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Evernote Web Pages Width at 800 px too narrow



Hi Evernote Team,

I am working at a proposal for a Client - Their request is rather challenging and I'm doing my best to offer a solution to the problems they'd like to solve using Evernote. They are essentially wanting to transform many of their existing (reporting) documents from excel and Word over to Evernote.

One thing I noticed that is a real show stopper is the Evernote website canvas: it's only 800 px wide! This is very very limiting when you need to share documents created for the web. I have spent the last few days pushing evernote to the limit but I hit the ceiling every time due to the 800px limit We cannot overrride - I would suggest this limit be pushed upwards to (at least) 1024, and if possible offer the possibility to personalize the canvas width (that would be great) 

Hope this helps and can be done,




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Thank you for your reply DT,

View in Evernote implicates the user must have an account and login - this is not always the case, especially if we are talking about reporting functions. 800px is an extremely conservative layout IMHO and we could really benefit from a more generous web canvas allocation for these cases. In my experience I use shared public links very often and so would the Client I am working with who would hopefully signup for 2o business seats :)



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How has this not been addressed yet?  The narrow width of the HTML layout is a nightmare for people that want to share notes with tables in them, or even images.  Very disappointed that Evernote has not addressed this issue since it would only take a couple minutes to update the CSS and the return on that investment is a massive boost to desktop usability.  I'll happily do the heavy lifting for you below!

750px for content (with 50px padding) is ridiculous.  It's at least responsive for Tablet/Mobile, which is wonderful, but you are neglecting PC users with larger screens, which is bad UI/UX.  

1200px is one of the more common desktop CSS breakpoint display widths.  Lets roll with that.  Send your developers over to http://www.websitedimensions.com/ if they have any questions.

Here's all you need to do to address this.  No QA needed, ready for production release in as long as it takes to change 1 line of CSS and commit the file.


@media only screen and (min-width: 60.875em), only screen and (min-width: 51.75em)
.mod-single-note-page-new-design#container {
    width: 750px;


@media only screen and (min-width: 60.875em), only screen and (min-width: 51.75em)
.mod-single-note-page-new-design#container {
    width: 1150px;

That accounts for your 50px padding and gets us up to a reasonable 1200px;  And that's just an acceptable minimum width for a full desktop site, it could easily go larger.

I'll be over here anxiously refreshing my browser window hoping for some progress... 

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I too echo all the comments thus far regarding the 800 px limitation and the recommended suggestions. Based on the large number of notes I share to non-Evernote folks by URLs, I don't think there could be an update that would make me as happy as this would. Please make this happen or at least let us know you are going to work on it. 

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32 minutes ago, fchandler said:

I too echo all the comments thus far regarding the 800 px limitation and the recommended suggestions. Based on the large number of notes I share to non-Evernote folks by URLs, I don't think there could be an update that would make me as happy as this would. Please make this happen or at least let us know you are going to work on it. 

Thanks for echoing that! I was on the phone earlier today with a prospect and they were a bit annoyed about the way the notes are rendered on the web because of this limitation: ideally the web should be responsive - let's see if anything happens ... 

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16 hours ago, Chuck Boudreau said:

Providing the ability to make displayable content on a web-accessible note wider than 800px would solve a huge problem for me:

  • I use Evernote to create notes containing tables that I share with colleagues and collaborators who do not use Evernote
  • When they open the note in a browser via a shared note link, the resulting view is undesirable and difficult to consume.

This is particularly problematic with the use of tables with more than three columns. Tables of four columns or more become narrowly squished and, as a result, the contents word-wrap at awkward and sometimes unfortunate intervals.

Hmmn.  Until there's a change here,  you might want to look into other forms of shared table.  I'm a big fan of Airtable which is pretty easy to get into,  allows full-on spreadsheet sharing and collaboration,  plus it has some scripting and relational database features that make it very flexible indeed.

Not being (very) disloyal to Evernote here - I use third-party apps for lots of things that Evernote doesn't do at all,  and for some it doesn't do very well;  and if you need the feature it's better to get it going now in one form or another,  rather than wait a year or two in the hope Evernote will add it.

