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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Atlas is no longer an Evernote feature, but there were some alternative suggestions in this post. IdeaPlaces (IOS) looks like a good solution
  2. I’d be concerned this cutting/pasting might mess with the content? I’d prefer a direct edit of the content.enml file; I use a script to identify the folder My preferred process is to be working in a document attached to the note, for example a Word document. My actual notes tend to be short and simple.
  3. fwiw I also use a naming convention to ensure tags sort correctly For example Colour_Red Colour_Blue Colour_White
  4. I do it frequently. It’s more complicated if you have Local Notebooks, otherwise the master version of your data is maintained on the Evernote servers. For a new installation, the app will rebuild your Mac copy of the database
  5. No indication from Evernote on this feature Personally, instead of a link, I just include the search arguments in the note search: notebook:"home" tag:"invoice" tag:"paid" This can be copied and pasted into the search box; scripting makes this even easier
  6. There's the option of converting from Notebooks to Tags As you can see in the comparison below, the Tag view displays a multiple column view
  7. My opinion is that this discussion is a feature request for Evernote to add table support to the editor in IOS platform I indicated my support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion I also posted my work-around by using alternate editors >>the possibilities of using Evernote as a fill system I think Evernote’s strength is as digital file; along with data sync to my devices. I use Evernote for all my filing
  8. FYI Mac and IOS are different platforms/devices. There’s no point in posting Mac release notes in the IOS forum. The features you posted are not supported in the IOS platform Also, I’m not into BooHoo posts. If you wish to add your support for this request, there are voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. Current vote count is
  9. As a work around, I make use of “subnotes”. This is similar to @gazumped’s TOC The main Note contains links to the subnotes. Use the navigation keys to move back to the main note
  10. Just tried it and dragging worked for me (Mac, Safari, using latest web version) In fact, when dragging the picture, a Drag File message appeared in the note
  11. Just to cover the basics, there is a Stacks feature to simplify the list view I find it easier to look at the high level entries before drilling down
  12. I’m not getting the “automatic possiblity” part. My understanding of the heading styles was for formatting purpose
  13. As a work-around, users have the option of switching out to a dedicated word processing app and adding the document as an attachment to the note I find the Evernote editor adequate for simple notes, but for serious work I switch to dedicated editor apps
  14. I’ve moved the discussion to the General Forum so it’s a cross platform request To indicate your support for this request; use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion For those interested in the Evernote format (enml), there’s documentation at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php
  15. I’m not sure what you mean. Regardless of the platform/device used (web, iPad, laptop) , Evernote emails from their servers
  16. I just tested on my iPad to both of my email accounts. Success; The mail was received
  17. The usual troubleshooting is to email to yourself and see if you receive the note The usual problem is the note gets flagged in the spam filter. Check the junk mailbox and whitelist Evernote
  18. Same for me; I find the editor adequate for simple notes, but for more serious work, I switch out to dedicated apps like word processing or spreadsheet apps Its not just find&replace; I also need extended features like styles, tables, outlines, ... I encourage all users to make use of alternate editors and not be restricted by the limitations of the Evernote editor
  19. So far Evernote hasn't indicated this is a priority for development. So good bye and good luck. For myself, I'm still happy using Evernote as my digital file. Find&Replace is not a feature I require for simple notes
  20. I’m a developer (not an Evernote employee). I use Evernote to store my programming code I use text files attached/linked to a note and a code editor app (Textastic) to update the code files. This app provides syntax highlighting (Mac/iPad)
  21. I use Evernote as a filing cabinet. I don't see the Evernote editor as a dedicated word processing app, but it is adequate for basic notes For word processing, I use Pages/Word For spreadsheets, I use Numbers/Excel Actually, for serious note taking, I use Notability on my iPad I don't find my notes confusing Possibly it depends on your defintion of a note
  22. You're welcome to indicate your support to these feature requests. Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion. Current vote count is >>I believe at least 90% of the Evernote users would instantly welcome and use text styles. Styles are not a priority for me with notes. I do use styles in word processing, however I'd be working in dedicated apps for this
  23. Response from support was I understand that you're not seeing clipped content come through after using the share extension on iOS. We actually have a known issue related to this, but that issue is specific to the iOS 11 beta The iOS 11 issue should be fixed in our next release, which will be 8.4 (that we are trying to release as close to the iOS 11 GA as we can).
  24. The notebook list is a "feature" of v6.12 You have the option of reverting to v6.11 which has the grid layout
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