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Great update... except presentation mode!



The new update for iOS looks really great with significant improvements in the interface. However, losing presentation mode is a big deal for me. As a someone who teaches and speaks regularly I LOVED presentation mode. I was able to design a speaking outline and then use presentation mode live to just scroll through my notes as I speak. The way it stripped out all other buttons and such made it something I used multiple times a week for the last 2 years. Is there any chance it might come back or something else like it? If there was a way to freeze the keyboard and/or other options/buttons it would get me close enough to where it was before. 

Let me know what you think.

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Presentation Mode is an awesome feature (check out EN's YouTube video from 2014 to see it in action on iOS, which starts at 53 seconds in ). It has been available for iOS for at least 2.5 years, and I've used it most of that time. It's my favorite feature of Evernote.

In Evernote 8.0 for iOS, the feature was removed. Which sucks, as I wouldn't have updated had I known that (it's not mentioned in the iOS App Store release notes). There are many reasons to pay for Premium, but Presentation Mode on iOS was the only reason I personally chose to pay for Premium. One of my personal favorite use cases for Presentation Mode on iOS was the ability to write a poem for my wife, and let her read it on the iPad in Presentation Mode. Why? Because the way Presentation Mode presents content is the most beautiful formatting I've seen in any note app on iOS. I've always wished that such care and attention to detail was given to the regular Evernote note-taking area, where we spend most of our time. There's no reason it needs to be any less beautiful, and right now it is - even with the update to 8.0.

I recently started defaulting to Bear over Evernote simply because they actually care about giving you a beautiful note-taking environment. Their primary heading on the homepage is 'Write beautifully on iPhone, iPad, and Mac'. Evernote's primary heading? 'Collect it all in Evernote'. All this to say, Evernote has become my database for digitizing physical paper, so I can throw the hard copy away, and Bear has become my note-taking app. Do I like having separate services to search through and pay for? No - I wish I were only using Evernote. However, with all Evernote's resources, they've yet to provide a solution for the actual act of note-taking as beautiful as Bear's. Which tells me it's not Evernote's priority. Presentation Mode was the stopgap that made it at least worth dealing with the less-than-beautiful note-taking UI, because you could at least present the notes in a beautiful way. Now that Presentation Mode is gone on iOS, so will be much of my investment in the platform. Though, if I'm honest, I pulled away from Evernote for notes as soon as Bear came out, because there was finally something beautiful to take notes in. However, in cases where the presentation of the material was important, I still defaulted to Evernote, as Presentation Mode is prettier than Bear, in my eye.

The beauty of a product's user interface is not everything, but for me, it's a lot.


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  • Level 5*

H.  Evernote seemed pretty definite - " Presentation mode is no longer available in Evernote for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. You can use AirPlay to mirror your screen, or you can use presentation mode in Evernote for Mac or Windows."

It's not (usually) their way to explain decisions like that,  so maybe they found it impractical on mobile devices or it gave the app too big a footprint.  If a lot of folks click the counter on this topic they might revisit the idea,  but it's unlikely to be soon...

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I used presentation to share on my mobile directly with others.  It helped influence my use of to capture more to tell a particular story later.  Now I'm not sure how I will do that so easily from my iOS devices.  Please bring it back.

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Having been a premium subscriber for many years I also feel cheated that the presentation mode had disappeared. I use(d) it every day....

i will start exploring alternative programs if Evernote does not restate this feature. 

In addition the latest update for iPhone does not launch at all anymore and Evernote does not provide a solution. Telling people to reinstall without guaranteeing that this is the solution shows they don't have a solution, as the workaround does not work in all cases. Very disappointing!

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Please, please, please bring back Presentation Mode for the iPad. I rely heavily on it for delivering talks, and if it's not turned on then nearly every time I put my finger on the screen to scroll through my notes the keyboard pops up.

I want to use Evernote as my only presentation app, but at this point I either have to use another program (Word, Docs, Pages) to write out and present my outline, or I have to save my outline as a PDF and transfer it into Evernote. Either my delivery or my preparation suffers by continuing to use Evernote without Presentation Mode. 

