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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I’m not an Android user; this might help https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177-How-to-set-up-offline-notebooks-on-mobile-devices ANDROID Select Notebooks from the navigation menu Tap the options button (three dots) at the top of the screen, then select Offline notebooks Toggle the switch for some or all notebooks to be downloaded for offline use
  2. Premium applies to the account, regardless of the device being used To access your data, log in with the correct userid/password
  3. Did you hold down the option key Also, which version of Evernote are you using The menu location changed in 6.12
  4. If it depended on me, my backups wouldn’t get done We’re fortunate on Macs in that we have scripting to automate the backup process; in addition to Time Machine a process that completely automates the backup process (no user action required) Your post also illustrates that users need to know how to use the backups to recover their data. I can work with the full database backup, but it’s not an easy process. My preference would be different backup methods My backups include full database (TM), each notebook [weekly), changed notes (daily). In addition I have access to the Evernote Note History backup. There’s also the question of how many backup copies to keep, and for how long
  5. On my my iPad I can use use command shift D Here are other keyboard (external) shortcuts
  6. Evernote is a generic filing app and doesn't have the features of a list management app I manage my tasks in Evernote by using a separate note for each task. Using search parameters, I can specify completed notes are excluded from the list You can also use search parameters to exclude your completed checklists. Documentation at Evernote Search Grammar
  7. The need for non-paying users was to introduce the Evernote application with the intent they would convert to paying users If the Evernote features have no value for you, its a good idea to switch to another product
  8. There was no "physical move". Reassigned might have been a better word You are posting into the discussion. The voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion
  9. Here's an example I have a pdf file with pathname /Users/david/Desktop/Status- Evernote Backup Script - 20170730.pdf In Evernote, I can paste this into a note, but it's not an active link I select the text, right click and select Link > Add The link text is file:///Users/david/Desktop/Status- Evernote Backup Script - 20170730.pdf
  10. This might help https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313508-Penultimate-paper-options Penultimate supports the use of custom papers. These custom papers are made from images pulled from your iPad’s photo storage. also
  11. Moved to the feature request forum so users can indicate support for this request Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion
  12. Hijacking request discussions and pointing users to a different request is bad behaviour Read the discusssion title; these are two different requests This feature request was started in 2015 and has been upvoted by 33 users. It makes no sense for it to be shut down
  13. You can post a link to your new post as per the example below Use the link icon to retrieve the url for your post Also, you might consider changing your display name. These are public forums and subject to scannining by data mining bots
  14. I would select the notes with the images; then Save Attachments (Mac platform) There's also a share option if you have different Evernote accounts on each device >>without letting him to see my other important notes Not sure what this means
  15. Can you give specific fail examples. All my tests were successful
  16. If Evernote had a paying user for ever post that declared “super easy”, “no time”; they would have the funds for a development team to implement such changes
  17. On my computers, Evernote requires a password to open the application In addition, on my iPad, passcode or touchid is required when switching apps
  18. You started off with the Reminders request, and then finished with Task Management I suggest you summit a new request post for your task management request >>But if Nimbus can create repeat reminders, why can't Evernote? I'm convinced that the developers could implement this feature; they're smart people I see it a question of: Is this request more important than other work? Where should limited development work be directed
  19. To post a suggestion, select the appropriate forum; feedback or requests Each forum has a button at the top to post a new discussion
  20. Why would anyone suspect an advertising company of mining data? I haven’t checked Google's TOS (terms of service) lately, but from way back I had understood this was their reason for offering these services If you have confidential data, encrypt it before putting it in the cloud. Trust no one
  21. I'm also a contented (inertia bound) Premium user I'm also preparing for the Evernote apocalypse when Evernote no longer functions, something like a temporary shutdown for some reason for example: 2014 http://www.pcworld.com/article/2362100/evernote-hit-by-denial-of-service-attack.html
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