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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I concede that Backupery app functions well with the Evernote Legacy product In the context of Evernote v10, the app no longer functions I edited my port to make the context clearer
  2. As i posted above, with the Version 10 product Evernote Win/Mac has lost scripting support Also no support for Local Notebooks
  3. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  4. Scripting on Windows was available via the Enscript interface, also MIA in v10 Even less used, but I know third party Backupery has shut down (edit: app is no longer functional for for EN v10)
  5. A tag by any other name, ... Note records have two metadata fields: Tags and Notebooks Notebooks and Tags can be interchangeable, but my concerns with the Notebook field is - the metadata only allows a single assignment per note - the metadata does not support a hierarchy; only a single level via a Stacks field in the Notebook record >>main tags are Tasks and Waiting For I also use a project-id tag Status-Completed is assigned using the reminderDone field The Reminders feature is also used to identify active tasks, and due dates
  6. I have over 15k notes stored in Evernote No regrets, and no "wasted" I chose the best product for my needs, and I've aways known I can export my data and move on
  7. Top of my alternatives list is Devonthink - Apple Mac/IOS only; no web - solidly integrated with scripting (Applescript)
  8. I faced that decision last Nov, and extended Premium subscription for a year I won't be extending again >Not sure if things like speed and comparable feature to 6.25.1 will be sorted by then My "comparable feature" concerns focus on script integration; for me Applescript on a Mac I've lost any hope/expectation of this being implemented in the Version 10 product
  9. Would that One Thing also need to be multi-platform Personally, I'm a Mac user, with IOS as supplemental and web as backup
  10. ENML is documented at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php Mostly a subset of HTML, with some proprietary Evernote elements
  11. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion on the not selection limit The Evernote Legacy product can be downloaded at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote It does not have a selection limit
  12. Have you tried exporting data from Apple Nates? Another concern is no support for organization with Tags methodology
  13. fwiw Here's my version from a Mac I increased my limit to 100 notes (MultiSelectionLimit)
  14. I confirmed your results - Search utterly broken in v10 I'm also sticking with the Legacy product
  15. I'm a Mac and IOS user >>and what do you like better about the Legacy version? it works 🙂 The v10 product is a work-in-progress specifically my key concerns are lack of scripting integration, import folders
  16. I think Evernote will continue to exist as a service No time guarantees - everyone should have an exit plan Fortunately, Evernote makes it easy to export our data and move on For myself, I will switch products if/when I find a better fit for my requirements imho Evernote Legacy is the best product for me currently
  17. Keeping all my files in one place is also important for me. Also maintaining native format, not conversion to a proprietary format that locks us into the product For organization, I appreciate the Tags feature. I'm not interested in Notebooks, but it's a feature for those still using folder methodology Evernote's secret power is scripting; I use the Applescript integration (Mac) also APIs allowing integration with third party services Sadly scripting integration is still MIA with Evernote's v10 product
  18. To contact support, I use https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  19. Please share some details I'm not seeing anything on my Mac
  20. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314518-How-Evernote-makes-text-inside-images-searchable Images containing handwriting should be added to Evernote as JPG images, not PDFs. PDF files are the preferred format for typewritten documents or scanned pages containing typewritten text. Handwriting is not indexed in PDF files.
  21. Legacy is working fine for me Did you try rebooting your device Check the activity log for errors
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