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Shocking increase in plan price

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I want to like Evernote, especially after coming up for 10 years of use...


But £8.99 a month to store less than 1gb of notes...?  I'd have been happy to pay £1.99 a month, but £8.99!? Bit insulting.

Google Drive offers 15gb for free!


The price increase is a massive mistake on Evernote's part, as I will be exporting all my notes and then deleting them.

This will make returning a hassle, and any chance of regaining lost users is close to zilch. Sorry to see you go.. I mean.. me go.

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22 hours ago, yummip said:

£8.99 a month to store less than 1gb of notes

Of the hundreds of things that Evernote does (and Google docs does not) you're worried about the cost of storage?

-If that's all you need,  then by all means go.  (Not that you need my help or permission).  Bye!

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22 hours ago, yummip said:

The price increase is a massive mistake on Evernote's part, as I will be exporting all my notes and then deleting them.

EN increases the price, and you move out and delete your notes.

That‘s a causality that anybody can understand.

But isn’t it taking your own importance a level too far to believe this must be a mistake ? Maybe it’s just a consequence from you using the app for too little use to make the subscription finance itself.

EN has done nothing with regard to your value perception.

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On 08.01.2024 at 18:26, agsteele said:

I think the rate to be charged will be revised a month or so before it becomes due.

It happened as you said. Less than a month before my subscription renewal, I received a notification about a price increase. I followed the steps to cancel and received a 40% discount. The discounted price is now showing in my account.
A little reflection. I think within a year we will know whether Evernote will survive. The fact that they ignore the opinions of users is a bad sign and a dangerous trend. I think that many would prefer (at least) three-level nesting of notebooks, speed and adequate synchronization (rather than the introduction of AI, which so far looks like unnecessary).
In any case, more interesting alternatives may appear within a year.

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48 minutes ago, RichardThomas said:

The fact that they ignore the opinions of users

Don't think so - see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149732-increased-subscription-its-only-a-notetaking-app/

49 minutes ago, RichardThomas said:

I think that many would prefer (at least) three-level nesting of notebooks,

Maybe raise that at a feature request and see how many agree with you... 

49 minutes ago, RichardThomas said:

speed and adequate synchronization

see first comment above...

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I doubt there will be more interesting alternatives within of a year - in general. Maybe some will enter, but probably others will leave.

What may happen is that Free models will be curtailed across the board, now that the EN Free model was restricted. Beside this there is obviously room enough for several apps. And this of course is a good sign - competition and options are the most user friendly aspect a market can have.

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I have been using EN since 2009, probably longer than anyone here
I have been a paying user since 2010.
I never got any email about the price increase, contrary to what has been said here and no, it is no in my spam folder.
I opened a support ticket with them and requested a refund with paypal, let's see who responds first.
The price is too high compared to other solutions around. 
After a long time, I will finally give up on EN. New ownership, new BS. No guarantees on feature dev, you can be sure about that. They will spend a ton on changing operations and cutting costs and won't give a damn about existing loyal users. 
Sad to leave, but easy decision with this ridiculous price. 

EN has been constantly losing users and now it has just dug its own grave, no doubt about that.


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No doubt you have illusions about being missed. Skip that, if you don't find value compared to the price, you may have been a long time user, but no doubt one with a light use as well. We know without doubt that this use case will find better solutions, which means less for less.

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On 1/20/2024 at 5:41 PM, weasyx said:

I have been using EN since 2009, probably longer than anyone here
I have been a paying user since 2010.
I never got any email about the price increase, contrary to what has been said here and no, it is no in my spam folder.
I opened a support ticket with them and requested a refund with paypal, let's see who responds first.
The price is too high compared to other solutions around. 
After a long time, I will finally give up on EN. New ownership, new BS. No guarantees on feature dev, you can be sure about that. They will spend a ton on changing operations and cutting costs and won't give a damn about existing loyal users. 
Sad to leave, but easy decision with this ridiculous price. 

EN has been constantly losing users and now it has just dug its own grave, no doubt about that.


Up to you whether Evernote is worth the cost, as it is for all of us. But predicting the future is a dicey business, especially with such certainty. I look forward to using Evernote and finding it beneficial a year from now. I'd welcome your dropping back in here to see how it's going; but of course life goes on.

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Agree with the 'shock'

More angering to me is that they haven't responded to THREE of my submitted tickets and the CHAT feature for support is NEVER available.

I've paid for 13 years. This is BS and unless they honor the 50% discount they sent me via an email, I'll be GONE.

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I too am a bit overwhelmed by the new pricing. I've been paying for11 years. I previously paid $89.99/year in Canada with no tax. Unfortunately we started paying the universal tax here on online purchases from outside Canada around the same time as the EV price increase so that brings by EV to $159.99 + tax which totaled over $180 this year. I'm in the process of retiring and have limited funds but I'd really like to keep EV but I don't think I'll be able to.  

It seems a bit of a coincidence that the easiest option for my 8000+ notes; OneNote, discontinued supporting importing EV right around the price increase. I'm sure they're unrelated but still a coincidence. There are paid options that I may try for exporting my notes but it will take SOOOO LONG to end up with anything useable after I do the export it seems like a lot of frustration.

My opinion of EV's practices would be much rosier if they offered something other than the mostly useless ENX format to export your data. What accepts ENX? Only EV. Good for backup only.

