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New coming: Table of contents on Evernote

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Very cool. I wondered if one reason Evernote didn't have this before is because they didn't want to encourage long notes because those were more prone to sync problems. Now with the very robust RTE, sync issues aren't as big of a problem (at least in my own usage and experience).

Nice to see them implementing this.

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@Cristiano478, are all those nested headings actually links to other notes? That's what I'd think of as a TOC; I wouldn't need it to be collapsible headings. But good!

If they are note links, then I note with despair that they are blue, not green. Would you be willing to reply to @Federico Simionato on X that a number of users have noticed this and are wondering WT Actual F (not to put words into anyone's mouth)?


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It is not clear to me if those are links to notes or to specific sections within notes (intranote linking), which would be very cool.

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It is linking to sections within a note. I believe it will provide an anchor link for each section started with a heading.

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Did you notice:

On Evernote Web, V10.84.3, an anchor is displayed on the far right side if you hover with the mouse over the line where the section heading is. 

This can be copied and an internal link is created which jumps to the section whenn activated. The link can be edited like a "normal" internal evernote link.

Pretty cool. Although, one first observation: It would be better to automatically enter the heading text name instead of the technical link name!

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3 hours ago, ghon said:

Did you notice:
On Evernote Web, V10.84.3, an anchor is displayed on the far right side if you hover with the mouse over the line where the section heading is. 

Sorry, not for me (and my screen is really wide 😉 ). Could you please supply a screen shot?

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The first is the image of the line with Heading 1. On the far right you see the rectangle with a link symbol inside.

By pressing this, the anchor link is copied to clipboaed, see image 2.

If I insert the link on the top of the note,the activation of the link jumps to that anchor.

However I did not see that this happens if the link is placed at another note, i.e. it jumps to that note but not exactly to the anchor position 🤔




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2 hours ago, AlbertR said:

Sorry, not for me (and my screen is really wide 😉 )

It's rolling out. Everyone should have it in a few days. 

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2 hours ago, ghon said:

By pressing this, the anchor link is copied to clipboaed, see image 2.

Whow - and they call it the "clipboard". I hope this means really "Windows clipboard" with text and  address 🙏.

It would be a killing feature to be able to insert such an URL to other programs like Outlook, Excel and Word and see it there as a link to a section in an EN-note...

See also: 049 - Paste internal links as complete HTLM link (with title and URL) into foreign applications


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Evernote links are no longer green. Instead, all links -- internal as well as external -- are blue. No more visual cues to help you quickly identify what's what.

Much productive.


ETA: Windows 10.84.3

The scroll bar they removed from the home screen remains missing. The keyboard arrows are the only navigation tool. Given their move to eliminate the home screen from mobile, I wonder if it will be disappearing from desktop, too.

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Here's an example of the link: evernote:///view/########/s316/bb213bf3-f388-4900-b2e8-c9208e3f225f#5b930346-f121-4b84-a43b-c9e46280de8b/f027e0e6-ecb4-1838-5cb3-bf5c2d3476ba. It is not yet functional from outside Evernote. Within Evernote, it takes you to the note, but not the point in the note where the anchor is.

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29 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Here's an example of the link: evernote:///view/########/<note-GUID>#<anchor-GUID>/<notebook-GUID>

Great 👍- didn't see the #-sign so far - but indeed even my EN10.84.3 creates it!

32 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

It is not yet functional from outside Evernote

Huh - it works here: I copied such an address to an Excel cell, made it a real hyperlink, clicked on it and was transferred to EN-note-headline, from which I copied the link 👏

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45 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

It is not yet functional from outside Evernote. Within Evernote, it takes you to the note, but not the point in the note where the anchor is.

It is working to the heading for me BUT I think it is a bit hit and miss.  Some refinement to come I anticipate.

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19 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Some refinement to come I anticipate.

  • Coming from outside should always open a new window
  • Text editing cursor should be placed in front of the anchored headline
    • and/or note window should be scrolled to place the anchored headline at the top edge
  • Pasting a link to an anchor should display the headline text as URL text (not the note title)
    • for the moment it is very hard to create a local TOC on top of a note because all links carry the same stupid note title 😉
  • Finally (so far): anchored links should be "life" at the end
    • ... and display a headline text even if that is changed - like we like from Title-styled internal links to notes.
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The add table of contents function is now in the / or insert menu as of 10.85.2

Only problem I've found so far is that the links don't work if they are to a sub heading (e.g. medium) within a main heading (e.g. large) that is folded. This just reinforces the need to have a command to open and close all foldable sections.

Also Im sure that ctrl+Home used to take you to the top of the note. That doesn't work anymore. It's important to be able to easily go back to your TOC. Best option I've found at the moment is F2 (to go to the title, although the screen doesn't scroll) followed by the down arrow.

Also the TOC items are not dynamic, so if you change one of the headings you need to remake the TOC (or manually edit)  - I guess I can live with that.


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17 minutes ago, Mike P said:

It's important to be able to easily go back to your TOC

Tried to add a line "<back to Content>" at end of each section to be able to jump back to the TOC...

  • add a H1 "Content" to the top of the note
  • copy anchor link to clipboard by clicking on icon right of the headline
  • paste this link to new line at end of a section
    • unfortunately the title of the note is used as link text - should be "Content"
    • change link text to "<back to Content>"
  • copy this line to each end of a section
  • go <back to Content>
  • insert TOC with /-command just after H1 "Content"
  • delete first line of TOC (because it points needless to "Content" 😉)

Works great 👍:

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  • 3 months later...
5 minutes ago, Bill D said:

thanks for the update.  Would be nice to do it like word.

Word does it even better. It provides a navigation pane if opened, on the left, showing all headings always up to date. Allowing dragging the order of headings and their content, deleting sections as a whole, navigating very fast. Selecting a whole section, copying it to clipboard. That navigation functionality would REALLY help Evernote and steering in the content of notes @Federico Simionato 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/23/2024 at 3:04 PM, Alexander Developer said:

As I understand the thread here, the table of contents is not generated automatically based on e.g. H1 and H2, have I understood that correctly? You have to create the table of contents manually?

You have to place the TOC manually at any position within your note. Thereby a box is generated in which the TOC is automatically based on H1, H2 and H3 headlines within the note.

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