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I would like to add my vote and this issue still remains as of August 2018. Many of my notes are quite wide as i have a wide table and when i view these in the HTML version of evernote (i'm on Linux) the best way to view them is to zoom out but the width of the note is limited in width. I assume it's limited to the 800 px mentioned here.

Screenshot from 2018-08-28 14-33-49.png

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6 hours ago, Sante said:

One thing I noticed that is a real show stopper is the Evernote website canvas: it's only 800 px wide!

You're showing the display when a note is shared using the browser link
The actual Evernote canvas is different (click on View in Evernote)

I've been tailoring my notes if I intend to share them with this interface

I added my vote

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35 minutes ago, Exavior said:

it would only take a couple minutes to update

In the meantime pending EN adding any table parameters, if one has access to the desktop version

  1. One can export the note using the ENEX format
  2. Make edits using Notepad or the like
  3. Import the ENEX back into EN
  4. Then use the note as a template

All in a couple of minutes.

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The entire point of the shared web notes is that it does not require users to author custom files or for viewers to have accounts.  So any proposed solutions other than someone updating the bad CSS code, which (now that I did the hard part) would only take a few minutes.  Granted "a couple" might be an over simplification, but less than 10 including a coffee break and watching a short cat video on YouTube.

Added:  In my case the note is a living document that is updated frequently.  This is where shared Evernote documents really shines, since a single link can be shared with a large group of people monitoring progress and contributing feedback.   Not that I don't appreciate your suggestion, it is just not an option in this situation. :)

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14 hours ago, Exavior said:

The entire point of the shared web notes is that it does not require users to author custom files or for viewers to have accounts.  So any proposed solutions other than someone updating the bad CSS code, which (now that I did the hard part) would only take a few minutes.  Granted "a couple" might be an over simplification, but less than 10 including a coffee break and watching a short cat video on YouTube.

Added:  In my case the note is a living document that is updated frequently.  This is where shared Evernote documents really shines, since a single link can be shared with a large group of people monitoring progress and contributing feedback.   Not that I don't appreciate your suggestion, it is just not an option in this situation. :)

Cool.  To be clear, once the note format is modified it stays modified unless one intentionally adjusts the column widths.  May not be an optimal solution but can get by for one note.  Me, I'd like EN to create the capability for the entry of column width, spacing and whichever else as parameters in the table.  Sometimes de facto doesn't cut it for everyone.  ;)

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15 hours ago, Exavior said:

The entire point of the shared web notes is that it does not require users to author custom files

My practice is to customize notes if I intend to share via a web url.

As noted, there is a width limitation.
Also, internal note links need to be replaced with public url links

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6 hours ago, Peter Gelencser said:


Currently I am considering the cancellation of my subscription, mostly based on the way this problem is handled. :(

Obviously your choice,  but the lack of votes for this feature (currently 9) would suggest that it's not high on most users' wish list.  Evernote do have lots of other fixes to deliver... 

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On 9/27/2019 at 4:12 PM, Chuck Boudreau said:

If anyone in Evernote product management is listening, can you say, "Negative moment of truth?"

Oh honestly. It's a problem, sure, but is it such a "Grand moment of melodrama"?

On 9/27/2019 at 4:12 PM, Chuck Boudreau said:

It's ROTTING: This makes me think that this part of the code base has not been touched or maintained in years.

Um, untouched code doesn't rot. It just stays the same.


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7 minutes ago, Chuck Boudreau said:

Your opinion, although interesting, is irrelevant... unless you happen to be the product manager, in which case I’m more than willing to engage you further.

Same could be said...

That being said I am in the camp of less air in all variants of desktop usage, without the drama though.  :) 

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1 hour ago, Peter Gelencser said:

The code what stays the same in this fast evolving business, definitely rots! ☹️

That is entirely false. Code that works (i.e., meets its specification) doesn't break when left untouched, modulo side-effects of other changes. That being said, specifications may grow outdated in the face of other factors (evolving hardware, new use cases, or even incorrect initial specification, etc.), in which case, a new spec should be made and the code changed. But code does not rot.