So, is $159.99 a reasonable price for a notes program? Not for me. Yes it has lots of features but how many "PREMIUM" plan users use those features? I can't imagine a whole lot. How hard is to find task management apps, calendaring apps etc. There's too many to list. For me, EV has dreamed big to add features and bloat that are readily available somewhere else. They should focus on being the best notes program leave the rest to those already in that market. I think a better option is to create a new tier that removes some of these features is needed. But even if they did,  you know they're going to remove that one feature you can't do without. The free plan is not an option because the limits on the account make it useless for anyone who has actual notes. It would be better to call it what it is, a trial version.

I renewed in January so I have some time to decide. The price of doing nothing seems too much.

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Your assumption about ENEX is completely wrong. It is the probably most widely accepted format to exchange data between notes apps. Most will import it, although many do not export ENEX - and in fact do not offer any useful export option beside converting everything into pdf files.

You have 3 (maybe 2.5) valid export options offered by EN. Export to pdf is so-so, because all attachments will not be exported. The pdf format doesn’t not allow for embedded files. But HTML and ENEX both work, for different use cases. You just need to pick one, and run the process. In general export by notebook, and give the export the name of the notebook, to be able to reconstruct your internal structure.

From there on it is up to you and the app you have chosen to make a meaningful import from the exported content. This is not the responsibility of EN any more. If you need help, search out their community, or ask their support.

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Thank you, Pink Elephant, your feedback is appreciated. I'll have a look at what you said. 

EV is an excellent product but I do feel that they're targeting a very specific customer now and I'm not one of them.  😉


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FWIW, I have found enex imported correctly for my limited use-case in the following:

  • Notesnook
  • Joplin
  • Notion
  • Obsidian

I seem to recall Zoho notes working as well, but it organizes things in a different way I didn't like. Of courses, my use is basic so YMMV.

Hoping to remain with EV myself, but my workplace is evaluating whether they can justify the price increase so that may not happen.  There had no issues at the old price, but at just under $200 Cdn now, not-so-much.  Will see.

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It's pretty unfair to autobill without any heads-up, especially with such a hike. Lack of direct contact options only adds to the frustration. Maybe check if there are any cheaper alternatives or if you can opt out of the auto-renewal.

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@amwls100 This is one of these dreadful postings full of wrong facts that you ask yourself is this guy uninformed or malicious:

There is an email 4 weeks in advance.

Who misses it either is not reading his mail, or still has an email contact saved in his own account that is outdated and not supervised any longer.

It is pretty unfair to credit such individual fails onto a company that does its best to give people 4 weeks lead.

BTW who is subscribed through store will receive his lead information from the store.

Support contact is possible from all clients and from the help database. Who doesn’t find it can come here to get the link.

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I did get a notice. Support can be a challenge and they have definitely pulled the rug out from under us a few times since the upgrade started a few years ago but I really don't want to switch, I like EV but $159.99 is a bit rich for me. Started testing OneNote today. It's gonna be interesting. Evernote2Onenote.exe from Stefans Tools does a decent job as far a quick looks goes. I need to look closer. Kudos to the author (I hope). It needs the desktop version of OneNote so that excludes some.


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21 hours ago, egegory6 said:

My opinion of EV's practices would be much rosier if they offered something other than the mostly useless ENX format to export your data. What accepts ENX? Only EV. Good for backup only.

As a few have pointed out, enex is actually notes gold in a sense because all the competitors want it. Obsidian, Joplin, Amplenote and a host of others. The frustrating thing is whilst the competitors want our enex files their software can’t do as much with that data. 

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On 1/22/2024 at 6:30 PM, egegory6 said:

I think a better option is to create a new tier that removes some of these features is needed. But even if they did,  you know they're going to remove that one feature you can't do without.

Just WRT this, I agree, and many people have requested or suggested it. Past experience suggests that people who want a high-functioning free service want just that, period. If they won't pay $150, they won't pay $15. But I think there are plenty of people who would pay some modest price for a modest set of features. If Evernote would correctly calibrate the cost to provide the limited feature set, I think they could gain or retain some paying customers, esp. now that Free is, as you say, a trial plan only. But so far there's no indication that Evernote is going to do this. You can contact them directly at feedback@evernote.com.

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17 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Just WRT this, I agree, and many people have requested or suggested it. Past experience suggests that people who want a high-functioning free service want just that, period. If they won't pay $150, they won't pay $15. But I think there are plenty of people who would pay some modest price for a modest set of features. If Evernote would correctly calibrate the cost to provide the limited feature set, I think they could gain or retain some paying customers, esp. now that Free is, as you say, a trial plan only. But so far there's no indication that Evernote is going to do this. You can contact them directly at feedback@evernote.com.

I diverge from your opinion a bit on this - BendingSpoons''ll end up cannibalizing the higher tier of users that already agreed to open their wallets - they'd be able to just slide down to an 'it'll work for me' tier, and the folks that just don't have a hundred bucks still won't pay fifty.. they'd already be subscribers.

I think EN's leaving those lower tiers to the piranha pit of free apps, FOSS, and $5-$10 'sync' subscriptions for companies that can get by on that scarce funding. I'm pretty sure they're going to lock up the premium tier and charge a premium price for it. They're pushing updates nearly weekly at this point, and I'm all in for it.

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IMHO Evernote is simply making sure that all the former freebies and concession prices go out the window because that way lies madness.  They're doing some solid work to re-establish Evernote's speed and reliability,  and to wean users out of their attachment to Legacy.  Plus they just moved the whole operation to a different continent and need to get their admin in order and Support back on its feet.  

