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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It's true the word document attachment has limitations I switch to pdf format when the document is finalized pdfs are ubiquitous and do a good job of presenting the document
  2. On the Mac, you can right click on the pdf or word attachment and select view inline
  3. You're all set then; Unfortunately other users are limited to the other platforms and don't have access to change the creation date I still add my vote to these requests Also, I encourage you to explore the Mac Evernote features. You'll find it a more rewarding environment than ipad/iphone My workflow is to collect notes in my inbox during the day with my iPad, and finalize on my Mac
  4. I use the text colour feature to colour my code (Mac) global yyyymmdd, dddd, scriptLog, scriptStatus property scriptLog : "" property scriptStatus : "" set scriptLog to scriptLog & return & (current date) & " Evernote Reminders Script started" GetDate()
  5. Note: there are two terms: "Search" and "Filter" We are able to save a Search, even create a shortcut It would be a nice feature to save a Filter as a Search
  6. It would also require Evernote switch to a proprietary format, which might not be a bad idea. The current format is limiting
  7. I'm a fan of Notability. Also looking at Goodnotes for its OCR feature No problem using different apps; the best tool for the job. I view Evernote's strength is as a digital filing cabinet
  8. My understand is a new version is in the works, and the "common editor" project should help with feature parity However, the reality is the web platform can never be as robust as the Win/Mac platforms I'm not clear on your reference to offline access; it seems inconsitent with the web platform. Can you explain how this would work? >>I'll pay to get premium access if ... If Evernote had a $ for every user who posted this
  9. The apps work well for handwriting and sketching I'm checking out GoodNotes which has a similar featureset including OCR. An additional benefit is opening two windows on my iPad Pro and transcribing my handwriting section by section. I need this to correct errors; my handwriting quality is sad I'm also using Myscript Stylus. It's an alternate keyboard replacing the letter keys with a handwriting area. It converts your handwriting on the fly while you write
  10. I'll check out Nebo I have no concern with using other editors for note taking; my favourite app on the iPad is Notability Using the share feature, it's easy to store my writing in Evernote as an fileattachment; in native or pdf format What kind of integration are you looking for?
  11. One answer would be because most (like of 90%) are unwilling to pay for the product Development work costs money I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch,He said to me, "You must not ask for so much."And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door,She cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"
  12. For me, this is a spreadsheet function I was able to script this on my Mac; parsing and exporting my data to a spreadsheet I've moved the discussion to the General Requests forum but I don't see Evernote taking this on. It seems more of a project for a third party developer
  13. Still no tag hierarchy in IOS >>I need to ensure I add one or more tags from each section of my hierarchy Thats an interesting approach You could use a prefix on the tags to make sure they appear in the right sequence
  14. Very dramatic but IOS account switching doesn't seem to be a priority Personally I use a password manager (Lastpass) and it simplifies the account/password entry steps
  15. I'm guessing your request is for annotating notes. This is currently not supported by the Evernote editor, or file format (html) I can't see this changing, it would require a major redesign I'd advise switching to a different editor/format. I can convert a note to pdf format and annotate within Evernote (Mac/IPad; not sure of what's available on Windows) If the request is to have an actual drawing in a note, I'd still recommend a different editor. There is a pen feature in IOS but I prefer to use Notability/Goodnotes or a dedicated drawing app and sync to Evernote in pdf format
  16. I don't see an answer so here's what I'm working with Setting read-only status by updating the database column contentclass as described in https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/read_only_notes.php Setting contentClass makes a note read-only I'm using Applescript to access the database for example do shell script "sqlite3 " & quote & targetDatabaseFile & quote & " " & quote & sqlText & quote
  17. When you say "calendar view", is this based on creation date, update date, or reminder date? You could look at Chronofy Calendar Connector. It syncs your Evernote entries to your calendar
  18. Yeah yeah, Evernote's bad, boohoo ? You didn't even mention the corrupted data caused by software bugs I can understand why you would chose to use a different service I still advise everyone to have a backup plan for their data regardless of the service used It doesn't have to be Evernote Note History; as I said I have my own backups Regardless of the cause of the problem, this is my solution for reverting back to a previous version of a note
  19. You're using the support page for paid accounts For non-paying accounts, you can post in these forums or as posted at the top of this page Reach out to Evernote support on Twitter @EvernoteHelps
  20. It's been a while but my daughter had an Evernote account and her email had a .edu extension In fact the .edu extension was a requirement for the student pricing. My advice is to contact support at Twitter @evernotehelps or Contact Evernote Support for paid accounts
  21. Can you give an actual example of these file links? The format is important so as to allow shared access
  22. I have no issue with the script selecting the line; it's an elegant solution My origional response related to calling TextUtil to apply the font/size style; instead, keystrokes can be used
  23. For selecting a line; the command-arrow keystrokes work well, although I'm more inclined to use mouse clicks I see no need for a menu item
  24. These are the font/size controls being used Shortcuts assigned in system preferences And they are functional The AppleScript code is tell application "System Events" to keystroke "h" using {command down, option down, control down} tell application "System Events" to keystroke "1" using {command down, option down, control down}
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