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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. For the most part, your data is stored and accessed on the Evernote servers (exception for offline Notebooks) Make sure you sync first. Reinstalling the app will not impact your data
  2. Yes, many different features including I understand it Evernote's working towards a common editor, but there will always be device/platdorm limitations
  3. I'm actually working on multiple platforms I find the Mac/Windows platforms have many features not available on other platforms; including tables >>which, by the way, doesn't exist as an Evernote feature but due to the users effort duplicating notes So, you think it's my fault? My impression is in the beginning, tables weren’t supported by the IOS api’s Now the api support is available, it’s a question of priorities. We need to inform Evernote this request is supported by the User population. Please show your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion
  4. As backup, I export my notes to an iCloud folder It's functional; I can view and edit my notes - I prefer the Evernote environment
  5. Can you post specific web sites with this problem Generally, I'm not having a problem with web clipping The usual troubleshooting is to reinstall the software on your device
  6. I see the core business more as a filing service I find Evernote's note editor adequate for basic notes; for serious writing I use dedicated word processing apps. Evernote works well with office/iworks documents I get around the table imitation by having templates with tables
  7. There was another report as well I'm not seeing this as a server error, more to do with the device software Also, is your internet access solid You didn't identify your device/platform. My troubleshooting would be Reboot your device; it solves many problems Reinstall the software
  8. Whatever works for you. Personally, my requirements extend beyond “collecting notes on the drive”
  9. Sorry, I missed that. I was looking ”right near the start” Perhaps it’s not that straightforward
  10. Referencing the clipping in the original post Show me the author and date
  11. Evernote hasn't indicated any interest in extracting such information from a web clipping I suspect it isn't possible, unless the providers provided the information as metadata If you wish to add your support to this request, use the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion If this information is CRUCIAL, I would enter it manually
  12. My solution would be to store the file externally to Evernote and include a link in the note Why do you need such large files stored in Evernote? As an external file, there’s no impact to note size limit, upload limit, or your ISP bandwidth
  13. My process is to simply add the new tag to a note and not worry about tag hierarchy I'm working on both a Mac and iPad; - I rarely use the Mac sidebar - No tag hierarchy on the iPad Periodically, I use my Mac to review my tags and organization New tags stand out because they aren't in any hierarchy They could be a mistake to be fixed They could be a valid new tag to be inserted into my tag hierarchy I'm not having a problem using the Mac tag page for this organization review however dragging the new tags can get tedious
  14. Absolutely. This was top of my list when selecting the product, easy export of my data I can easily export my notes in html format and attachments will remain in their native format
  15. I'm actually wanting a solution with archived notes kept in the cloud, and not taking up space on any devices I think Evernote's heading in that direction. They implemented Demand Sync on the Windows platform, and indicated Selective Notebook sync was being worked on >>A secondary problem was quickly searching only non-archived notes. My solution was to use the -tag:xxx parameter in searches. It means I have to add it to every search A different request is to add a button to the search box for this
  16. Not clear what you consider a “good archiving system” Evernote is flexible in identifying notes to be archived, My solution is to flag projects/notes with an Archive tag >>with folder structure For sure, you’re using the wrong product. Evernote’s methododology is organization by Tags, instead of the traditional folder/subfolder methodology. imho, this is an improved process
  17. My point is to share my experience and help users with their issues in using Evernote, in this discussion; Hide or Archive Notes I’m not seeing value in your posts
  18. From day 1, Evernote has stated they will not implement a native Linux client. I've seen no changes to this, but never say never There are some third party products, and Evernote's web platform
  19. @etc Why are you turning this into a personal conflict A feature request has been posted. You're welcome to add your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion You have alternatives to achieve the results you want And finally, you can switch to a different product that better serves your needs
  20. I wouldn’t think so. Just a question of priorities. You can indicate your support for this request using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. Current vote count is 3
  21. Evernote is a filing service and offers various ways to archive and exclude notes from search results My solution is to use an “Archive” tag. I want notes to remain in the database, but to not be included in current lists
  22. Could the script work with the Search box instead? The link text could be notebook:aaaaaaaa The manual process on my Mac is Copy the link text (double click, command C) Switch to the search box (control command E) Paste the link text (command V)
  23. Moved to the Evernote Features Request Forum to cover all platforms This request is an extension of
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