Until they finish dealing with all that it would be pretty dumb to start spending money developing new products which might or might not meet the expectations of users who have 'free' options available.

They already announced plans to be more ambitious this year - see https://evernote.com/blog - and I'm looking forward to how things develop.  I'm sorry that many (formerly) loyal users aren't able to deal with the new subscriptions,  but that's how software works.  If you like it and can afford it,  you buy;  if you can't afford it or don't think it's worth the cost,  you don't buy - and hopefully you find something else that you can use.

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Wow. I logged on to see if others were shell-shocked by the pricing increase. 

I looked back at my credit card bills... a steady $69/year.  I think that $129.99 is too far with a multitude of alternative options.

This is a bit sad for me as Evernote has been my faithful friend since 2011.  We've been around the world together.

Thank you to this forum for guidance on where to go next.  I'd love thoughts on Apple Notes.

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Know what: Since Apple Notes are available if you are in the ecosystem, just try and find it out yourself.

A nasty bug on importing ENEX has been fixed with the latest Sonoma-update. The only question remains if it covers your use cases.

But this you need to answer yourself.

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Evernote has dangled discounts up to 50% out there but I have yet to be able to figure out how to access them.  All of my notes have been saved and imported to another software.   Good riddance.

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1 hour ago, gradym said:

Evernote has dangled discounts up to 50% out there but I have yet to be able to figure out how to access them.  All of my notes have been saved and imported to another software.   Good riddance.

Saved all too as html, but still thinking how use it on a free software. Maybe on Notes from Mac.

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Make no mistake about it, EVERNOTE is IGNORING US.

I placed FOUR TICKETS with this company and have had NO REPLIES. This is over a MONTH of ticket submissions.

Their phone number is disconnected. They no longer offer chat. ARE YOU GETTING THE MESSAGE?

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No response to my request either.  Oh well.

On the upside, I moved to Apple Notes this weekend.  The exports to the .enex format was straightforward.  Pro-tip:  Convert in batches of 100 notes.  Apple Notes can import multiple .enex files in bulk, however.  So select them all at one time for import and voila.

No issues on the imports.  All images, embedded files, and tables came in without issue on thousands of notes.  The process was also a chance for a general cleanup.  I had lots of scrap notes and empty notes that were easily cleaned up.

Apple Notes is pretty slick across iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS.  It is back to basics with file structure, note pinning, and general note taking.  Replication is flawless and I’d guess is the model that Evernote is trying to achieve these days.  I’m a basic note taker myself. I’ve found that the keyboard shortcuts work better because they are actually consistent across apps and OS.

So it works.  There is life after Evernote.  Good luck all.

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8 hours ago, Evernote User Since 2011 said:

So it works.

If you are linking one Evernote Note to another Evernote Note, you will find the Apple Notes have the link, but it links back into Evernote.  They can be manually fixed to link to the note in Apple Notes.  I have not seen an automated solution to this yet, but it is likely possible with AppleScript.

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FWIW, I like Evernote's organization and simplicity.  It's hands-down better than OneNote, which requires a lot of formatting effort, and it much less intuitive.  So I paid the subscription in the "old days".  When the price went up, I reconsidered just how much I actually need it, and decided to switch back to free (1 Notebook, 50 Notes, which is plenty for keeping links).  I even trimmed down my Notebook and Note bloat to conform to the free tier, even though Evernote very nicely didn't force me to delete anything (yet). 

But now, every time I use it, I get the upsell modal dialog, which is obnoxious.  If Evernote doesn't want any free users, they should just say so and I will move my notes to OneNote (which I pay for with a $10/mo Microsoft subscription, but at least I get Office, Outlook, storage, etc.).  

Between Dropbox, Microsoft, Apple, streaming services, internet provider and cell service, plus so much more, I fear the B2C subscription model will start to see user revolt.  At the very least, they could have kept the monthly to $5, which would slip beneath the radar.  But a $129 up-front yearly is too much to swallow.  I even cancelled Amazon Prime for that reason.  IMO, Evernote should take note of feedback like this.

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<sigh> So.  Three subscription levels at the new price,  plus discounts for new users and to support some shocked leavers.  Creating a new cut-price deal would take time and cost a considerable amount,  so won't be available in the near future.  If you find Evernote worth the cost,  please subscribe again;  if not,  alternative providers await you (and yes,  some of them are -currently- free!).  Please make your choice and move along - nothing to see here,  just (mainly) other subscribers,  minding their own business... 

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5 hours ago, gazumped said:

<sigh> So.  Three subscription levels at the new price,  plus discounts for new users and to support some shocked leavers.  Creating a new cut-price deal would take time and cost a considerable amount,  so won't be available in the near future.  If you find Evernote worth the cost,  please subscribe again;  if not,  alternative providers await you (and yes,  some of them are -currently- free!).  Please make your choice and move along - nothing to see here,  just (mainly) other subscribers,  minding their own business... 

3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Good - you announce this whenever you skip an app ?

What a chatter ...

I think people who are relatively new to the forums may believe they are giving Evernote a piece of their mind here on their way out. Pieces of mind may (and should) be delivered to: feedback@evernote.com. Here it's pretty much just other users who have heard it before.

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Do you always comment somewhere when you decide to skip an app ?

If you don‘t like the price/value relation, don‘t buy. That‘s what we all do every day, because there is more on offer than we could ever use.

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hace 58 minutos, PinkElephant dijo:

Do you always comment somewhere when you decide to skip an app ?


