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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You got my vote for logging tag changes via the updated field. All changes should be registered as updates. I don't think including an undo function is conceivable feasible for such database updates
  2. There's no "completely segregate" but you can add search parameters to segregate Personal and Business You're already using notebooks; perhaps a Business Stack as per @gazumped, and search stack:Business As per @jMichaelTX, Business tags, and search tag:Business
  3. My 12,000+ notes are protected The notes are assigned tag:!Filterize-ReadOnly and can not be modified or deleted until the tag is removed from the note The 🔒 added to the title is a nice feature. It's optional, and is a great indicator that Filterize is doing it's thing. Also an indicator for the unprotected notes
  4. Stacks are working for me. The stack "disappears" when all notebooks are removed. Getting technical; Stacks don't exist as an entity. They exist only as a notation on a notebook record.
  5. We seem to have a different definition for the term "All Notes" I'd recommend a defined search if you don't want to see all notes Unfortunately, notebooks can not be excluded in the search; try tags
  6. Correct; Evernote/Mac maintains a full copy of the database
  7. Filterize is a third party service that adds automation for our Evernote data. This feature triggers with a tag and makes our reminders recurring More information at https://lounge.filterize.net/lounge/en/workflow/-Ksbcs992aYl6z18MZ_0
  8. Filterize is a third party service that adds automation for our Evernote data. This feature triggers with a tag and makes our notes read-only More information at https://filterize.net/blog/using-filterize/115003411651-here-s-how-easily-you-can-protect-your-notes/
  9. Wrong!!! Apple Notes data is not sync'd to Windows, Android devices Do you have any other "good advice" to share?
  10. No problem running side by side; make sure you're not updating the same notes.
  11. fyi The Pin Notes requests have been merged into a single discussion
  12. To cover more views, set all three values: title, update and create date Downside; you're locked into descending/ascending sequence; in addition to sacrificing the actual values.
  13. Stacks are working for me A screenshot is attached from my Mac showing existing stacks, and a notebook selected for Stack processing
  14. Notes have a number field (reminderOrder) used in the reminder section. Drag-and-drop is used to assign the note order. I moved this request to the General Feature Request forum.
  15. Styles are a word processing feature; not usually a text feature. >>I'm slowly moving my data from Evernote to Notion which I findway more sexy and ... I store my data in Evernote; no changes there but I do recommend alternate editors for extended word processing features; e.g. Word/Pages. I wouldn't call them "sexy" but they support styles. I use Apple Calendar on my Mac and iPad. I access Evernote's SQLite database on my Mac. >>will you ever wake up from your Sleeping Beauty sleep? Have you been sleeping? Did you suddenly wake up and realize the Evernote editor/format doesn't work for you? I've been using Evernote for going on 10 years, and I know exactly what features are supported.
  16. There's no device limit for Premium accounts Just log in and the device is added to the list automatically.
  17. This is my approach; settings are not a big deal on the platforms I use. I install the Evenote app on the new device, login, and the data is downloaded from the server. Warning; The data download does not include Local Notebooks or unsync'd notes
  18. The "exclude notebook" requests/discussions have been merged. To indicate your support, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.
  19. Which device/platform are you using? I'm using a Mac and can rearrange shortcut items using drag and drop.
  20. Which device/platform are you using? I'm using a Mac with these options selected Minimal sidebar width; just the icons Top List view; full width but columns can be selected and widths adjusted
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