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Add right to left direction support



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I'm not sure that it's the place but I would like to request such a feature

The right to left support is very lacking currently in the mac app -

  1. You can't set in first place that the text is right to left (you have to do it after the text was created)
  2. When you add bullets - all becomes very messy... The bullets only allow left to right 

It would be highly appreciated by all Israeli users





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I am writing from right to left in Hebrew.

since this morning (after an upgrade of evernote I believe?) all my notes are shown from left to right and I can not read them.

I have evernote plus.

the problem appears in my windows pc and in my android Samsung galaxy as well.

please help how to write and show my notes from right to left as I did till today.

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Hello @aptowizard and @meirjean,

Thank you for posting. To make sure we are all on the same page, this started after a recent update to Evernote on Android, correct? Or did this start after an update to another Evernote application on a different device?

Do your notes still appear correctly on the Evernote website?

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Thank you @Matt W. for the attention,


This indeed started after the update to the Android app - I believe it has to do with your new editor, right after you guys posted that there's a new editor the issue started .

Writing & editing on the web is fine..

BTW - notes that were written in the past & are accessed now through the app are still ok - they are aligned to the right as they should but just new notes cannot be aligned to right.

Editing anything in Hebrew or Arabic is impossibly confusing (clicking at the end of a line will start typing at its beginning & the other way around).

I have high hopes with you helping Matt - I use the app all the time & would hate to have to switch service (300 million right-to-left language speakers would probably have to do the same..)

A big thank you in advance!!!

(p.s. I would be happy to help with any further questions until resolution, I'm also sure it's not a specific issue with me - opened Evernote at a friend's android phone & it's the same..)

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Thanks again @Matt W.!

Don't know if this helps but here's more info:

Your Windows desktop program always had some confusing issues with Right-to-Left texts - the cursor doesn't follow the text while typing but is instead stationary, remaining at the beginning of the line (which is very confusing for editing) & placing the cursor at the beginning of a line produces the same effect as the new Android update does (it starts writing at the end of the line instead - placing it at the end starts writing at the beginning..)

I've come to terms with this & although it could sometimes be really uncomfortable it's somehow manageable. (your Windows App BTW is perfect & doesn't have this problem at all but is just less comfortable with a non touch screen..)

Hope this helps & can't wait for the Android app to come back to normal - maybe on the way you might fix the Windows program cursor issue also!

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the problem still exist in my android.

the button of alignment is missing in the android while it does appear in the web or in the pc windows.

in my case all my previous notes which were written from write to left appear now in the pc windows and in the android from left to write.

the note on the web also appear the wrong way - from left to right.

that means it is impossible to read them.

I suppose it all began when there was an update in the android but I am not sure.

thanks Matt.


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On 5/20/2016 at 8:56 AM, Adambe said:

Something went wrong. No more RTL support. I use to write a lot in Hebrew but now it's impossible! Please fix this it can be done.

-Who's with me?

I'm defiantly with you!! We are in 2016 and still don't have rtl support

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I see this is an old discussion, but I was just trying to look for a solution for the same problem.

I am writing a list in Hebrew and it would be nice if it aligned on the right side.

I have tried the right click on a list in a new note or editing an existing list but I'm not finding how to get it to align on the right.

I have recently updated my evernote so I believe I have the latest version.

Thanks, Elana

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Me too! 
I will NOT Renew my subscription, If Evernote will not implement. This is getting ridiculous having text virtually unreadable for RTL Languages. Evernote is lagging far behind on this one.. 
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6 hours ago, meirjean said:

Hi @Matt W.,



Hi Meir,

We are testing this out currently, but there is not any specific time frame I am able to provide on a release. Once I know more, I will be sure to let you all know.


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I use the Windows, Mac and Android versions and have been having RTL issues for years now. Generally speaking, paragraph direction isn't saved on notes. If you change it once in one place, it won't remember it.

Also Evernote Web doesn't support RTL very well.

This is kind of a problem since I find it hard to recommend Evernote to my primarily Hebrew-speaking friends and colleagues...

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Adiron: Have you experienced this on the desktop version? I'm also curious if you're using free vs. premium. I use Evernote on a daily basis in Arabic (desktop, premium version) and have never had an issue with it reverting to the wrong paragraph direction. I'm wondering if the glitch is specific to Hebrew, for some reason? Sorry I can't offer a solution. I'm just curious why RTL seems to be a problem for some users and not others, since I also recommend Evernote to colleagues who work in RTL languages. 