Well, this is a public forum, right? do you always comment somewhere when someone makes a comment?

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On 9/14/2023 at 11:43 AM, Cosette said:

I have to say that after having been a user  for 10+ years, and happily paying, I'm shocked, disappointed, and appalled at the 2x annual subscription rate hike for personal use!!!! This is insanely ridiculous, and disrespectful to the users - especially the loyal users.  $129 per year for personal use? For most this tool is a place to store ideas collected around the web. 

It's not Microsoft office or Google workspace. The tool is not that robust for $129 per year. You can argue that evernote has improved  - but essentially it's just tried to add the same capabilities most "workspace" stuff already has. It's strength originally was capturing inspiration and information from around the web.

As soon as I am able to export my Evernote library of 10+ years. I will be cancelling and leaving for good.


How can we export our libraries?  I can't find instructions to do this or a number to call to get walked through the process.  

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7 hours ago, MIsterGG said:

Just received the notifications about price increase. For sure I won't renew. Bye bye evernote

Sigh. Please read the post just prior to yours. Like you say, it's a public forum; there's no Evernote here to say bye to.

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hace 5 minutos, Dave-in-Decatur dijo:

Sigh. Please read the post just prior to yours. Like you say, it's a public forum; there's no Evernote here to say bye to.

Where I'm saying that I'm referring to Evernote Team? 

If you don't like what I'm saying, simple ignore my message

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5 minutes ago, MIsterGG said:

Where I'm saying that I'm referring to Evernote Team? 

If you don't like what I'm saying, simple ignore my message

8 hours ago, MIsterGG said:

Just received the notifications about price increase. For sure I won't renew. Bye bye evernote

My bad, apparently you meant that just as a comment uttered into the wind, like standing on a street corner and letting everyone know you've left your wife. Fine. You win. Good idea. Etc.

EDIT: So I guess my point (if any) is that, since it's a public forum, people are indeed free to make pointless comments that make them feel better, but other people are also free to say "Who cares?" (or words to that effect) if it makes them feel better. Why any of these comments should make any of us feel better (including me) is perhaps more a spiritual or psychological question than a social-technical one, and I am going to go ponder it. Last word is yours, if you like.

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hace 13 minutos, Dave-in-Decatur dijo:

My bad, apparently you meant that just as a comment uttered into the wind, like standing on a street corner and letting everyone know you've left your wife. Fine. You win. Good idea. Etc.

EDIT: So I guess my point (if any) is that, since it's a public forum, people are indeed free to make pointless comments that make them feel better, but other people are also free to say "Who cares?" (or words to that effect) if it makes them feel better. Why any of these comments should make any of us feel better (including me) is perhaps more a spiritual or psychological question than a social-technical one, and I am going to go ponder it. Last word is yours, if you like.

Bro, you have a lot of free time

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I just got the same email as my year is up in March 2024. Last year I paid $76 now $129. 

I can’t justify this since I use it for personal use and not for business.  I’ve had Evernote for years but as soon as I can transfer everything to OneNote I will be cancelling.  

There is no way to justify this when it’s just an individual. I’ve lost all respect for Evernote 

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I was made aware of the price increase a couple of days ago and, as such, I have started to migrate my notes to Microsoft OneNote.  I will cancel my subscription before my current subscription expires in March.  A 40% price increase is just ridiculous and not worth it as a personal user to keep a log of my garden and baking. 

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49 minutes ago, BrianTN1960 said:

There is no way to justify this when it’s just an individual. I’ve lost all respect for Evernote

No one here is happy about the price increase but it can be justified depending on how much you use it and which features you use.  If you are only a light user then it is not worth the price.  There are plenty of lower cost options out there that may provide what you need.  It is a decision all of us had/have to make.

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5 hours ago, BrianTN1960 said:

I just got the same email as my year is up in March 2024. Last year I paid $76 now $129. 
I can’t justify this since I use it for personal use and not for business.  I’ve had Evernote for years but as soon as I can transfer everything to OneNote I will be cancelling.  
There is no way to justify this when it’s just an individual. I’ve lost all respect for Evernote 

I make both professional and personal use of Evernote, so I may not be in a position to judge. But I can imagine making enough purely personal use of it to justify $2.50/week. Just for grocery lists and travel to-dos, no. But to manage medical information and make complete travel plans, including flights, hotels, sightseeing stops, etc. (both of which I do, and more), then yeah.

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I organize my entire life in Evernote. I pay $169.99 + tax a year and it's worth every penny to keep each day on track and the many things that go in and out of my brain in one place to retreive without friction. No other tool is quite the same.

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1 hour ago, mackid1993 said:

I organize my entire life in Evernote. I pay $169.99 + tax a year and it's worth every penny to keep each day on track and the many things that go in and out of my brain in one place to retreive without friction. No other tool is quite the same.

I totally get it.  I’ve been on since 2012 I believe. I’m getting close to retirement and I’m starting to evaluate what I’m getting for the price.  

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That’s exactly what you should do, when a new segment in life requires to check use cases and the value generated.

There are some threads in the forum discussion other apps, and tips about migration. If you need a little more time, you could let the yearly subscription slip, and renew using the monthly plan. Good luck.

