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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Yes, but you have to manually set the sort order for each of those views Windows has a feature where the sort order is saved for each notebook
  2. You're showing the display when a note is shared using the browser link The actual Evernote canvas is different (click on View in Evernote) I've been tailoring my notes if I intend to share them with this interface I added my vote
  3. I haven’t read those explanations but I’ve read that we can post feature requests and show our support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. I added my vote The vote is one of the factors used by Evernote in prioritizing development work
  4. Looking at the tag feature (Mac/Windows) it doesn't seem difficult - It's implemented by adding a parent field to the tag table - And the UI has to be modified to display the hierarchy As per @gazumped, this was a design choice by Evernote For organization purposes, they implemented this element called Tag They implemented another element called Notebook. It can be used for organization, but it also has other purposes
  5. Actually, if you use the html export, you will see all attachments with the html note, including audio files From my Mac
  6. You’re welcome to add your vote to the feature request below I disagree with your conclusion, and there’s no indication Evernote is considering adding export formats. It would be a good idea to look at work-around solutions >>another expensive work around I have no suggestions for Windows but I’m sure there’s inexpensive solutions
  7. Looks like the choices are EN enml copy/paste > Word EN enml > html > Word EN enml > pdf > pdf app > Word Can anyone advise on the quality of the Word document? Does it duplicate the EN note? How are attachmentments presented? I found the EN enml > html conversation to be very accurate; it duplicated the EN note The EN enml > pdf conversion resulted in embedded images and other attachments lost
  8. I encouraged the user to add their vote to the request. The user reported the problem with “reorg. all these separate notes”, and I offered a suggestion I’m not into Boohoo, Evernote’s so bad posts (take that as ‘belittle’) I’m more interested in how to make this product work for me. >>There can't be many users left who are not aware of that......Coindence or not, that group is losing members. I haven't seen the latest numbers. The last count I heard was over 200 million accounts
  9. You are certainly welcome to add your vote to this request; there are currently 12 votes Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion Personally I have no problem with the individual clipping notes >>I don't even yet know how to manually go in and reorg. all these separate notes (100's) into a couple dozen Topic Notes w/all individual notes finally being together! I leave all the notes intact, tied together with a tag. I copy/paste critical info into a master note, with links to the research clippings. The master note could include a link to each of the clippings (Table of Contents) On my Mac, I could select the notes (100’s) and do a merge, but I wouldn’t find the result too useful
  10. Can you explain that further. I actually use Evernote as a mail archive What features are you looking for? At a minimum, the sender is identified by a tag. I add tags if the mail relates to a project, vendor, ...
  11. I edited my post to avoid this confusion; I was speaking for myself. I try to control it, but sometimes my "unfailing arrogance" slips out mea culpa 1) They say the same things over and over, in old posts and new ones. Believing that repetition is a debating technique? Is this a reference to the folder zealots, or the tag zealots
  12. I agree with this. Users argue that organization must be nested Notebooks (even Folders). I’ve adjusted to the term Tag. I don’t need multiple organization methods beyond the current features It would be great if the tag hierarchy was displayed on all platforms. I compensate somewhat by using a naming convention to ensure alphabetical sequence
  13. The tag sorting you’re asking for only applies to the first tag in the note. You’ve hacked this by prefixing your tags with a number, which works until you have a tag with a lower value prefix (.- etc), or another set of numbered tags I’d suggest you look at different methods for prioritization
  14. My vote is for an edit mode toggle; this applies to all platforms. And the default should be read mode Locked notes is a different request. It’s currently supported in Evernote but requires third party products. I can use scripting on my Mac to update the note’s contentClass attribute
  15. As discussed above; a second instance is not supported. fwiw I keep my journal/to-do visible on a second monitor by opening the note in its own window
  16. You're right - you don't have to be a premium subscriber Any user can implement a backup process; I run a daily/weekly process on my Mac In addition, Macs have a Time Machine process Your recovery instructions aren't completely clear. After locating my Evernote database folder, how do I recover my lost data
  17. Note: ticket subission is only available for paid accounts After answering the questions, there is a submission button at the bottom of the page
  18. You can subscribe for a single month and retrieve your notes from the Note History backup I'd advise everyone to think about backups for your data. There are alternatives to Note History. On Macs, we have a builtin Time Machine feature
  19. You’ve posted the request, and we will see if there’s support from the user base. Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion. Personally, I’m comfortable with my mail, clippings etc going to my Inbox Notebook for followup later. I realize there’s a school of thought about not handling the work twice but I don’t want any effort during “collection” (GTD speak) If I was concerned, I would add code to my email>Evernote script (Mac); a selected dropdown list for notebook/tag. I can work with the current email feature
  20. If you have a Premium account, you have access to the Note History feature It's available on the Mac/Win platforms, on the Note Information page When I use the feature, I see various note versions
  21. I see it as more an issue of priority in assigning development resources than "challenging" Markdown/LaTeX/mathmode are only of interest to a % of the user base
  22. When adding the shortcut, there's a drop down for the application. Clicking on the arrow gave me a list of all my applications
  23. I work on a Mac, and do something similar via scripting I avoid these types of ‘child links’ because they get out of date. My process is to link the notes with a tag (Project-xxxxx) and retrieve the notes via search
  24. A nice Mac features is that you can create a shortcut for any menu item
  25. Can you provide more details on this? I’m not seein this option.
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