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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. There have been many, many requests to remove this redundant and annoying message/page. Here's one of them, with 104 supporting votes (which is a lot on these forums). You can go there and click on the upward arrow at the top to add your support:
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I just tried it, and it worked for me. But then I noticed a notification in the upper right that said Evernote Clipper needed new permissions. When I clicked it, I got this: I clicked Update, and it did so very quickly, with these "new" permissions (which I presume are explicit permissions that the security obsessed FF has started requiring). So anyway, perhaps you need to add those permissions.
  3. I.e., "Ignore"? I finally saw how to do that, by hovering over their profile pic. Not outstandingly obvious, but I am now ignoring them. But does that only mean I won't get notifications if they (s)P(a)M me again, or that the system will reject their messages altogether? Funny thing, I have no problem doing "social distancing" in person; I don't seem to understand it online.
  4. This is a question about activity within the forums, not about Evernote itself. Today I got a PM from a user I've never seen before, inviting me to make a WhatsApp call to join the Illuminati and receive great powers. 😝 I reported it, but does anyone know whether it's possible to block individual users from sending PMs? I poked around in their profile, but couldn't find a way.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. My guess would frankly be random Internet $%^&. Try uninstalling it, restarting the phone, and installing again.
  6. This looks like the phenomenon of duplicated notes in the Web beta that is being discussed in the Web beta forum in several threads, e.g.: See my recent post there: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/107764-duplicating-notes/?do=findComment&comment=564059. There is also a report of this happening in the Android beta: Right now, the best move seems to be to stop using the beta version until they fix this. It would be good for the people posting here to post in those other threads to help consolidate the reports of the problem.
  7. If this is happening in the Web beta (new) version, I'm curious if it's only happening in certain browsers. It's not happening for me in Opera or Firefox.
  8. And from the Web client, if your browser allows it and/or you have a PDF printer installed on the device.
  9. Thanks, I can see the advantage of that. Personally, I'm not distracted by the toolbar, and there are a few things on it that go beyond formatting selected text (insert table, divider line, attachment, audio, picture). But of course all of those less-common actions could be done from a menu. It might be good to post this and other ideas in the feature request forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/449-product-feedbackfeature-requests/.
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I tend to agree with your position. Just a note, though, that these are basically user-to-user forums, and while Evernote staff may look in, it's not a reliable place to address them directly.
  11. Hi, @RedEyedRocker, and welcome to the forums. @RavBoy's workaround is similar to what I've sometimes done. The good news is that the functionality currently available in the Web beta (such as selecting highlight colors, header styles, etc.) is supposed to be coming eventually to other platforms including the Windows program. And hopefully the reverse will also be true, so that the good reminder functions in Windows will make it into the Web client.
  12. OK, that definitely sounds like a bug in that beta! There's a separate forum for reporting on the Android beta: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/537-android/. Hope they can straighten it out!
  13. Oh, OK, right, I thought you were talking about something that just happened. Time just all runs together these days....
  14. Thanks. Opera is Chromium-based. I seem to remember seeing here that PDF saving doesn't work at all in Firefox, which is, you know, all about the security, not so much the functions.
  15. Yes, I also have 6.11.0 in Opera. In Firefox it's now 5.32.0.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Is this happening in the Android app? There have been many, many reports of this happening the Web client beta (it happened to me there just yesterday), but I haven't seen it in Android. What version of the app are you using, and on what kind of device and Android version?
  17. Thanks, @ehrt74. I'm using Opera, which is also Chromium-based. I've sent support requests to both Opera and Evernote, so we'll see. Meanwhile, if (when) it happens, I open Evernote in Firefox, which doesn't have this problem (though it has others).
  18. I'm reluctant to revive a year-old thread, but this is the most comprehensive of the many forum threads on this topic. Suddenly, for the very first time, I have encountered this issue. I use Opera as my browser, and it has v. 6.11.0 of the Web beta. I edited a particular note twice today in the Web beta. The first time it produced 11 unnecessary duplicates, and the second time a few hours later it produced 18! No notice was given at all. Up this thread a bit, @Nick L. gave this explanation: Does anyone know if this is still the design? If so, I would assume that I have only gotten the problem this one time because I have only had whatever serious network issue today.
  19. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do get the finger-crossing! Font size mismatches between the Windows program and the Web beta client (where headers are available) have become an annoyance for me. I am curious about one thing. In your OP, you put as your first expectation: I find toolbars convenient. Are you just saying it ought to be larger, or that the interface would be cleaner with no toolbar at all? I personally do find it more friendly than having to sort through menus or remember keyboard shortcuts (though I find I'm managing the latter pretty well).
  20. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This problem gets raised from time to time, and my recollection is that it is a flaw in the note-sharing system, since the person who created and shared the note must revoke the sharing in order for those with whom it is shared to delete it (a flaw that is on the list of things to be fixed). If the notes have been deleted, and are no longer even in the Trash, then I'm not sure there's a solution. If they're still in the Trash, the original owner of a note could restore it from Trash and then revoke the sharing. I'd wait for this to affect the other person's account before deleting it again. I haven't tried this myself, so I'm just speculating!
  21. Go to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action (reachable in the Evernote Web client by clicking your initial/account name and selecting Settings), then click the Manage Subscription link. WRT support emails, this does happen sometimes. See https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/.
  22. OK, at this point, since you're a Premium subscriber, it would be good to contact Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  23. Sorry, troll, I missed that. I meant to address just the most recent posters. Troll, please point out where I "defended the company" here. I stated facts. Did you, lieber Troll? (For those who are puzzled or offended by this absurd exchange, please do a quick search of AndreasM's posts. If you find one that was even remotely helpful to anyone, please let me know.)
  24. Regrettably, there doesn't seem to be such a possibility yet. The one workaround I can think of is to use a Bluetooth keyboard with a page down or Ctrl+End function.
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