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that pink elephant is just a keyboard warrior troll paid by evernote, so no one cares about its useless views and opinions and very flawed assumptions about how people that post here are using evernote, what a joke! Here's the feature wrap up from "without a doubt a light user":

for those looking for an alternative
(I've tried extensively Obsidian and Notion in the past years, but they were not really an evernote replacement, i've been using Clickup heavily for nearly 2 years, and it's not evernote neither. MS OneNote comes close, but also didn't fit the bill.)
But since this price explosion I've tried Joplin, and it's literally evernote with the features I've been missing:
- Super fast sync - to get all my notes on my iPads, every time it literally took a month with evernote
- Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS (I used all of them!)
- Sub-notebooks, not just 1 layer stack like in evernote (reason I started trying out Notion)
- Easy import of .enex files
- Markdown instead of the clunky evernote formatting
- multiple profiles, helps with separating work/personal or more
- sync using many different solutions (OneDrive, Dropbox, Nextcloud, AWS, WebDAV, Joplin cloud(paid))
- OCR in beta, will be released soon (the one thing that evernote was actually great at)
- cross referencing notes and knowledge graph (like in obsidian)
- "offline first", which means you always have all your data on your phone or computer. This ensures that your notes are always accessible, whether you have an internet connection or not (This is one of the down sides with Notion)
- plugins to add more features

And the best part? It's FOSS - free and open source software
It shows how slow evernote has been in developing any further value, when an OS project has caught up to the point that the user experience is practically the same with added functionality.

The only thing left where EN sometimes performs better is the webclipping, but that can be used for free and then exported/imported to Joplin if needed. Also the EN webclipper used to display results when googling, but that feature has been broken for years. Contacted them on a regular basis, but like every other user here, never got an answer. What were/are we actually paying for at EN?🤔

hope this helps all the other people that are looking for viable alternatives

Migration done, over and out! 

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On 1/11/2024 at 4:13 PM, yummip said:

I want to like Evernote, especially after coming up for 10 years of use...


But £8.99 a month to store less than 1gb of notes...?  I'd have been happy to pay £1.99 a month, but £8.99!? Bit insulting.

Google Drive offers 15gb for free!


The price increase is a massive mistake on Evernote's part, as I will be exporting all my notes and then deleting them.

This will make returning a hassle, and any chance of regaining lost users is close to zilch. Sorry to see you go.. I mean.. me go.

Just remember that with many free options YOU are the product not the other way around.

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13 minutes ago, Sayre Ambrosio said:

Just remember that with many free options YOU are the product not the other way around.

I'll give him this, besides the personal attacks which are uncalled for: Joplin is a great tool. It's nice that they are adding OCR. I can say you certainly aren't the product with Joplin, Google Keep, sure. Joplin, no. It's FOSS. Anyone can open a PR. The maintainer offers a paid sync service that is entirely optional.

The mobile app is not so great and the UX isn't as good as Evernote, but you get what you pay for and Joplin is free.

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I've been using Evernote since "the beginning" and a paying customer for years. I disabled auto-renew after the rate hike thinking that I'll renew after a few weeks when I see a promo come through. Now that I've been on the "free" plan for a couple of weeks, and seeing how broken the free plan experience is, I realize that I shouldn't use Evernote anymore, paying or not, because I don't want to keep building a dependence on a product that is utterly useless if they price me out of the service. I've started migrating away and have been happy with my new workflow.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, clearThumbtack said:

seeing how broken the free plan experience is

It's a severely limited access because it's a free plan...  and it was your choice to use it...

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18 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

that pink elephant is just a keyboard warrior troll paid by evernote

I have a new workflow!  Posters of ad hominem comments like this about Pink, Gazumped, or any of the other Level 5s here who spend so much time responding to questions (I don't know how you folks do it) earn an immediate free place in my rogue's gallery -- aka "ignore" list.  I'm not under any illusion that it makes any difference to them... but it makes a big difference to me!


P.S.  Here's a thought:  maybe I should create a shared note called Rogue's Gallery with all of those user IDs (and the list is growing!) and make it available to forum members who are interested!  Nah.  I guess not.

Edited by VincentC
Add the P.S.
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4 minutes ago, VincentC said:

I have a new workflow!  Posters of ad hominem comments like this about Pink, Gazumped, or any of the other Level 5s here who spend so much time responding to questions (I don't know how you folks do it) earn an immediate free place in my rogue's gallery -- aka "ignore" list.  I'm not under any illusion that it makes any difference to them... but it makes a big difference to me!



I once got called a "Bending Spoons bootlicker" on Reddit for my posts on here. People have these parasocial relationships with inanimate things and go through a personal break up when the prices get raised.

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26 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

I once got called a "Bending Spoons bootlicker" on Reddit for my posts on here. People have these parasocial relationships with inanimate things and go through a personal break up when the prices get raised.

Reddit it mental, so many trolls in the EN Reddit, did you see the reaction when the post was made about increased features in the free and personal tiers, absolutely unhinged conspiracy nonsense. Really weird folks being that triggered over a notes app. 

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  • Level 5*
11 minutes ago, WilliamL said:

Really weird folks being that triggered over a notes app.

I value what's left of my sanity thanks - staying well away.  The old Evernote management team used to do podcasts and I remember them reminiscing about the death threats they got for changing fonts at some early stage...

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1 hour ago, WilliamL said:

Reddit it mental, so many trolls in the EN Reddit, did you see the reaction when the post was made about increased features in the free and personal tiers, absolutely unhinged conspiracy nonsense. Really weird folks being that triggered over a notes app. 

Reddit is insane. I mainly stick to dedicated message boards, Discord, and Matrix. Ever since the API changes moderation has gotten worse and the crazies are allowed to say whatever they want.