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I am an Arabic user and I would like to see Arabic fully supported in upcoming release of Evernote. I could use Arabic for notes but It appears in LTR direction. also Evernoe couldn't recognize scanable documents and cars for the lack of Arabic letter OCR. Arabic letter is used beside Arabic by Urdu, and Persian and other languages.

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No Hebrew support in either the Windows or Android apps!
Took me forever to try Evernote because I was an avid OneNote user.
Finally decided to try it, and to my horror, realized there is no RTL support....

On the Windows app, you can justify the text to the right, which is half of the way - but the punctuation still displays at the beginning of the line...

On the Android app, you can't even do that...


There is no way I'm paying for this app until this is fixed, and probably not going to wait for it either.....

Pitty, because other than that, it's fantastic.

Looking back in the forum, I see that this issue has been raised way back in 2012 already - I would have expected Evernote to fix this problem, not for the measly Hebrew speaking market share, but for the huge, HUGE, Arabic speaking market share....

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Hi @Matt W.,

I appreciate your efforts but this is just to let you know it's the first time I'm not renewing my premium account & I'm sad to say it

's for this reason :(

I've also stopped recommending Evernote to friends - I don't want them to be as frustrated as me with so much data with you already with just trying to figure out a way to transfer it to another service..

Good luck resolving this super critical issue for millions of users, if I've not completely moved to another service I would be sure to renew it once it resolves..

Please keep us posted.. :(

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I am in trouble in using Arabic at Evernote for Mac because it does not support inputting from right to left.

Therefore, I am forced to use Evernote Web in Google Chrome because that is the only version in which I can select writing from left or from right.

(I could not find the same option in other browsers including Firefox and Safari...)

After using Chrome, I see Arabic sentences wrote from right in other versions including Mac; so I believe that it will not be a difficult issue for developers to add this option.

I really hope this option will be introduced to all the versions you offer, considering that the fee was raised.

Thank you.

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I moved this to the feature request forum
Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner

This is also discussed at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/96018-writing-from-right-to-left-in-hebrew-or-arabic/?do=findComment&comment=406915
indictating a bug that is being worked on


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Given the huge number of people who write in RTL languages, I'm surprised they haven't fixed this more quickly. Hopefully, it will not be long.

In the meantime, I've discovered a couple of things. I do sometimes write a few words in Hebrew (I don't know Arabic, so I can't test that). On my Android phone, I use a keyboard called Smart Keyboard Pro, precisely because it allows typing in a large number of languages, including RTL languages. I tried creating a new Evernote note and typing some Hebrew in it using Smart Keyboard Pro, and it typed correctly, right-to-left. Smart Keyboard Pro does include Arabic among its available languages. This might be a temporary measure that would work for some.

On Windows, I don't have Hebrew or Arabic implemented at the system level, but I do have Syriac, another RTL language, and I found I was able to get correct  RTL typing in an Evernote note when I selected Syriac as the language. I also use a word processor called Nota Bene, which has excellent facilities for writing both Hebrew and Arabic (though I admit I have not tested the Arabic!). When I write some Hebrew text in it and copy it to the Windows clipboard, then paste it into an Evernote note, it appears correctly formatted RTL, including word-wrap; and when I sync the note, it appears properly in Evernote on my Android phone. This might also work using RTL text created in Microsoft Word, but I'm not able to test that.

So there may be some workarounds: a RTL-capable keyboard in Android, and creating RTL text in a word processor in Windows and copying and pasting into Evernote. Not really solutions, but perhaps they may help someone get some work done in EN until the fix is implemented. Of course, I don't know what would happen to notes created in these ways when the fix happens!

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Dear Matt,

I am surprised this issue has not been solved so far. It seems to be pending for way more than half a year now. In Evernote it should be possible to write from left to right or right to left or bidirectional (text from right to left and numbers or citations from left to right. These are basic concepts of markup language. If the editor doesn't support RTL you cannot edit any note without getting totally frustrated. In this case Evernote will become useless for anybody who needs to edit text in Arabic, Hebrew or any other language which is BIDI or RTL. This probably has cost Evernote already a quite number of premium members.

For example:

The following text was written RTL. After pasting it here (or in Evernote) it is converted into LTR. So the full stop is at the right which is at the beginning of the sentence instead at the end. And this is just the beginning of the trouble.

للأسف لا أستطيع أن أتكلم العربية.

Could you please bring this issue to the attention of someone who is capable to make a decisions about fixing this ASAP?

Thank you.


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Same here, this is quite disappointing to have such a wonderful app without RTL support. not fixing this issue for more than 6 months show the priorities or the lack of them in addressing the issue.

Please fix this, it seriousely is hurting your returning customers.

