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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I’d be interest in other opinions but my first thought is No Way. The centralized encryption worries me I use the native encryption for individual files
  2. As backup to Evernote, I export all my data to a cloud drive. Just a flat folder. To be really functional, I could also export my EN tags to each note file I want to maintain tag based organization instead of folder based >>All of my files are in common format - PDF, Office doc and excel, or images. I’m using the same formats as Evernote. The notes are html, and no change to the format of attachments If this was my primary source, I’d rethink the html format - I don’t have a good editor >>For taking notes, I use a number of apps, basically whatever I feel like, That’s my approach even within Evernote; I don’t feel I’m restricted to the EN editor
  3. Absolutely, and you are encouraged to add your vote to the feature requests you find useful. - Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion You are also encouraged to participate in the discussion; pro’s, con’s, workarounds ...
  4. We have the same problem in IOS The edit function work fine in Mac/Win exports the attachment to a temporary directory launches the app to edit the file replaces the attachment in the note I suspect our Android/IOS environments can't support that activity My solution is to complete my edits and before exiting I send to a new Evernote note. I sort this out later. Mostly, I only do editing on my Mac Another option is to store the file on a cloud device and include a link in your note. This seems to work better for editing
  5. Never say never, Evernote could surprise us all, but I wouldn’t count on Evernote releasing a Linux client I’d be looking at alternatives Evernote’s web platform Clone applications that use the Evernote database Export your data out of Evernote
  6. We need a Subject Date field. Metadata already includes Creation and Modification dates My solution is to add Subject Date to the title for example 2017/07/20 Receipt Vndr-SaveOnFoods Milk, OJ $-21.55 I use a script and default it to Current Date but I can change it as required
  7. Can you expand on this. I have the same problem extracting the "needed elements" and still end up manually adding the metadata
  8. EN has kept their product “alive and breathing” **. That’s the most important fact to me ** Except for BB and Windows phone You might consider upgrading your software, 3 to 5 years is getting kind of old >>EN is experiencing significant financial difficulties In the past, EN relied on VC money to build the product; that period is over I have seen no reports of “significant financial difficulties”, I did see this What people don’t understand about the company is that we’re in a very solid financial position. We’re on the path to sustainability. We don’t have to raise more money. We had a cash-flow positive month in March. >>because it can not entice enough users to become paid subscribers They also reported the “freemium” sales model has a successful paying conversion rate Personally, I'd switch to a time-limited free trial
  9. I think a better word is “acceptance” This doesn’t mean I won’t switch to a better product if one comes available. ”Better” is subjective along with “expand and blossom in finesse and capabilties”. It’s important to me that EN continues functioning with hardware and OS upgrades I also participate in the forums, adding my vote to future requests I find useful. I’m not a fan of ranting and raving because EN doesn’t implement a specific feature
  10. EN is one of many tools I use daily. It gets the job done I guess my pens are also stagnant and uninspiring but they get the job done
  11. EN continues to do the job for me; stores and sync’s my data ... I haven’t seen another product that does a better job The editor is adequate for basic notes; if I need extended features I use a dedicated app
  12. It's a complicated combination On Mac, they separate the two; metadata is stored in a database, the actual files are stored separately in a folder for each note On Windows, everything is combinded in a single .exb file I can't say what works better >>Either make it a topnotch note editor or drop that notion and turn Evernote into the digital cloud drive with the best content manager going. I'd go with the digital cloud drive; dedicated editor apps are readily available I think the marketing people are driving the push of making Evernote a word processing product - Users too, you can see this in the user requests I'm satisfied with basic editor functions Also, I think the multi-platform support causes problems with editor development Features have to not only work with one editor, but also the editors on all platforms >>it is the database structure with its tag and not much else basis that is so outside all of Android, iOS, Mac and Windows logic that anyone could imagine As backup, I export my notes to a cloud drive To make this more functional, I could also transfer my tags/notebook to the file tags I can work with this, but it's the Evernote editor that ties everything together
  13. I'm exactly opposite. Evernote is my only file system; I use it more and more I never want to go back to the Dropbox/computer Folder file system
  14. That's true; the tag hierarchy is not represented anywhere in IOS (and other platforms) It's also not shown in various lists on my Mac I've managed to cope with the lack of hierarchy in Notebooks and Tags
  15. We're getting off topic here (Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks) If I recall, tags were introduced to my Mac computer files sometime after 2010. Prior to that, the organization method was restricted to Folders Evernote has never used a Folder methodology for organization The best you can do is Notebooks and Tags - Notebooks can be organized into Stacks (the discussion we're posting in is a request for notebook hierarchy) - Tags can be organized into an unlimited hierarchy >>You betray your lack of experience with databases. I'm quite familiar with databases On Macs, we get to access the Evernote database and view the metadata For each note, I see - a column for Notebook - a column for Tags - a column for Folder (Macs use a separate folder for each note) Thats what the Folders/Notebooks/Tags are; columns in a database table Another table is used to store the Tag Hierarchy; a similar table would be required for Notebook hierarchy
  16. Ontology and hierarchy are part of my vocabulary; it might depend on your work >>bringing its product up to the 50-years-ago state of the art Folders were the traditional filing method Tags are a more recent advancement You really need to open your mind to new concepts You present yourself as really close minded
  17. Good point, but I do see a downside in using Trash as an archive tool I don’t want to move my notes anywhere. I spent the effort at organization and I don’t want to throw that away I want the option of including/excluding archived notes from a search. If I use Trash as an archive, there is no option.
  18. No Currently all notes are automatically included in a search unless specifically excluded My experience is with Mac/IPad; I’ve heard Windows has additional features >>It seems to me that the whole purpose of archiving something is to remove it from searches so it doesn't get in the way of current content. So NOT including the archive items for me would be default, Note: Evernote has no built-in archiving process We were just making use of Evernote features to Identify notes we wanted archived (tag) Exclude those notes from a search (-tag:) >>I don't want to have to type -tag:archived every time I do a search. I use a keyboard shortcut to make this easier Also, I use saved searches via a shortcut, so I only have to set this up the first time A toggle button in the search box would be an ideal solution
  19. Here’s a discussion from a user who successfully imported from OneNote using Evernote/Windows
  20. Note, I edited my post to acknowlege that Evernote/Windows has a OneNote import feature I could work with exported pdfs. Most of my static data is in pdf format, as an attachment to a note. Does this include any metadata? I’m guessing the title, if nothing else
  21. I have a long standing practce of frequently saving my work-in-progress. In sketch mode, this requires a click on the Done icon (as you reported) Standard typing is saved automatically If I have internet connection, also frequent sync to the servers - automatic in IOS but I can force this by switching to another note (there are alternate methods)
  22. The Mac/Window platforms have an export option For the other platforms, you’re working with data on the Evernote servers. The only service I know is cloudHQ (https://www.cloudhq.net/evernote)
  23. Not a feature of the Evernote Note editor. You could post this as a feature request in the request forum at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/304-evernote-feature-requests/ This doesn’t seem standard proposing. You’d want to be using a table or a non-proportional font edited: Apparently it is standard as per the example editors identified Can you give an example of an editor where this is supported?
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