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

I value what's left of my sanity thanks - staying well away.  The old Evernote management team used to do podcasts and I remember them reminiscing about the death threats they got for changing fonts at some early stage...

Wise, I’m too nosy reading the AITA posts 😂 got banned from there for telling someone to weed killer the neighbours flowers! 

The Evernote sub is a mess so much so someone started a Evernotepositive sub to avoid all the nonsense. 

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  • Level 5

Hi folks, thanks for all the comments.

23 hours ago, weasyx said:

that pink elephant is just a keyboard warrior troll paid by evernote, so no one cares about …

When I read something like this, I think by myself „Wow, I really made a point even if I had no intention to“.

“You shall know them by their enemies“ was always a clever advise. So, @weasyx, thanks for the boost (and goodbye).

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Hi folks, thanks for all the comments.

When I read something like this, I think by myself „Wow, I really made a point even if I had no intention to“.

“You shall know them by their enemies“ was always a clever advise. So, @weasyx, thanks for the boost (and goodbye).

How much did you get paid to say that? 😂

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Nowadays it's largely acknowledged that one doesn't need to get paid when they can express their gratuitous anger and frustration at the expense of other members of online communities. That's worth much more than earning cash. So I agree that @weasyx's phrasing was unfortunate.
However, this community has often been incredibly unwelcoming, grouchy and prone to bashing for many users, including myself, rather than helpful. As a long time user and paid customer, I had a growing sense of being framed in this ecosystem. I still benefit from it, and currently lack the time to look for alternatives. But there's definitely something unsettling about the atmosphere on this forum, which I have not encountered in other communities.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, StePap said:

there's definitely something unsettling about the atmosphere on this forum,

Sorry if you feel threatened in some way - contributors here are almost exclusively other volunteer users (unless you see an "Employee" label),  and generally respond as helpfully as possible to a polite enquiry;  less so to someone rudely demanding an instant fix to some imagined issue.

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On 9/14/2023 at 3:27 PM, gazumped said:

Presumably the same amount?  Evernote hasn't had an increase for several years,  and needs to get back to a viable market price.  If you think the cost is too much,  then downgrade your account to free (your notes will still be available - with some serious restrictions) and move off to one of the other apps in this market.  There's a lot of chatter,  but no agreement that I've seen about which is best.

The fact that they haven't increased their price in years has absolutely no bearing on how ridiculous a 100% price increase is for an app that, in the grand scheme, provides very little functionality compared to others.  I do use it daily, but at $129 a year for the personal version, it can easily be replaced, and I am going to assume they will lost a LOT of their customers.  I will be one of them. 

And, why are you white-knighting for them?  You feel like an undercover EN employee. 

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3 hours ago, Hogan1966 said:

The fact that they haven't increased their price in years has absolutely no bearing on how ridiculous a 100% price increase is for an app that, in the grand scheme, provides very little functionality compared to others.  I do use it daily, but at $129 a year for the personal version, it can easily be replaced, and I am going to assume they will lost a LOT of their customers.  I will be one of them. 

And, why are you white-knighting for them?  You feel like an undercover EN employee. 

There is a marketing tactic to set a high price and some people will believe that it must be a premium product, and willingly pay.  I've got news for Evernote - it aint no premium product - not anymore !!  Any I would agree that the old price is about what its worth.

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  • Level 5
8 hours ago, Hogan1966 said:

The fact that they haven't increased their price in years has absolutely no bearing on how ridiculous a 100% price increase is for an app that, in the grand scheme, provides very little functionality compared to others.  I do use it daily, but at $129 a year for the personal version, it can easily be replaced, and I am going to assume they will lost a LOT of their customers.  I will be one of them. 

And, why are you white-knighting for them?  You feel like an undercover EN employee. 

So, first off, welcome to the forums. Let me white-knight for @gazumped while he's off cashing his Evernote paycheck in Bitcoin.... Even when making your first forum post, you could read through to the end of it first. Where you would see, right above your post (with my highlighting added):

10 hours ago, gazumped said:

Sorry if you feel threatened in some way - contributors here are almost exclusively other volunteer users (unless you see an "Employee" label),  and generally respond as helpfully as possible to a polite enquiry;  less so to someone rudely demanding an instant fix to some imagined issue.

Differing opinions are allowed here -- it's not complaints-only -- so saying that you use Evernote every day and also find that it provides good functionality is permitted. Which I am now saying, and I couldn't get up a horse if I tried, even without a suit of armor.

If you actually want to let Evernote, instead of a bunch of randos on a forum, know of your departure: feedback@evernote.com.

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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, Hogan1966 said:

I do use it daily, but at $129 a year for the personal version, it can easily be replaced,

Then your decision is easy.  For some of us, not so much.  For how I use Evernote, it is not easily replaced.  That said, I’m not thrilled about the price either, nor do I think it is a premium app worthy of the high price yet, but I’ve signed up for another year to see how this shakes out.  Either Evernote will improve to the point where I think the price is worth it, or the competitors get another year to get closer to what I need in the app.  Good luck with your decision.