Currently considering exporting my notes to Bear (http://www.bear-writer.com/

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On 1/23/2017 at 3:12 PM, Uncle Bob said:

Seriously, if this decision is final please say so and we'll head elsewhere. This is a terrible, terrible idea. It sounds like you have no idea why people used this.

Ok, this is listed under "What's not coming back" on the 8.0.2 update announcement.

I have canceled my premium subscription auto-renew and moved on to Bear. Cheers all!

UB - Out

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I have to echo many of the posts above.  I use presentation mode many times every week. It allowed me to bring up my teaching/speaking notes and scroll through without having to worry about accidentally editing something, or getting hungup with the keyboard, following a link, etc. I did not share the image off my iPad... it was just so I could see my notes.  You could give me equivalent functionality back by having a feature to lock editing on a note... a view only mode.  I also only used presentation in "night" mode as it worked best whether on stage talking (under stage lighting) or in a room with the lights on.

I have to say I do think it was irresponsible to take away a feature and not include this information on the update notes that come up in the app store. I would not have updated if I knew presentation mode was not going to be there.

For the past three years, I have loved Evernote. This loss of this feature is serious enough to me to start looking for a new platform.  I came to Evernote so I would have one place to do everything - research, take notes, create lessons, teach, present, archive.  What is the point if I create in Evernote and now have to export to something else so I can present it? I'll have to find someplace to do it all again.

Please fix this!

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I have fielded more questions from friends, family, and clients about the loss of presentation mode on iOS than anything else since the update. A large part of the people that I have spoken with do not have access to an Apple TV in the situations that they were using this so mirroring is not an option. 

If presentation mode is not coming back may I suggest a "remote" feature like they have in Keynote and other programs out there where you can sync your phone as a remote while presenting and you don't have to keep going back to a computer and clicking a button to change slide/pages in a presentation. That can really break your momentum.

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My private theory is that Evernote decided to remove the presentation feature from iOS because it never got implemented in Android, despite requests. This way, Android users won't have a valid reason to be angry that it is still not present when Android 8 rolls around.

But, of course, it is just a theory.

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  • Level 5*
On 2017-01-25 at 11:53 AM, pgdahl said:

Evernote decided to remove the presentation feature from iOS because

Sure, lets blame Android   :)

My thinking is two possibilities

  1. Our mobile devices just don't have the power for that function
  2. There is a Cost for maintaing each function / each platform.  Evernote did a review and decided it wasn't worth the cost for Presentation in IOS
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How about bringing back presentation mode? It is beeing used in many teaching facilities and was one of the key features of the premium EN membership in my opinion. Why is it no longer available in iOS since 8.0??? PLEASE BRING IT BACK!

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The surprise removal of Presentation Mode is infuriating. This feature allowed my research and speaking to occur in a closed system - main reason why I have paid for Premium the past year and continued my 6-year membership! I am seriously considering moving away from a heavy use of Evernote now. Would love to know if the feature is forecast to return anytime soon.

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Presentation mode was one of the main reasons I went Premium.  As a teacher and now a high school principal, I frequently have to make speeches.  Presentation mode simplified the display to make presenting easier.  Please bring it back. I am already considering other options and will probably downgrade my subscription if it does not return.

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As many others I'm subscribed Premium because of the fact that presentation mode is only available in this plan. Just renewed Premium early January and now just some days later this feature is gone. Sorry, but this makes me feel kind of ripped of. I'm a heavy Evernote user who recommends this service to lot of colleagues - but this policy has made me to look after alternatives - so I just installed OneNote... 

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Adding my extreme displeasure regarding the lack of presentation mode in the new iOS update. It was the primary reason I went premium a couple of years ago, so now I don't have a reason to stay & pay. Hearing more about Bear recently, and strongly considering a move. This was a lame move, Evernote. 

