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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Hackers have access to your device? Is this Evernote related? >>Will asking for a deletion of my account remove my data from your databases and servers Until you get an answer, you can initiate the data deletion yourself; delete your notes, empty the trash - this will address the front-end servers. Securing your password should prevent access to your account. You can also deactivate your account in account settings
  2. sharedate is valid as search argument; tested on a Mac and iPad
  3. Adding to the confusion, using Evernote/Mac and Evernote/Web Copy Link by default updates the clipboard with : https://www.evernote.com/shard/s3/nl/... When pasted within the Evernote app, this is converted to evernote:///view/... When using Evernote/Web and clicking on a link, evernote:///view/... is converted to https://www.evernote.com/shard/s3/nl/...
  4. I don't think there's been any change to the Reminders feature; why is it not working anymore? An alternative work-around is pinning notes to the Shortcuts section.
  5. I expect the notes will be listed in the specified sequence (date or title) I can specify search intitle:TV and the list will be restricted to notes with "TV" in the title The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  6. I'm not a Windows user. On Mac and iPad, https://www.evernote.com/sh... links open in a web browser We do get a button to open the note in the app (cookie related)
  7. This is the private browser link; it opens in the web platform (web app)
  8. What is your definition of "standard Evernote links". There's actually three standards classic/internal (evernote:///view/... <<< Opens in the Evernote app private browser public browser
  9. What type of link are you using. The classic/internal link (evernote:///view/115625.....) should open in the Evernote app
  10. Dragging is still working for me You also have the option of right-clicking on the notebook Make sure you're working in the Notebook panel
  11. On my iPad and Mac, the evernote:///view/... link opens in the app within Evernote and other apps
  12. I just tested; forwarded emails appeared as a note with no delay edit: No change in email address
  13. Still merging the "pin" discussions. You're welcome to add your vote for this request. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. In the meantime, we can use the Shortcut Section for pinning. Shortcts to notes can be pinned, as well as tags, and saved searches I have a tag !HotNotes at the top that gives me quick access to notes so tagged
  14. Right - nothing in the UI to prevent editing And unlike Android, the other platforms don't have an edit switch. Accessing a note launches us into edit mode.
  15. I'm using third party Filterize to turn on the read-only swich in Evernote
  16. The need for syntax highlighting is not trivial; however as a developer I do not store my code in note format (enml/html) My code is stored in a text file, as a file attachment to a note The tools I use to edit the code provide syntax highlighting, for example Textastic. Ccode snippets are inserted as screenshots in pdf format
  17. The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 You're using simple text search You can also use negated text entries, intitle: searches, tag searches, ...
  18. I can't help resolving Windows issue, but you can switch to the Web platform and use a web browser at www.evernote.com
  19. Not clear why you need Word format "in the end". I can convert to PDF format; it's ubiquious If I need Word format, I would be using MS Word as an editor, with the document stored in a note as an attachment
  20. The sidebar Shortcuts area is a good place to access saved searches In this screenshot I show shortcuts for various searches. The criteria can be tags or other parameters >>while automatically hiding from that list old, outdated, or irrelevant notes. Are you able to specify the search criteria for these notes? >>I expect better empathy from a product owner, frankly, rather than just a criticism of naming. You're clearly missing a feature here based on the number of people asking for things like it (including notebook searching). This is a user discussion forum and we're all users of Evernote. I may lack empathy but I'm willing to share my experience in "Hiding Notes" The request below has been posted for notebook searching. You're welcome to add your vote
  21. This is a switch; I'm usually explaining the advantages of templates-as-notes. For the many users who can't handle the template-as-notes process, the advantage is Evernote's Template process is a simplified process. For myself, starting a new note, I now have an alternative process to pulling in a template. I like choices.
  22. As per the above request, Evernote has not implemented a Template editor. Personally, I have no problem using the standard note editor; (yes, it requires editing a note) Actually, all my templates are saved as notes; they start as notes and I store them in both formats. Both formats have advantages and I use them interchangeably.
  23. Any pattern on the "specific files"? We've had reported errors with title lengths and invalid characters.
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