Thank you.

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6 hours ago, Sht.Eitan said:

Same here, this is quite disappointing to have such a wonderful app without RTL support. not fixing this issue for more than 6 months show the priorities or the lack of them in addressing the issue.

Please fix this, it seriousely is hurting your returning customers.

Thank you.


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25 minutes ago, ghalibmeer said:



@Matt W. we're happy you'r not ignoring us (that would have just made me drop the use of the app completely) but please, this is crazy, I keep using the app & recording all my notes in it in such an uncomfortable way (every time I type in it I'm frustrated but keep believing it'll soon be fixed) - please don't abuse our patience- is there any expected time line for this to finally get fixed?

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It seems that Evernote has slightly different features available on each of its platforms. But as someone who uses Evernote exclusively in Arabic, I have to say that I LOVE working in Evernote. I use a desktop-based, premium version on a Mac. I have full RTL support (enabled by right-clicking, then selecting text direction for paragraph). They are also one of the few programs that can actually do a decent text search in Arabic, even with OCR on images of texts. I'm sad to hear that RTL isn't enabled as well on other platforms, but if any of the commenters above are working on Macs, I'm surprised to hear you're having issues. Try downloading the desktop-based program and see if that resolves the issues? I'm including a screen shot of RTL options on my version of Evernote. Screen Shot 2017-01-09 at 10.32.21 AM.png

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2 minutes ago, PhoenixWazi said:

It seems that Evernote has slightly different features available on each of its platforms. But as someone who uses Evernote exclusively in Arabic, I have to say that I LOVE working in Evernote. I use a desktop-based, premium version on a Mac. I have full RTL support (enabled by right-clicking, then selecting text direction for paragraph). They are also one of the few programs that can actually do a decent text search in Arabic, even with OCR on images of texts. I'm sad to hear that RTL isn't enabled as well on other platforms, but if any of the commenters above are working on Macs, I'm surprised to hear you're having issues. Try downloading the desktop-based program and see if that resolves the issues? I'm including a screen shot of RTL options on my version of Evernote. Screen Shot 2017-01-09 at 10.32.21 AM.png

I dont have a desktop... I use it on my android tablet 

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Hi Wazi.

Thank you for your input. Looks like Mac has an advantage here :)

I am using the Desktop application, on Win10, and I don't have this option on my context-menu.

However, when I copy-paste RTL text from RTL paragraphs in MS-Word, they do retain this paragraph attribute when pasted into Evernote...

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Since you were asking,  rather than complaining about RTL's omission,  I thought you weren't yet a user. 

As an existing user,  what you see is all there is at present:  the 'layout' tools being the toolbar across the top of a note window.

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@Matt W.

Does this mean you've given up on this?

There is a way to resolve the RTL issue in all versions!
How do I know? from the following:

- The IOS version works ok - start writing & then long press the screen & click the IOS change orientation symbol (2 opposite horizontal arrows)
- The windows version works weird - it's possible to write from right to left but the cursor doesn't follow as you type & actually placing it at the end with the mouse makes typing start at the beginning of the line!
Additionally either typing numbers(!) or (god forbid) adding a word in English messes up the entire line & renders the text unintelligible & non-editable.
- If a note was written in IOS (aligned to the right first & then add the text, not the opposite or it won't work!) & then opened in the Windows program - magically the Windows program works perfect!

This shows you fixing all versions to do RTL is possible & I believe I've just given your programmers an option to check what is it that works & implement it in all versions.

Please help us, please, please, please

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Dear developers,

Last year you've made a change in your Android app & since then it's very (very!) hard to use it for RTL languages.

Arabic alone is the next most spoken language in the world after English (http://www.vistawide.com/languages/top_30_languages.htm) (preceding it are only Chinese, Hindi & Spanish).

The support for RTL across all your platforms has been inconsistent & it's a shame as it's possible to achieve.

How do I know? from the following:

- The IOS version currently works ok - start writing & then long press the screen & click the IOS change orientation symbol (2 opposite horizontal arrows)
- The windows version works weird - it's possible to write from right to left but the cursor doesn't follow as you type & actually placing it at the end with the mouse makes typing start at the beginning of the line!
Additionally either typing numbers(!) or (god forbid) adding a word in English messes up the entire line & renders the text unintelligible & non-editable.
- If a note was written in IOS (aligned to the right first & then add the text, not the opposite or it won't work!) & then opened in the Windows program - magically the Windows program works perfect!

This shows you fixing all versions to do RTL is possible & I believe I've just given your programmers an option to check what is it that works & implement it in all versions.

