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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. fwiw On the Macs you can assign a keyboard shortcut to any menu item (including fonts and sizes). The style update could be implemented without calling TextUtil
  2. Regardless, you do not address duplicate notes from the file OS On the Mac platform, there's a folder for every note, with multiple files You could say the space is the same, separate files or combine all into a single .exb file, although the .exb file is probably more compressed I think it's better to work with the separate note files, instead of the massive GB exb file. Certainly from a backup perspective (Mac Time Machine doing incremental backups)
  3. Certainly the heading style is supported in the html format Personally, for serious word processing features, I switch to a dedicated wp app. For basic note, I find the Evernote editor adequate
  4. Deleted notes can be retrieved from the Trash; unless your trash was emptied too
  5. Personally I never liked this work-around My Reminder Section is full of .......reminders I'm not a fan of "pinning" I assign a prefix to notes to control my note sequence (title sequence)
  6. Adding a reminder to a note ensures the note is listed in the Reminder Section at the top of the note list
  7. I have no problem using alternate editors for my Evernote data, be it word processing, code editing, spreadsheets, or mindmaps. I use the best tool for the job. I also convert files to PDF format to attach to a note. I also attach the file in its native format so it's available for editing
  8. Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion
  9. My understanding of Evernote Business is that notebooks are shared to selected users. It's not a requirement that every user receive the full set of notes.
  10. It's sad this request only has user votes. It's part of the criteria used by Evernote to decide what changes are the most important Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion
  11. The link you posted was for the Penultimate product; You're posting in the Evernote product forum. IOS is limited in functionality. Here's a quick solution using the print function https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/101222-must-have-pdf-export-asap/?do=findComment&comment=439607 You can also share to iBooks; it does a PDF conversion Hopefully a Window user will follow up with an answer. I think it requires the installation of a PDF printer driver
  12. You'll get a more specific answer if you identify your platform/device On my Mac, I can just right click within the note and I get a convert to pdf option I can also print-to-pdf on a Mac
  13. Not sure what you want "fixed" As posted above, it only requires the correct shortcut keys to be used Or, since we're on a Mac, use system preferences to define different shortcut keys
  14. I really only use one main notebook so Notebook pinning wouldn't be very useful to me But I do have notes I want at the top of the list; for example the project master note in a project review I agree the shortcut/reminder solution doesn't "cut it" My solution is to make use of the title sort sequence and manipulate note titles For example, "-Master Note" sorts at the top Manipulating the note dates also works for other sort sequences
  15. So you didn't like my word processing app suggestion iWork/Office documents work well with Evernote. I often use them as attachments to notes
  16. Certainly a design choice; not seeing it as a flaw or mistake. Personally, I consider the "note list" to be an important component. This request doesn't seem to have much support. Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion and the count is 1
  17. Not a big concern for me. If I needed it, I'd use of a word processing app like Apple Pages or MS Word >>You're about to lose a customer Good Bye, Good Luck
  18. Not supported by the Evernote Note editor. I use Pages (Mac/IOS) and theres support for LaTeX and MathML. The documents work well as attachments to notes
  19. Did you notice that Evernote makes it easy to export your data On my Mac, I can easily export my data (HTML format) and take my data anywhere I chose
  20. Thats a plan. I'm sure if they spent enough $ and developer hours, Evernote could resolve this They could add a surcharge to Mac users to cover these costs, but personally I'd be relectant to pay the charge Instead of the cost, I'll continue to use the work-around
  21. I can understand the subscription price is too much of a burden for some users Those users have my sympathy I appreciate that Evernote provides software for free, and has a Basic account tier at no charge I may have need of this some day When that day comes, I won't be whining that Evernote should give me more I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch, He said to me, "You must not ask for so much." And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door, She cried to me, "Hey, why not ask for more?"
  22. Confirmed. Annotating using Preview requires an extra step Its a known problem, introduced with the Sierra OS upgrade. Evernote is waiting for a fix from Apple
  23. Can you be more specific as to the problem you're having I don't have a problem editing pdfs; note I'm using the latest software versions
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