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JoeTaxpayer last won the day on April 12 2020

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  1. Perfect. The web version led me to update on a Mac that is not my main system to confirm, and it looks fine. iPad still taking some getting used to.
  2. I am running EN on my MacPro, Version 7.14, which is old, I know. I also run it on my iPad, and there, it's the latest version. The iPad view has changed over the years, and it's not as easy to navigate as what I see on my Mac. I don't want to update the Mac until I can see what i'm in for. Short of loading it to another Mac and just seeing what's up, are there any screenshots handy? Not finding any on the site.
  3. I bought it just over 2 years ago. I had a small WD NAS that had promise, got me hooked on the idea of a good NAS, but didn't quite have the power for what I wanted. After a lot of time researching, I went with Synology, and happy I did. My main use has been to use it as a Plex server (an app that let me stream my video collection to any TV with access to the app). I can also watch video when away from home, on a TV, my phone or iPad. Second use is to backup from my computers. Not cheap, but was worth it, in my opinion. You can look and see if it's for you. Many, many apps run on it, depending what you want it to do.
  4. That was the issue, choosing the app. I loaded Synology Note Station and quickly found that it did not show PDFs the way EN does. For me, that's a deal killer. Then Joplin. Better, but the view was cut off, i.e. the PDF image is there, but only 1/3 or so, instead of viewing the full page at a time. Raven, AppleNotes, a couple more, and no luck. I realized, I should have listened to the advice to contact EN and ask what my renewal rate was. The replied quickly that my price will not change. I am at $45/yr. Every member seem to be getting different offers. In my case, I think I'll be with EN for a while. (And still just shaking my head that this one feature is so tough to find)
  5. I wrote: "My acct is the old "Premium Member", last bill was $45.Can you advise what my renewal price will be? I am seeing some large increases, and would like to know so I can plan ahead." Reply: "I understand that you'd like to know if you're having an increase for your upcoming renewal. Thank you for getting in touch about this, let me help you.Upon checking this on my end, I can confirm that there will be no price changes for your upcoming subscription renewal." So, in the end, I'm sorry I didn't jump on your advice the minute I read it. Although, the exercise of trying to find software that replicates how EN handle PDFs was eye-opening. 6+ apps and none do it in a useful way. Now I just need to spend a few more minutes deleting all this useless other software.
  6. I can't help but wonder how many customers are at the free level? And what their cost is to keep these customers. I've been paying for some time, $45/yr, and I don't even recall why I made the jump. Only that the paid version felt like it was worth every cent for what it offered. So in my case, using it for free for a time got me hooked. But, at $130/year, I'd have stayed with 'free' and kept looking for other solutions. Now, I own a NAS and self hosting my own cloud to replace Evernote leaves me enough $$ to also have real cloud backup to avoid a disaster. Asked, 'so, given they left the price the same for so long, what is a fair price today'? I'd say $75-$80, tops. Maybe it's an emotional thing, but cracking the $100 price point is tough.
  7. Shows you how oblivious I may be - I never realized I had anything 'rebated'. Do I have a decision here? I can stay on what you are calling "rebated Premium"? In the end, I respect your math, really, it puts things in a bit better perspective. But, from a customer perspective, it's strange to be grateful for "no increases over 10 years" and then suddenly see such an increase. Whatever the underlying reasons may be, I paid X, and unless my grandfathering continues (which now I am wondering), I'm asked to pay Y.
  8. I started with 'Free' in 2009, and quickly saw the value in EN. I just mean, I used it often enough that the $1/wk was worth it. My account is Premium and last I paid $45 for the next year. As Penultimate seemed to be abandoned, and simple things that should have been repaired were left broken, I started using Notability. Even though it's a different app with different features, many of those features replaced some that EN offered. Now I see the equivalent level will cost me $130/yr. And I'll be spending some time figuring out how tough migrating my notes will be. I see members upset about a 50% increase. 45 to 130 is nearly 3X, a 189% increase.
  9. In my case, I have documents created through Penultimate. While on the desktop version of Evernote, I look at the doc and right-click "save as PDF". That PDF is one page which has multiple pages of my document shrunk to fit. To convert to PDF, I've been "print as PDF" which works but is tedious. (I've started to use Notability, which syncs for me to Google Drive, and the document it creates on GD is a PDF, scaled correctly, reflecting the document on my iPad.
  10. Yes, but even a note that runs 4 pages is converted to one page PDF. I need to "print as" to convert to a normal, multipage PDF.
  11. After nearly 6 years, I've moved on. The advice from others in this forum led me to Notability which I'm really liking. One question was about integration. Notability easy lets you set up a target folder in Google Drive where the document is stored as a PDF. This alone saves me a lot of time as I don't need to Print/save as PDF from Evernote to send a copy to someone or to print. And, the lasso feature, grabbing a bit of text or image you outline? In PU, there were always bits left behind/missing. That was the bug that bothered me most, but they never fixed. I still use the paid level of Evernote, but Penultimate is behind me. Good luck finding what fits you best.
  12. Kind people here recommended Notability, and that's the app I use now. It integrates with many apps, Google Drive among them, So I write on the IPad and the notes are on my laptop and desktops instantly. Penultimate had great potential. Out of 8500 "notes" I have, 500 were written on Penultimate, mostly math notes/problems. RIP, PE. (Still an Evernote user for the other 90%+ of my stuff)
  13. I started using Penultimate in 2013. And really loved it. I've been very disappointed to see that this app hasn't been updated, it seems an orphan side product. I'd love to move on, but I am still a paid Evernote user, still love that app, and i have too many (over 500) documents in Penultimate that I continue to maintain. It would be a long project to break away. I wish the good people at Evernote would make a statement, either "Hang in there, we have some improvements coming" or "Sorry, PE has reached its end of life". No new support"
  14. I am so sorry to find this answer to my same question. Penultimate as part of my (paid) Evernote app had so much potential, but needed a bit of TLC. An ongoing series of new features, small ones, could have made this far more useful. Given that I can happily drop a PDF into Evernote, it should be a no-brainer to add the ability to have that load back to Penultimate. I am about to load a 34 page PDF, and it will take a most cumbersome process. Screenshotting the pages, transferring to iPad via Dropbox. Then loading a page at a time to Penultimate. Importing a full PDF would be a great feature. Absent that, I'm considering moving on.
  15. That's my solution. Embarrassed this didn't occur to me. Much appreciated.
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