Please help hundreds of millions of people use your apps (Adnriod in particular), please, please, please allow us to continue & use Evernote


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Dear developers,

Last year you've made a change in your Android app & since then it's very (very!) hard to use it for RTL languages.

Arabic alone is the next most spoken language in the world after English (http://www.vistawide.com/languages/top_30_languages.htm) (preceding it are only Chinese, Hindi & Spanish).

The support for RTL across all your platforms has been inconsistent & it's a shame as it's possible to achieve.

How do I know? from the following:

- The IOS version currently works ok - start writing & then long press the screen & click the IOS change orientation symbol (2 opposite horizontal arrows)
- The windows version works weird - it's possible to write from right to left but the cursor doesn't follow as you type & actually placing it at the end with the mouse makes typing start at the beginning of the line!
Additionally either typing numbers(!) or (god forbid) adding a word in English messes up the entire line & renders the text unintelligible & non-editable.
- If a note was written in IOS (aligned to the right first & then add the text, not the opposite or it won't work!) & then opened in the Windows program - magically the Windows program works perfect!

This shows you fixing all versions to do RTL is possible & I believe I've just given your programmers an option to check what is it that works & implement it in all versions.

Please help hundreds of millions of people use your apps (Adnriod in particular), please, please, please allow us to continue & use Evernote

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First of all let me say IOS is the only platform Evernote does a (very) good job in handling RTL.

My only complaint is this:

(After the text is aligned to the right & you input some text):
Writing a number followed by a dot at the beginning of a line (say 1.) the number will disappear.

Any insights?

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Seems that as long as the app is rated over 4.5 in play store, nothing will change. If 20% of the users, which use RTL, will decrease the app rank to 3 stars or less, and explain why, this obvious need would be taken more seriously and respectfully.

At the moment it looks like no one cares :(

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I agree that this is a very serious issue. In general, the Evernote programmers (like all prudent software developers) don't comment on when certain features will be added or restored or improved. But this really is a necessity for many millions of users and potential users, and in this case silence may (perhaps unfairly) give the impression of lack of interest. In a previous post, I did suggest a couple of workarounds:

But they are only workarounds, not really solutions.

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4 hours ago, Talr said:

Seems that as long as the app is rated over 4.5 in play store, nothing will change. If 20% of the users, which use RTL, will decrease the app rank to 3 stars or less, and explain why, this obvious need would be taken more seriously and respectfully.

At the moment it looks like no one cares :(


Totally agree. Will do so right now.

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I asked about it on twitter. Will do the same in facebook.I will also open tickets now and then. And I rated one star and told the reason. Ignoring is not the best strategy to take with your clients, EVERNOTE!

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19 hours ago, Metallica said:

By the way, Evernote's RTL was never working correctly. Always had problems with it on all platforms.

They just blow the last punch. The only place it worked just fine, is now ruined. 

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7 hours ago, Amir All said:

I asked about it on twitter. Will do the same in facebook.I will also open tickets now and then. And I rated one star and told the reason. Ignoring is not the best strategy to take with your clients, EVERNOTE!

Agree lets give them a low rating... But not 1 star i think it wont be fair with them... 

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7 hours ago, ghalibmeer said:

Agree lets give them a low rating... But not 1 star i think it wont be fair with them... 

I also rated them 1 star on Google Play Store and mentioned the reason. Also pinged them on twitter regarding this. To be honest, it's more than fair to treat them the way they treat their customers and ignore them. This is a super critical issue for many paying customers, including me. This is not a fancy feature which nobody uses or a minor bug that happens to 2 customers only. I am a software developer myself and I know how prioritizing tickets and "epics" should work. This should be prioritized as a "showstopper". If they don't understand this, let's make them understand.

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1 hour ago, Metallica said:

I also rated them 1 star on Google Play Store and mentioned the reason. Also pinged them on twitter regarding this. To be honest, it's more than fair to treat them the way they treat their customers and ignore them. This is a super critical issue for many paying customers, including me. This is not a fancy feature which nobody uses or a minor bug that happens to 2 customers only. I am a software developer myself and I know how prioritizing tickets and "epics" should work. This should be prioritized as a "showstopper". If they don't understand this, let's make them understand.

I agree to what you are saying... Rtl is everything to me concerning notes, yet its a wonderful app and ditching it for rtl ia a shame they should do something in this regard 

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Just gave them a 1 star rating for showing ZERO investment.


I wrote:

You should at least show some interest in the comments in your faq forum. No support for RTL and no comment on the subject no matter what people say. Very disappointing. First time I wrote a bad review.
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