1 hour ago, Chuck Boudreau said:

Your opinion, although interesting, is irrelevant... unless you happen to be the product manager, in which case I’m more than willing to engage you further.

My opinion is as relevant as yours -- and for the record, I have upvoted the original request, so in essence we agree that this is something that should be addressed. My take, though, is that that while somewhat annoying (I use the Windows application most frequently, and web version sparingly), it's not as dire as you make it out to be. No further engagement required...

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10 horas atrás, vegerote disse:

Here is a temporary solution,on a page shared publicly:






Or another larger value, depending on your needs


Looks like an easy fix. Do you know if it will stay like this after an update on the page via the EN Editor?

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1 hour ago, Eduardo Estefano said:

Looks like an easy fix. Do you know if it will stay like this after an update on the page via the EN Editor?

Won't keep. After editing EN, it needs to be revised again

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10 minutes ago, Matt Whitby said:

This thread began in late 2017 and in 2021 it remains broken.

So far 22 users out of 200M seem to be in need of it...  Obviously all users aren't going to be aware of the need to vote,  but other requests have several hundred clicks and they've not yet been addressed.  A matter of priorities and ease of action I think - how to make a wide screen work on everything from a phone to Widecreen 8K TV.  

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On 5/1/2021 at 2:52 PM, gazumped said:

So far 22 users out of 200M seem to be in need of it...  Obviously all users aren't going to be aware of the need to vote,  but other requests have several hundred clicks and they've not yet been addressed.  A matter of priorities and ease of action I think - how to make a wide screen work on everything from a phone to Widecreen 8K TV.  

That's the thing. Ease of action. It's a two minute fix to change the CSS to remove the restrictive width.

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1 hour ago, Matt Whitby said:

It's a two minute fix to change the CSS to remove the restrictive width.

I imagine the coders have a very long list of shorter and longer fixes they're working on,  so even if that's the simple answer it may take a while to apply it...

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19 hours ago, gazumped said:

I imagine the coders have a very long list of shorter and longer fixes they're working on,  so even if that's the simple answer it may take a while to apply it...

Well people have cited this issue since 2017 so it could be the developers simply aren't that good.

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… or they decided that there are other issues higher up on their list. The apps in 2017 were completely different to the ones today - I think they needed to create 100% of the current code from scratch.

But of course, who comments stuff like this „… so it could be the developers simply aren't that good“  is completely above of real, productive jobs like software coding. What is your employment - business consultant proud of powerpointing  your audience to death ? Because that is the BS I am used to hear from that sort of people.

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On 5/5/2021 at 6:40 PM, PinkElephant said:

… or they decided that there are other issues higher up on their list. The apps in 2017 were completely different to the ones today - I think they needed to create 100% of the current code from scratch.

But of course, who comments stuff like this „… so it could be the developers simply aren't that good“  is completely above of real, productive jobs like software coding. What is your employment - business consultant proud of powerpointing  your audience to death ? Because that is the BS I am used to hear from that sort of people.


My job is software development. I've done it for 25 years.

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Then you hold your own colleagues hostage for decisions probably taken at the top or product management level. They obviously decided to go for a standard width instead of a nicer, but more resource-hungry responsive design.

I see your comment as bad style - greetings.

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14 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Then you hold your own colleagues hostage for decisions probably taken at the top or product management level. They obviously decided to go for a standard width instead of a nicer, but more resource-hungry responsive design.

I see your comment as bad style - greetings.

I see myself frustrated by inaction by Evernote developers when anyone I work with could resolve the issue in ten minutes.



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Building released software for a multi-platform app with a 9 digit user base is a little bit more challenging than setting ones website to whatever width.

EN is a note taking app - when I just look at the issues mentioned here in the forum in the last couple of weeks, page width would not even be on my backlog. And I think they have their own development agenda as well.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Building released software for a multi-platform app with a 9 digit user base is a little bit more challenging than setting ones website to whatever width.

EN is a note taking app - when I just look at the issues mentioned here in the forum in the last couple of weeks, page width would not even be on my backlog. And I think they have their own development agenda as well.

You're mistakenly conflating different things. Are you a developer?