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I have been using Evernote with my Livescribe digital pen and notebooks since Evernote began. Although the company has updated its app it has also taken away key features, including the integration with Spellcheck and the Presentation Display many of us used during meetings. The connectivity of Evernote is non-existent which means a user must create a work around using a third-party app. All this to say, I would have no problem with the subscription increase if the services were a true online platform. Given that our Microsoft 365 Subscription is $69.99/Annual and includes OneNote for no additional charge, that's where we'll be heading next. It's a shame really, Evernote could have been so much more but its owners decided to cash out and sold to a new company with profit vs. quality on their mind. By the way, we were unable to find a way to export Evernote Notebooks and Notes. There was a third-party app that could export Evernote notes' to Microsoft OneNote but that's gone. So it's a laborious copy and paste task. 

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I am so incredibly disappointed with Evernote. I have been a loyal user for over 14 years. Now Evernote is nearly DOUBLING the price for a personal account with only a month notice. I'm extremely angered by this. I remember when the $69 price was introduced, we were promised that we would never be asked to pay more for that level of service. Now, it seems Evernote wants to abandon its personal account users. I will immediately begin looking for alternatives. Something I have never thought I would do. This is so incredibly disrespectful to customers. Farewell, Evernote. It was good while it lasted. 

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  • Level 5*
18 hours ago, Tom Marin said:

The connectivity of Evernote is non-existent


  • AFAIK Evernote never had a connection with Spellcheck - like Grammarly or your system spellcheck,  if set up properly add-ins should work within notes.  Evernote has its own spellcheck too...   
  • spellcheck.jpg.678b6cf1962f8c9638633b0604ade2b2.jpg
  • Presentations are still possible from images in one note,  any web browser on any device or shared notes or notebooks.
  • Copies of your notes are hosted on a remote server and can be accessed via any device including a browser,  and almost any file can be attached to a note so I don't understand the lack of 'connectivity' (see image)
  • And exports are possible from a desktop one notebook at a time*

However enjoy your use of 365.

Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML


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It was once a good tool. Now there are many reasons to switch to others.

1) Prices have increased many times, for my country several times, hundreds of percent

2) The new product is worse than the classic version, it is VERY slow even on a very powerful computer.

3) They remove support for the classic version and force you to switch to a new product, which is inferior to the classic one in all respects.

4) The free plan now has even more limitations, which reduce its use to almost nothing. They are again forcing you to subscribe to paid tariffs.

There are no more reasons to stay on such terms, except habit. The product has gone downhill completely. They do it on their own. So in my turn, I'm going to reject the subscription.

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  • Level 5

Fine, thanks for posting.

If you want to tell EN: feedback@evernote.com

About speed: If you just recently downloaded the v10 app, it will not be as fast until it has finished downloading your content from the server. For large accounts this can take some days, with the app running.

If it remains slow, there is likely a corruption in the local database, which can be fixed by replacing it.

I run v10 on a number of devices, and it is snappy on all of them.

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I just cancelled my subscription with Evernote and went with UpNote!

BTW Evernote will give you a 40% discount offer when you try to cancel your subscription online.

For me, personally I had been on the fence with Evernote for years, not fully happy with what they offered but stuck around just for convenience and out of habit. But when they surprisingly jacked up their rates to more than double the price, that forced me to finally dump them & change. It seems sleazy to jack up the price without first informing customers, I never received an email notifying me about it.
I spent many hours trying out different new note taking apps. UpNote seems pretty solid to me. Price is fantastic, Lifetime for $29.99...which is a fraction of what Evernote was charging annually!

The major feature that made me chose UpNote over all the others is Collapsible / Nesting sections. This was a major feature I was waiting for Evernote to implement, but it never came. I was actually using Google Paper for certain documents, b/c I so critically needed that functionality of collapsible sections. Now I am very happy to have it all built into 1 app in UpNote.
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  • Level 5

We have had this "I never received an e-mail" claim before.

The top runners on this are

  1. the email address saved in the account is outdated and not in use any more
  2. the Spam folder was the "Inbox"
  3. the email was received, but not opened or not read

You can check these options, and if no one meets your situation, send a ticket at support to tell them about your experience.

Beside this, every user does his own evaluation of price vs. value. And nobody is forced to use the service.

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7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

We have had this "I never received an e-mail" claim before.

The top runners on this are

  1. the email address saved in the account is outdated and not in use any more
  2. the Spam folder was the "Inbox"
  3. the email was received, but not opened or not read

You can check these options, and if no one meets your situation, send a ticket at support to tell them about your experience.

Beside this, every user does his own evaluation of price vs. value. And nobody is forced to use the service.

Pink Elephant you have been going HARD in this message board. Clearly you're either 1) Paid by Evernote or 2) Need Something Better to do with your Life.

Pink Elephant you don't have to reply to every single person's post. Our messages are not meant for you personally. Our messages are meant to inform other people on our experiences & opinions. 

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  • Level 5

You post, and anybody can answer.

I feel the question about me being a paid hireling in disguise is insulting - with a little forum search you could have found the answer yourself.

What I do with my time is my business - mind your own, I would say.

You got a constructive answer about your request. Take it and do what you want.

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  • Level 5
14 minutes ago, treborio said:

I just cancelled my subscription with Evernote and went with UpNote!

BTW Evernote will give you a 40% discount offer when you try to cancel your subscription online.

For me, personally I had been on the fence with Evernote for years, not fully happy with what they offered but stuck around just for convenience and out of habit. But when they surprisingly jacked up their rates to more than double the price, that forced me to finally dump them & change. It seems sleazy to jack up the price without first informing customers, I never received an email notifying me about it.
I spent many hours trying out different new note taking apps. UpNote seems pretty solid to me. Price is fantastic, Lifetime for $29.99...which is a fraction of what Evernote was charging annually!