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They don't. Yet. But Bear costs less than one-third the price of Evernote Premium. So if Presentation mode is no longer included in that, there's no reason for me to pay for it. Bear has all the other features I need, and looks way better — even without presentation mode.  

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Zipabd@gmail.com said:

it is slower now moving between notes and note books

I'm more of a tag person than notebook user, but I'm not seeing the notebook use to be much slower
I just click on All Notes and I can navigate by Notebook

For tags, I have to do two clicks and a weird list slide down.  

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Please add this feature back in! I relied heavily on it, not for putting up on screens/mirroring, but for using my speaking notes during presentations. It was the MAIN reason I upgraded to premium. If it's not coming back, please let us know so we can plan accordingly...to find an app that will do presentations.

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On 1.2.2017 at 8:40 AM, Eichhoernle71 said:

@DTLow - I already opened a support ticket one week ago and asked if I can downgrade to "Plus" and receive refund for the difference between "Plus" and "Premium". But guess what? No answer at all....



Finaly got yesterday feedback from the support.  They stopped my 12 month "premium" plan subscription which I just renewed early January with full refund. For me this is the clear sign that presentation mode seems not to be included in one of the next updates :-(

So now I can downgrade to the "plus" plan or decide to leave Evernote. Just transfered all my notes to OneNote and will give it a try - as w/o the presentation mode there is for my use case (taking notes in meetings) with except of the tags and the more powerfull search not so much left that justify to pay for a service that is free of charge offered by Microsoft

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, Eichhoernle71 said:

For me this is the clear sign that presentation mode seems not to be included in one of the next updates :-(

For me, the sign was in the release notes
What's not returning:
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop client

>>Just transfered all my notes to OneNote and will give it a try

One Note has Presentation Mode?

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  • Level 5*
10 hours ago, DaddyMatt said:

If it's not coming back, please let us know so we can plan accordingly

From the release notes

What's not returning:
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop client
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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, DTLow said:

From the release notes

What's not returning:
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop client

And that helps on an iPhone or iPad how?

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17 hours ago, DTLow said:
For me, the sign was in the release notes
What's not returning:
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop client

>>Just transfered all my notes to OneNote and will give it a try

One Note has Presentation Mode?

@DTLow - No OneNote has no presentation mode - but OneNote is free of charge, it is available within many business environments thanks to it's integration into Office and Windows 10. But I do not want to start here one of these generall discussions Evernote vs. OneNote. With my post I just wanted to point out that with removing features which were previously promoted as main differentiators Evernote is loosing or at least reducing their competitive advantage...

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Please bring presentation mode back! I use evernote's presentation mode at weekly speaking engagements, and presentation mode was what made it worth it for me to make the jump to premium. Now that it's gone, there's no point. Please please pleaseeee

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I totally agree with the rest of the folks here in this thread. The absence of such a great and important feature like Presentation Mode through a major product update is not only shocking to me but also infuriates me. I don't know whether user studies or A/B testings were performed to reach the decision to remove the feature on iOS, it's simply ridiculously to me to take away an important feature that users on premium accounts pay for. Presentation Mode was one of the reasons that I upgraded to Premiums from Basic for a year long contract, and if you look at it that way this is to a certain degree cheating on customers.

Even if the reason is that Presentation Mode may not be as useful on iOS devices, for the general users, there will ALWAYS be a niche group within your user base that cares and heavily replies on this feature.

I think enough has been said through the users' voices in this forum. If the feature is not getting brought back in future releases then it will be hard for a lot of people to stick with paid Evernote products simply because people don't want to lose the feature(s) that they have paid for to be replied upon to vanish all of a sudden.

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Like others above, I have become reliant on presentation mode.  If we can't get this back, I will regretfully have to look at other options as well.  I think if you could let us know it would come back in the relatively near future, I would stay in the meantime.  Thanks!

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I was so bummed when presentation mode disappeared! I had started using it a bit with plans to use more. I led a meeting with it a few weeks ago, then I couldn't the next! I understand it's still available in computer version but I used it in settings where a computer isn't as practical and also as a way to just make my notes easier to read (so not only to display my "slides." This is something I'd love to see brought back, without it I'll definitely begin using this app less as I was excited to continue implementing the tool. 