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Not to interrupt this enthralling exchange but given this request has 22 votes against others with 600 or more votes which are still not realised,  it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.  That said,  if developers have other reasons to play with the web page code,  they may fold this tweak in at the same time.  Evernote don't share their road map so we won't know whether or when it's going to happen until it does.  Entirely their decision.

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15 hours ago, gazumped said:

Not to interrupt this enthralling exchange but given this request has 22 votes against others with 600 or more votes which are still not realised,  it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.  That said,  if developers have other reasons to play with the web page code,  they may fold this tweak in at the same time.  Evernote don't share their road map so we won't know whether or when it's going to happen until it does.  Entirely their decision.

Yes, their lack of a public roadmap is certainly a problem but it's probably best to keep threads to a single issue.

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Just a side note as I read through this. How horrible is Evernote tech team/support that this issue - and I'd actually call it a bug - was first noticed years ago, and not even a mention of a solution, which would like less than 10 minutes on their end. The EN team seems to be so focused on rolling out new features, but refuses to fix long-standing issues with the app. The additional layering of "value" on top of the app creates a clunkier interface rather than better one.

As a brief tangent/aside, when I click on "New" I now have to select between a note and a task - in a NOTE application. Huh? No way to turn this off? Stop rolling out features that make the product more difficult to use, and focus on making what you have better

The idea of a shareable note for someone outside the organization to view is so basic, and the idea that we can only view a note in a way that renders most of the note features meaningless (e.g., tables) is simply a dealbreaker and a bug. 

Where is support on this issue? 

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In short words: Anybody not working on something approved by YOU is a fool ?!

The issue about the „New“ button has been discussed in the forum at length. It seems most have realized by now that a double click on the new button produces a new note. A single click opens additional options. Do it a bunch of times, and your muscle memory takes over.

If you want support on any issue, then ask support. If you want to promote any idea, use the feedback function in the clients. If you want to discuss with fellow users, come back here.

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10 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

In short words: Anybody not working on something approved by YOU is a fool ?!

The issue about the „New“ button has been discussed in the forum at length. It seems most have realized by now that a double click on the new button produces a new note. A single click opens additional options. Do it a bunch of times, and your muscle memory takes over.

If you want support on any issue, then ask support. If you want to promote any idea, use the feedback function in the clients. If you want to discuss with fellow users, come back here.

Not at all what I said. But, to break it down for you:

There's a difference between a feature request or an "idea" as you put it, and a bug - something that doesn't work as designed. The current way notes are shared via browser/web is unusable beyond simple text notes. Does that sound like an "idea" to you or a "bug?" I pay for this service, so I expect bugs to be fixed. Can I give a development team a few weeks to fix it? Sure. Maybe even a month or two. But 5 years? Do you really think I'm being unreasonable to expect a bug to be fixed after 5 years?

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You call it a bug, and explain why. Others may see it as a nuisance, and most - believe me or not - won‘t even notice. Most likely at EN HQ it is NOT listed as a bug, if it is listed at all.

To make EN aware you see it as a bug, open a support ticket. Only if support follows you that it is a bug, it will be added to the list the devs will be working on.

This is your challenge - not convincing me, or other users.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

You call it a bug, and explain why. Others may see it as a nuisance, and most - believe me or not - won‘t even notice. Most likely at EN HQ it is NOT listed as a bug, if it is listed at all.

To make EN aware you see it as a bug, open a support ticket. Only if support follows you that it is a bug, it will be added to the list the devs will be working on.

This is your challenge - not convincing me, or other users.

I definitely agree with you, and appreciate the advice. I did actually open a support ticket a bit ago so hope it goes somewhere. Thanks for the follow-up.

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This is the main reason why I never use the share function. I love the idea, but most two-three column tables and larger images will need to be sidescrolled. Once this is solved, I will definitely start using it as it would be a time saver in my workflow.

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Hi. This thread is nearly a year old, so I'd guess this request is not a priority. You might like to look at Postach.io which is an add~in that will convert notes into public pages with many more style options than Evernote. All you have to do is tag a note for it to be published.