The major feature that made me chose UpNote over all the others is Collapsible / Nesting sections. This was a major feature I was waiting for Evernote to implement, but it never came. I was actually using Google Paper for certain documents, b/c I so critically needed that functionality of collapsible sections. Now I am very happy to have it all built into 1 app in UpNote.

Ironically, it's just been revealed that Evernote is at last implementing collapsible sections (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/150550-collapsible-sections-coming-to-evernote/). I hope UpNote will work out well for you, but I'm really skeptical about a $30 lifetime subscription. To me, that sounds more like a hobby than a business. If very many people sign up for it, I can't imagine that they'll be able to afford the storage and bandwidth at those rates. It might be wise to have an exit strategy there too.

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52 minutes ago, treborio said:

I just cancelled my subscription with Evernote and went with UpNote!

BTW Evernote will give you a 40% discount offer when you try to cancel your subscription online.

For me, personally I had been on the fence with Evernote for years, not fully happy with what they offered but stuck around just for convenience and out of habit. But when they surprisingly jacked up their rates to more than double the price, that forced me to finally dump them & change. It seems sleazy to jack up the price without first informing customers, I never received an email notifying me about it.
I spent many hours trying out different new note taking apps. UpNote seems pretty solid to me. Price is fantastic, Lifetime for $29.99...which is a fraction of what Evernote was charging annually!

The major feature that made me chose UpNote over all the others is Collapsible / Nesting sections. This was a major feature I was waiting for Evernote to implement, but it never came. I was actually using Google Paper for certain documents, b/c I so critically needed that functionality of collapsible sections. Now I am very happy to have it all built into 1 app in UpNote.

How did you reach Evernote to cancel? They never answered my support requests.

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, MiamiHal said:

How did you reach Evernote to cancel? They never answered my support requests.

Go to the  billing page: https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action. At the bottom is a little blue link to cancel. No need for support. As I understand it, this will drop you to a Free plan, with all its limitations. Your notes will continue to exist and should be editable, but you won't be able to add new ones (unless you have fewer than 50, including trash, and only 1 notebook). There's another link somewhere in the account tabs to actually remove all your account data if you decide to do that.

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I think the funniest fact about this is that it is more expensive than the whole MS 365 bundle subscription. From what I see, in the US, it's even more expensive than the family plan... and imagine how much more stuff the MS 365 contains, including OneNote which is basically the same thing as Evernote (even if I don't like its interface so much).

Tells you something about the quality of the Evernote Corp's management and accounting. I left too. Even if I had that sort of money, I am not going to support something so ridiculous.

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4 hours ago, Barbora Kánská said:

I think the funniest fact about this is that it is more expensive than the whole MS 365 bundle subscription. From what I see, in the US, it's even more expensive than the family plan... and imagine how much more stuff the MS 365 contains, including OneNote which is basically the same thing as Evernote (even if I don't like its interface so much).

Tells you something about the quality of the Evernote Corp's management and accounting. I left too. Even if I had that sort of money, I am not going to support something so ridiculous.

But as it suits who. I open Excel a couple of times a week. Word a couple of times a year. I don't use Powerpoint. I also don't use Outlook because I use Thunderbird. OneNote is unusable for me. 
I use Evernote daily for hours and hours for private stuff and managing company projects.

Even if Microsoft office  will be free,  Evernote would be "priceless" for me against free office..

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  • Level 5

MS Office - …. - oh, that ….

It is not that I could do without it. I actually DO without it. I think it is one of the most bloated productivity inhibitors that exist.

It is much more difficult to replace EN (so I stay).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been a loyal user since 2009. I started with 35 Euros. Then some years later it became 60 Euro with no additional features. Some years back, they again changed the pricing, and I started paying something like 90 Euros. The new pricing at 135 euros is just insane. The so-called unique features aren't unique at all. I moved everything to Obsidian. 100% free of charge. It works like a charm, and I can keep my notes stored in a free GitHub or on my Synology.

Evernote has lost its mind. It has always been a great app. Somehow, they thought adding poor implementation of task management is worth extra money, or a newly designed home screen or calendar integration with Google Calendars and, recently, Outlook. Evernote.... it's not! O365 offers similar features better integrated for less. It's that I hate OneNote. Otherwise, there would be zero reason to stick with Evernote. There are tons of other free note-taking apps out there these days.

After 15 years and with this price increase I am afraid it is time to say goodbye. Evernote is not differentiating enough to pay this insane amount of money for a yearly subscription. 90 Euros was already at the edge, because I felt I was paying for features I did not ask for and features that have better implementations in other tools. It's a bummer to see such a nice app go to waste. I wonder if the Evernote team still knows who their users are/were. It's a bummer that in 15 years they never once asked what features I would have like and that they somehow thought their ***** tasks management and calendar integrations were going to be a game changer.

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  • Level 5*
On 3/9/2024 at 2:27 PM, Ruud Wijnands said:

Evernote has lost its mind.

They somehow managed to hang on to tens or hundreds of thousands of subscribers,  so I think they'll struggle on for now.  Good luck with Obsidian.

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  • Level 5*
9 hours ago, ben353253 said:

You appear to be judge, jury and executioner around here. Fascinating. 

I suggest you look up the term 'moderator'.

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6 hours ago, ben353253 said:

Nor is hoping people know you're a moderator with no visual indicator of such a position. 


Click on the little Green Shield at the Top of @gazumped posts......

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