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On 2/7/2017 at 3:36 PM, Alex Moore said:

Please bring "presentation" view back to iPad and iPhone. As a minister this is how I've grown accustomed to speaking in front of audiences for the past couple years. 

I love how they even have a preist complaining (if not very politely).

I would say it's definitely, and sadly off to the Evernote graveyard....

EN Obituary:

R.I.P iOS presentation mode. 2007 - 2017

You we're awesome while you lasted.

You were a feature many will mourn the loss of.

You were so good looking, you impressed many with your elegance.

You will never be forgotten....

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Again, presentation mode was the ONLY reason I paid for premium. I'll keep my evernote account, but no more premium until this feature returns and maybe not ever. I'll start looking for an alternative that fits my needs. I especially liked being surprised by it being gone right before a presentation...

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On 24/01/2017 at 2:39 PM, RKane said:

Please, please, please bring back Presentation Mode for the iPad. I rely heavily on it for delivering talks, and if it's not turned on then nearly every time I put my finger on the screen to scroll through my notes the keyboard pops up.

I want to use Evernote as my only presentation app, but at this point I either have to use another program (Word, Docs, Pages) to write out and present my outline, or I have to save my outline as a PDF and transfer it into Evernote. Either my delivery or my preparation suffers by continuing to use Evernote without Presentation Mode. 

Currently considering exporting my notes to Bear (http://www.bear-writer.com/

Thanks for sharing this - looks good! Does it have a presenter style mode?

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Same thing here: Started premium because of presentation mode. At least we know it is not coming back and can look for alternatives. Very disappointing. (Presentation mode seems to have a very low priority, also on Windows.)

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I found out that Presentation Mode had vanished while in a meeting, during which it was decided "let's not use Evernote for this kind of thing anymore". Presentation Mode wasn't the only reason I used Premium but it was one of three and it would be appreciated if it could be brought back. 

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One of the reasons I have been a premium user for the past 3 years was for Presentation mode on iOS!!! You leave me no choice but to cancel my subscription. So incredibly disappointed in how Evernote has handled this situation (not including loss of presentation mode in update description & not taking steps to correct this). It really speaks to their lack of respect to loyal paying customers. Evernote should be flat out embarrassed. 

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On 2/22/2017 at 5:12 AM, Matt Clay said:

Thanks for sharing this - looks good! Does it have a presenter style mode?

It does not appear to; however, it's incredibly clean without one. Similar to how evernote presentation mode was.

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The removal of Presentation mode is really disappointing. As many others on this thread, I use(d) Presentation mode when delivering... well... presentations. It made the whole process so easy and was a real winner for Evernote for me. What's the point in keeping it for the Mac version where it's not really that useful, and stripping it from the iPad instance. I'm actually sad....

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I use this mode to create my screencasting. Evernote presentation mode was great because I can visit hyperlinked notes and come right back to where I was. I wish there was a way to rollback my update. 

EVERNOTE - Listen to your customers and do not take away features they like

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The main reason I also pay for premium is because of the presentation mode. I love the other many features, but this is the main feature I use for work.

I would love to hear a response, even if it's not the one I want. 

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  • Level 5*
9 hours ago, JSetzer said:

I would love to hear a response, even if it's not the one I want. 

Sorry but Evernote don't (usually) do responses in this forum.  You contact Support for some feedback if you're a paying customer or tweet them if not..  https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps

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Like others have said, taking Presentation Mode away is crushing.  I can't even find an explanation for why it was done, which escalates "crushing" to somewhat infuriating.  It's the main reason I felt compelled to continue paying for Premium.  So now what?  I'm game for looking at other options.  Evernote can't keep this market cornered, and taking away a SUPERB feature seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot.  

