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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The Shortcut Section is your "live alongside"Create shortcuts for notebooks, saved searches, tags. >>I want to be able to do complex logic with an easy to use GUI and easily make changes to it. ... it would be great if the iOS app worked with them as well (for creating and editing, viewing I'm assuming would work out of the box). Evernote supports a Search feature. Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 I find it easy to use but ymmv. Mac's also have a "build search" feature. There are other requests posted for improvements to the search feature. It lacks the complex boolean logic common in other search engines. See full-boolean-search/
  2. Actually it's not clear at all. The bad guys have obtained userid/passwords elsewhere and are attempting access to Evernote accounts. Protect your Evernote password. Only use it for Evernote access.
  3. On my iPad, I can use split screen instead of flipping out/in of Evernote
  4. No "manual ordering", except for the Shortcuts and Reminder sections. We have the other sort options. Screenshot is from my Mac
  5. I think you missed the point. These users believe the Evernote editor should perform such functions, and using other applications is an unacceptable solution. ------------ The request/discussion has been moved to the feature request forum. To indicate your support, use the voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion.
  6. On the client platforms, the metadata is stored in SQLite databases. For the Reminders implementation, a reminderOrder field was added to control sequencing and "pinning" This is straightforward, but complicated by the duplication for each platform. >>It will take time to update all of the presentation modes they offer (desktop, web, etc), but once again this is a relatively straight forward feature. They already have a segment of code which orders notes, and which places notes with reminders at the top of the list. It should be a day per mode to change and test code to "pin" a note at the top. Again complicated by the duplication for each platform. Not sure how straightforward it would be; the simplest UI would be right-click on the note and pin to the top.
  7. The most recent web client version is fairly recent, hence the "New". We consider it an incomplete beta version. I downgraded to the previous version; it's less horrible.
  8. For the 'classic' link in IOS, Retrieve the internal link (https://www.evernote.com/shard/...) Paste the link into the note - it is converted to the classic in-app link Copy the classic link from the note by long pressing the link I moved the discussion to the IOS forum.
  9. Do you actually know this is "very simple"? Do you have an estimate of the work-hours and other costs for implementing this change? To indicate your support for the request, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.
  10. Just tested. If I can see the web page, I can screenshot it.
  11. I'm able to capture screenshots of any website with no problems. Other formats are problematic; web archive might be a better choice. I have a premium subscription, and Yes, I consider it worth paying for. For a list of the benefits, see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Compare-Evernote-subscription-plans
  12. Link to specific position is not supported by Evernote A work-around is to split the contents into separate notes Create a master table-of-contents note to link to the sub-notes
  13. When did this start? If you sort your notes by date created it will be easier to locate the note.
  14. It would be helpful if you can provide a link. I can not locate this app. Edit: I found this https://www.appdecide.com/app/ios/moveever-for-evernote/537026485/ Not available in my country
  15. @LeoMPe is asking for nested Stacks. Does Notion have nested Stacks, or Notebooks?
  16. This discussion is for notebooks hierarchy; Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks You might want to post in the discussion below
  17. I have daily tasks listed on the template for my daily journal, but this doesn't address the second day, week, ... A work-around is the Filterize service; I use scripting on my Mac. This process reviews completed reminders and resets the date if tagged as recurring.
  18. I use Tags (400+) because my notes have multiple reference categories Notebooks have a purpose, related to private/shared, sync'd/local, offline, dafault >>the most logical way is to just use sub-folders (of stacks) ... I have 50+ folders right now Evernote has never supported folders; only the two note fields Notebooks and Tags. As you noted, Tags are supported with an unlimited parent/child hierarchy (on selected platforms). There is a request to add the same hierarchy to Notebooks. You can indicate your support using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion Also see this post for simulated folders using the notebook/tag tree in the sidebar. This handles 3+ levels
  19. I understand Windows has a feature that saves the sort order with the notebook The other platforms have a single setting for the note list. As a work-around, I use scripting (Mac) to assign sort order to saved searches.
  20. All accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid accounts Contact Evernote Support
  21. https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action In the meantime, you can use Preview for annotation. Right-click on the image, select open with
  22. Can you post a screenshot of "not working" Also, make sure you're working in the Notebook page on your Mac, not the sidebar
  23. This is a user discussion forum. There's a request posted at the top; to indicate your support, use the voting buttons at the top left corner.
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