to pay for the service would be a poor business decision. But free users do frequently find it irksome. Apologies for the coffee and fast food references--I knew as I was writing that that I'd be sorry! My point was just that less than $6/month for a yearly subscription is really not that much, if Evernote fits someone's needs well. Best of luck!
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Evernote works by storing the main copy of your notes on its servers ("in the cloud"). Very little information is stored on a mobile device, so uninstalling and reinstalling Evernote there is actually one of the more common ways of fixing problems on a mobile device. But there's more than that going on here, since the Mac is also not synced, and the account settings time out. That last strongly suggests an issue with your connection to the Internet, or at any rate with your connection to Evernote (the problem could be on Evernote's end or somewhere in between). Give it some time and see if it resolves itself would be my advice. Another possibility is that you're logged into a different account on the Web than on the other devices. It's surprisingly easy to accidentally create a new account by logging in with a different email address, for instance. Check that you're using the same credentials everywhere. If the issue persists after trying these things, then since you're on a Plus account, it might be worth contacting technical support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  11. Excellent! Sometimes gunk just gets stuck in current computer memory (esp. in Windows, it seems), and restarting the program or the whole computer will clear it out.
  12. This sounds like the sort of thing that can be started by restarting the program. Exit completely (File > Exit, or use Task Manager; the red X box only closes the interface, not the whole program), then restart. No guarantees, but this often fixes random-stuff errors that have suddenly cropped up.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm asking this out of a whole lot of ignorance, since I don't use Linux or Chrome, but: I assume that Incognito is a privacy mode. It may be that, when the Evernote Web clipper extension tries to access a Web page in Incognito mode, Chrome refuses access for security reasons, because of the Incognito mode. Apologies if this is a failure to understand on my part!
  14. In addition to @DTLow and @CalS's remarks, a couple of further thoughts: These are primarily user-to-user forums, so you're not really addressing Evernote directly here. Agreed that the support page links and menus are confusing. The deal is that emailing support via the online form is a Premium feature. Honestly, if you're entrusting both personal and business data to a program or service, isn't it worth paying for it? Especially since a paid account gets you other services also, such as access to note history. I guarantee you'll spend less money on Evernote Premium in a year than you will on coffee and fast food in a couple of months.
  15. Hi, @cacotigon. I presume Paste and Match Style (Ctrl+Shift+V) is not a workable option? As you may know, these are primarily user-to-user forums. Though Evernote staff (not developers) may look in here, it's not a good channel for direct contact with EN. Since you've got a Premium account, you're probably better off contacting tech support with this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  16. Hi, @Him over there, and welcome to the forums. The message in your subject line is usually associated with a particular, and particularly aggravating, bug that has been reported for exactly a year now: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120419-incomprehensible-note-locks/. Take a look at that thread and see if that is what you're experiencing. There are workarounds, but they are generally for just one or a small number of notes. This is the first report I've seen in which all of one's notes were getting this flag. If you can access your notes on a non-Android device (Windows or Mac Evernote desktop program, Web client on any computer, etc.), you can try this: Duplicate one note (using the menu, not just copy and paste) Make any edit to it Sync on that device and then on your Android phone, and see if that edit syncs to the phone At present, this is the best workaround, though it eventually requires deleting notes and emptying the Trash in Android (see this post in the above-referenced forum thread). For a large number of notes, it would be a pain in the neck, and a number of places below the neck as well. This bug is known to Evernote, and they are investigating it, but it seems to be extraordinarily difficult to track down and fix (see some of the reports from EN support in that thread). With such a large number of notes all refusing to sync, it might be worth subscribing to Premium for just one month (you can drop back to Basic afterward) in order to get access to support. But honestly I'm not sure there's much they can do for you in this situation. Sorry to be so grim! Any more info you can supply may let some of us here offer suggestions.
  17. You are not alone. There is a longstanding, well-supported feature request for this. Please add your vote by clicking the upward arrow at the top of the page:
  18. Is this the same issue as the one you're reporting and discussing here: If so, cross-posting like this will only cause confusion.
  19. Thanks. I find that I can view previous versions of a note in the Windows program, but AFAICT selecting Import does nothing. Sometimes it showed a download progress bar, but if an .enex was downloaded, I don't know where, and it wasn't automatically imported. If @Shane D. doesn't have a word for us here, I'll raise a support ticket.
  20. With a Premium subscription, I have access to Note History. Today I tried restoring previous versions of a note in the Windows desktop program. It's supposed to import it into the Imported Notes notebook. I tried more than one version of more than one note, and nothing ever imported (even after syncing). However, when I went to the Web beta and looked at Note History there, I was able to use the Restore function to recover an earlier version of a note into my default notebook. So it looks like the function is working in a slightly newer way in the Web beta (there's also an Export to .enex option there), but no longer working in the Windows program for me. Is anyone else with a Premium subscription having problems with it?
  21. Thanks. Is it only happening with pasting Slack links? I haven't used Slack myself, so I can't comment on that. If it's not happening with other links, it may suggest there is something malformed about the ones from Slack.
  22. Honestly, my thought would be, "Please don't post the same issue multiple times in different, unrelated threads." It causes confusion. I've replied to one of your other posts here:
  23. Welcome to the forums. I've replied to your other post: Please don't post multiple times; it only clogs up the forums and causes confusion. Thanks.
  24. Since you have a Premium subscription, this might be a case for contacting technical support (https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new). If they sort it out for you, you could report back here, and it might be useful for others who experience this.
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