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I find it extremely troubling that Evernote would so cavalierly remove a feature so vital to so many people, provide them a venue to voice their displeasure, and then completely ignore the expression of this displeasure. Not a single reply to 79 notes. This is the opposite of remembering what made you famous/taking care of your most ardent users. Shame, shame, shame.

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  • Level 5*
On 2017-05-04 at 0:21 PM, Randy Cain said:

Like others have said, taking Presentation Mode away is crushing. 


27 minutes ago, siouxzieb said:

I find it extremely troubling that Evernote

My group has delayed updating our work devices to v8.  This decision was because of various factors,  including Presentation Mode.  We find it's better to be cautious with updates, instead of crushing and troubling

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On 5/17/2017 at 11:15 AM, DTLow said:


My group has delayed updating our work devices to v8.  This decision was because of various factors,  including Presentation Mode.  We find it's better to be cautious with updates, instead of crushing and troubling

I don't disagree and tend to follow that same rule of thumb regarding updates, but honestly I would never in a thousand years have expected a feature to be removed in this manner. It's kind of dumbfounding, honestly. Perhaps Evernote could have flagged the update regarding the features that would no longer be available, v. promoting new ones that no one asked for. Or perhaps they could chime in here and explain the rationale or do ANYTHING to acknowledge the issue. 

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  • Level 5*
6 minutes ago, siouxzieb said:

Perhaps Evernote could have flagged the update regarding the features that would no longer be available

What's not returning:
  • Home screen and home screen sections - primary navigation has been moved to the tab bar
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop clients
  • Suggested note titles
  • Note "draft" mode
    • In v7, when you created a note you needed to save it. If you tapped cancel, you'd have the option to delete or save.
    • In v8, when you create a note, you tap done to save the note. If you decided you didn't want the note, you can delete it. This should cut down in inadvertent data loss.
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56 minutes ago, siouxzieb said:

Or perhaps they could chime in here and explain the rationale or do ANYTHING to acknowledge the issue. 

Evernote don't,  usually,  comment on why they do things - their product,  their rules.  If they see too many users leaving or downgrading,  or if they get major feedback (and 4 pages of gripes plus 32 votes does help in that) -  then they may do... something.  But until the next update we won't know what they're working on now.

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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, terryjbenzie said:

Regarding Evernote not coming in to explain why the feature was removed - they actually sent me here. I filed a user report and they responded with a request to report it here and included a link. 

Hi.  Please tick the box at the top left of this page to increase the vote count - the more the better...

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On 5/22/2017 at 3:36 PM, DTLow said:
What's not returning:
  • Home screen and home screen sections - primary navigation has been moved to the tab bar
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop clients
  • Suggested note titles
  • Note "draft" mode
    • In v7, when you created a note you needed to save it. If you tapped cancel, you'd have the option to delete or save.
    • In v8, when you create a note, you tap done to save the note. If you decided you didn't want the note, you can delete it. This should cut down in inadvertent data loss.

Whelp, there you go. Ok, my bad. They did tell us. But they still deleted an important feature with no explanation. And they still told terryjbenzie to come here to complain about it, the place where user issues apparently come to die. And not for nothing, I'm still pissed about Evernote Food being discontinued. And finally, still really smarting from the end of the Direct Image URL/copy shared URL feature which used to be a significant part of my workflow for digital QA. I still use Evernote, but I do not have warm fuzzy feelings for the company behind it anymore. 

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, siouxzieb said:

the place where user issues apparently come to die

A bit glass half empty there - Evernote staff do chime in on a lot of threads.  With a few hundred staff and a few hundred MILLION users it's not surprising that personal service is not normally available.  @terryjbenzie being sent here doesn't signify - it depends what sort of a report he made in the first place,  and Basic customers get automatically referred back here for chat and comments - and to vote on the suggestion/ request under review.

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I used presentation mode multiple times a week on my iPhone for speaking engagements. Evernote for iPhone lost a large portion of its usefulness on mobile devices when presentation mode was removed. Very disappointed. 

