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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. @csihilling provided the answer for EN > HTML For a single note, I'd probably just use select all, copy, paste
  2. My process would be individual notes for each meeting This would give quick access to notes
  3. On my iPad, the sketching space is a grid of dots My preference is to use dedicated apps instead (Notability, GoodNotes) They have grid options for the background
  4. Shared notebooks are a good solution The upload limit applies to the owner of the notebook, not to the sharee The owner can be a paid account; the sharee can be a non-paying Basic account
  5. No solution within Evernote I continue to make use of the shortcuts feature An alternative is looking at scripting to provide a faster shortcut I have Applescript on my Mac, and there are keyboard macro apps such as Keyboard Maestro My script uses the search feature with "notebook:aaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  6. There’s no direct conversion service edited; Evernote/Windows has an import option You need to look at the export options in OneNote. Evernote’s native format is based on html, but any file format can be imported as a note attachment
  7. I don’t see any harm in backing up the database. You might find it difficult to make use of a full database file backup. Its easier to restore from smaller export files
  8. It’s possible to use different passwords for each encryption, but the recommendation is to use to use the same password for each
  9. I use top list view on my Mac The image shows I've sorted on the Size column My largest note is 187.2 MB
  10. I don't know which specific Preview issues you're fixing, but you'll always get better features with a dedicated PDF editor app There are a vaious apps to select from; can you summarize the benefits of the indicated app
  11. The limit is only on the free Basic Account, and it's for two simultaneous devices
  12. Actually you said "The only thing I haven't done (which I know would fix it) is to rename my database and download it from the server again" Maybe you're not willing to help yourself but others might benefit from these suggestions
  13. There was a question - Do you see the same problem using the web platform? If the problem is restricted to your Mac, my solution would be to delete the database and let it be rebuilt from the servers or BSR's forced sync solution at
  14. My process for retrieving lost data is to restore from backups I use my personal backups and the Evernote Note History feature Note History is a paid account feature. You can subscribe for a single month to retrieve your notes The note history is constantly backed up and available until the note is expunged
  15. Which platform? (Win/Mac/...) In case this is a device error, verify the "lost notes" issue on the Evernote servers using the web platform (www.evernote.com)
  16. This would be my approach, store the document as an attachment to the note Generally, I use the Evernote editor for short notes and dedicated apps for more serious work
  17. Good idea assigning a tag n case you missed tagging any notes, I would use multiple terms in the search any: tag:Shared sharedate:*
  18. Evernote has not indicated any plans to implement Password Protected Notebooks Currently, they have only implemented encryption for text within a note I'm not conviced this is a "simple". Examples: Evernote's ocr feature processes on the server; search indexing doesn't function on encrypted data My solution is to use encryption in file attachments
  19. I'd recommend separate notes for each day You might research end of note shortcuts. Which platform? Theres the standard of /EOD at the end of documents. Easy to search for
  20. Sign up for a single month of premium access and you'll have access to Note History
  21. fwiw On my Mac I can just drag a note into another note. The link is created Saves the copy-link step
  22. Personally, I use editors that provide features I need Evernote's editor is adequate for notes, but when I need word processing features, I use a dedicated WP app Evernote works well with Office/iWork files as attachments to notes
  23. There are so many feature requests which say "It would be easy ....." I question this, and if users would be willing to pay for this feature I use Evernote's editor for basic notes; I'm content to use dedicated apps when I need extended features >>A solution like incorporating interactive ink into the Evernote editor would seemingly enable this I actually store the file as an attachment in it's native format. For example Word doc files, Notability note files
  24. You can share notes at the note level For example: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s738/sh/82b2d905-365e-4f26-8838-7ad4a07d5468/8a606c0c0e1ed497
  25. I go to the site at Contact Evernote Support I get the page on the right I'm already signed in via this forum so I don't have to sign in
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