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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Agreed; Stacks and Notebooks are a poor tool to emulate group folders and sub folders You'll notice Evernote supports two tree structures - Notebook tree - Tag tree The Tag feature is Evernote's primary organization tool, and includes a hierarchy supporting unlimited levels I use Tags to emulate group folders and sub folders
  2. afaik Premium users will have access to the Tasks feature Less certain if the tasks feature will be available to Basic users
  3. You didn't mention the platform I'd first try rebooting the device
  4. Agreed However I'm still storing due date using the reminder feature I'll switch when due date is added to the search grammar
  5. If you store the templates in an exported .enex file, an import will create the 5 notes
  6. What kind of support are you looking fo As previously mentioned, Apple has a Scribble feature that auto converts handwriting to text; this can be disabled For images, Evernote indexes handwriting for search purposes As you mentioned, Evernote haas a sketch feature that some users use for handwriting Personally, I use an external editor (Notability) i store the note in Evernote in pdf format
  7. A dedicated task management app will always deliver aa better feature-set I think Evernote's strength is delivering generic storage/organization features that serve a variety of uses - for example tags that can be used to label task status
  8. That would use scripting (ENScript with Evernote Legacy) Scripting also works on a Mac (Applescript)
  9. Personally, I will continue to use individual task notes, and customized saved searches I see the "label" deficiency as a serious issue; with only support for a single Flag attribute Individual notes allows for the use of custom tags There's also no search support for the Tasks feature; so no custom saved searches The addition of a task due date was interesting. Currently I use the Reminder feature which also stores completion status/date I also use undated reminders to identify active next actions
  10. I use the Evernote Legacy product extensively for all my data The v10 product doesn't address my requirements (yet?), so I don't use it - seems a simple decision to me I'm not into "naysaying and doom-mongering" I'm more interested in product features that improve my use, than focusing on missing or incomplete features; a glass half full mindset
  11. Looking at the task attributes (exported to .enex file) I see taskStatus date/time completed is not stored but we have date/time statusUpdated
  12. I currently use the Tags attribute for this. I'd like to see this attribute added to the new Tasks feature
  13. At no time did I imply "use as a backup" for Evernote's v10 product You asked about v10 local storage and the location; I supplied the information I use the Evernote Legacy product and my personal backups include - Mac Time Machine, - Daily incremental, weekly full exports in html format The exports are automated with scripting (Mac Applescript) This is in addition to Evernote's data sync to the server, and Note History backup >>opening it shows nothing I understand (local data) I spent the time to understand the local storage of the Legacy and v10 products The v10 local storage is difficult to use since the .enml note data is merged into a single file
  14. Windows C:/users/<youraccount>/appdata/roaming /evernote Mac /Users/<youraccount>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  15. I'm using a Mac and running both the Legacy and v10 products I'm seeing no issues Locally, each product access it's own database; but access the same server database Warning; you should not edit a note at the same time with each product. Allow time for the changes to sync
  16. I don't know what happened to your computer but the master version of your data is stored in the cloud You can delete the local folder, and the data will be re-downloaded
  17. No, it isn't true The master version of our data is stored in the cloud on the Evernote servers but by default, a full data copy is stored on our Mac/Windows devices This is optional and can be disabled in Evernote>Preferences
  18. That seems to be the best practice. As a new note, there's more flexibility; tags, sharing etc Back to the original task, i's like to replace the text with a link to the new note oops Links are not supported
  19. Yes, the export includes attachments >>I mean another app to manage the content. I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product There are many apps/services to manage content Some of them support a direct load from Evernote
  20. This is a user discussion forum; we rarely see comments from EN developers You're welcome to add your vote to the request; the vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion There's currently 77 votes I see "format painter" as more of a word processing feature
  21. There's no ToC menu item Just select notes > copy links then paste into a new note (Screenshot from my Mac)
  22. I've been successful in moving content out of Evernote using the Evernote Legacy product on a Mac, and the export feature (html format) Separate files are created for each note, and the content can be accessed using any browser app Less successful with this method is access to metadata
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