(Apologies for the very long blank post that was here earlier - apparently my tablet has some issues with the Forums...:unsure:)

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Came to see if developers every addressed the 800px width.  I see nothing has happened. But Evernote is happy to increase my subscription from $69 to $129?  I need to consider other options.

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8 hours ago, GeriC said:

Came to see if developers every addressed the 800px width.  I see nothing has happened. But Evernote is happy to increase my subscription from $69 to $129?  I need to consider other options.

Evernote's new owners (of 6 months or so) increased the price so they could get the whole package back on track. I don't think they've had the time to prioritise what sorts of new features they'll consider with that funding.  If you need something better right now,  you could look at Postach.io which takes an Evernote notebook and converts the content to web pages.  They had some style options available for their free package last I looked.

As a matter of interest and if you have the time - what sort of display are you looking for, and why?

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14 hours ago, GeriC said:

Came to see if developers every addressed the 800px width.  I see nothing has happened. But Evernote is happy to increase my subscription from $69 to $129?  I need to consider other options.

If you export a note as html, as far as I can see, there is no limit on the width. So you could export and find anywhere to host it which might be an alternative to Postach.io

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It's also worth mentioning that inline code and checklists are correctly rendered in exported html but not in a note shared using a shareable link.

Original note:


Exported html:


Shareable link:



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14 hours ago, gazumped said:

Evernote's new owners (of 6 months or so) increased the price so they could get the whole package back on track. I don't think they've had the time to prioritise what sorts of new features they'll consider with that funding.  If you need something better right now,  you could look at Postach.io which takes an Evernote notebook and converts the content to web pages.  They had some style options available for their free package last I looked.

As a matter of interest and if you have the time - what sort of display are you looking for, and why?

I work with a lot of clients that do not have Evernote, so the sharable links are a good way to share documents, files, notes with them.  A lot of my notes have tables and grids, and the 800 pixel limitation is terriby cumbersome for them to be scrolling tables left to right and vice versa.

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Well,  as we suggested,  there are a couple of options from Evernote which might help,  but even sharing a note which contains a link to a spreadsheet in a cloud drive might be easier for your clients to get their head around?  Evernote does tend to give the impression that you need an account to view shared notes,  but a single shared note containing links to cloud drive items could act as a useful 'home page' for some users...

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40 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Well,  as we suggested,  there are a couple of options from Evernote which might help,  but even sharing a note which contains a link to a spreadsheet in a cloud drive might be easier for your clients to get their head around?  Evernote does tend to give the impression that you need an account to view shared notes,  but a single shared note containing links to cloud drive items could act as a useful 'home page' for some users...

Thanks for the suggestions.  I have looked into Postach.io and it takes moe about 90% there.  The tables show up well, with text/attachements in the cells well.  Unfortunately, my embeded screenshots don't seem to have translated over.  Might you have a suggestion for this as well?  Appreciate you.

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9 hours ago, GeriC said:

Unfortunately, my embeded screenshots don't seem to have translated over.

Hmmn.  Sorry,  no idea - I've added JPGs to my pages in Postach.io and didn't have any issues.  Maybe try their online help?  They can take a while to respond,  but they eventually get round to it.  (I think this is a part-time gig that mostly looks after itself)

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I have taken several notes in 2023 using the whole 4k width for tables with a lot of columns.

Since some Evernote update we are at 800-900px max width again. 

Please repair my wide notes viewing soon. 

Notes do not need width constraints at all!

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23 minutes ago, ksweber said:

I have taken several notes in 2023 using the whole 4k width for tables with a lot of columns.

Since some Evernote update we are at 800-900px max width again. 

Please repair my wide notes viewing soon. 

Notes do not need width constraints at all!

I prefer the view like that myself but if you check the 3 dots menu at the top right of a note there's an option for note width.

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Can't confirm any restriction. This is a screenshot from my 4K main window, note expanded, with a table. EN 10.86.4 Mac. It takes up the full width of the screen, and adds a scrollbar to slide further to the right. The same is possible when I open the note in a separate window.


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This topic is about SHARED notes (web published). And ksweber is right, it is limited at 760px... on an ultrawide screen it looks ridiculously tiny. Obviously all my notes are set to adjust to window


evernote share width limit.png

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