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As a LONG TIME user and Premium subscriber, I am also VERY disappointed by the removal of presentation mode - specifically on the iPad. As a public speaker, I used Evernote for note taking and presented in presentation mode. If you're going to add a feature, that obviously has a LOT of people interested in, then why take it away? 

PLEASE bring it back or I may seriously decide to look elsewhere...

Thank you for listening - really listening....

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, revkev said:

PLEASE bring it back or I may seriously decide to look elsewhere..

Evernote has stated Presentation Mode will not be returning in future IOS versions

Not sure where you're looking "elsewhere".  I'm using Evernote v7 on my work devices

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Blessing in disguise - tables view was so messed up with my Mac EN 6.11 version that I had no choice but to downgrade to 9.2. With @JMichaelTX's help I could do all that and sync it. I did not loose much. Also I have not back-up my iPhone on Mac for a year or so. part laziness and part because of lack of time. So just to see I deleted the latest app on my iPhone. Connected it to Mac and dragged and dropped 7.1 old version evernote app on the phone. Sync it and I had old interface with presentation mode. Then I did the same with iPad as well. Now I am fully functional on older version and I am not going to update until these stop working or evernote leaves me no other choice.

With this I have presentation mode back and fav user interface of adding image or document quickly to evernote. 



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I have been using Evernote for about 7 years and presentation mode was one of my favorite things.

To be honest, I don't feel like being polite or understanding here, rolling out such an update on the IOS is total bullshit. I for once do not like the new intarface at all, or how clumsy it is to go into my business notes which I use as much as the regular ones.

Evernote, if you are reading this, ***** YOU.

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  • Level 5*
8 minutes ago, dleiros said:

rolling out such an update on the IOS is total bullshit

Classy post

I also have concerns about this version.  I've installed on a test device, reviewed the feedback and won't be upgrading until issues are resolved

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Really disappointed for this decision. As time goes by Evernote is lacking many things that were supposed to be "on the development road" years ago.

  • So far we still have very simple tables, with no way to play around with them.
  • Images in presentation mode still don't scale to fit the note and we have to scroll down.
  • Now we don't have presentation mode in mobile devices.

Evernote version 8 is neat in design, but it's more like a "keep up" with Bear App, which is gaining a lot of traction. 

I now Evernote staff reads all this, but so far i'm not sure they take notes or implement any of these suggestions. I really feel it's their app and their rules, and that's just that.

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So Can the Evernote staff say if Presentation mode is ever coming back?  For me it's in or out... I can deal with lots of changes but the main reason I have it goes away and I am forced to deal with it.  For what I have paid for the last several years, I hate to abandon a company that I have loved but as the saying goes: They abandoned me...

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Josh2t316 said:

So Can the Evernote staff say if Presentation mode is ever coming back?  For me it's in or out... I can deal with lots of changes but the main reason I have it goes away and I am forced to deal with it.  For what I have paid for the last several years, I hate to abandon a company that I have loved but as the saying goes: They abandoned me...

Evernote staff tend not to make predictions - you could try reaching out to Support directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Josh2t316 said:

So Can the Evernote staff say if Presentation mode is ever coming back?

Never say never, but Evernote staff have said

What's not returning:
  • Home screen and home screen sections - primary navigation has been moved to the tab bar
  • Presentation mode - this will still be available on desktop clients



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Evernote is turning into Google. They know what's best for us and our input is not valued. Basecamp took the same path with their internal directive: "ignore user input." Love is a powerful thing, and something Evernote had from me. Now it's just a tool, and tools are replaceable. Love is forever, at least for me.

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Tragam de volta o modo de apresentação para o iOS! Sou apresentador e essa função é a que mais eu usa (usava :( ). Absurdo do nda tirarem uma função e deixarem os usuários na mão, em especial pq era uma função PREMIUM! Pago para usar o app e essa função. Aguardo por uma atualização e o retorno do modo apresentação no iOS. Ouçam os seus usuários e Pagantes. Obrigado ps- fiquei muito revoltado ao descobrir que essa função sumiu, afinal nem avisados fomos. 

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