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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You're trying to use the sidebar for notebook/stack functions. Evernote/Mac doesn't support these functions in the sidebar The notebook/stack functions have to be done on the Notebook page. To access the notebook page, click on the notebook icon, or use the View menu.
  2. How about Evernote > View > Notebooks >>CMD clicking on the icon gives me the option of Share, Publish or Delete Notebook... Please post a screenshot Right-Clicking a notebook gives these options
  3. Just the app or all the Evernote components; app, database, ...
  4. No PIN code for opening the software (on windows) There is a password option for accessing the computer. There is a password required when opening an account in the Evernote software.
  5. On a Mac, you do not use the Stack operation in the sidebar Clicking the notebook icon displays the notebook page This is where stack operations are executed.
  6. Make sure you're using the same account id on each device
  7. Moved to the feature request forum To indicate your support fot this request, use the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion.
  8. There's no indication from Evernote of plans to add this function. Not much user support; there's one vote. Voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. fwiw I can use the Files app to rename attachments.
  9. Web platform? They are not separate accounts; just different methods of accessing your account.
  10. A note's history is only available if you can access the note. Lost notes = Lost history
  11. There are two types of windows; note and note list Tabs in the note window show the name of the note. Open notes in a separate window and Merge all Windows
  12. Ideally the master storage of your notes is not impacted by this device issue. You can confirm this using the web platform. Try removing Evernote from your device and reinstalling.
  13. Why do you want this door closed? I'm happier with the future possibility of encrypted data; don't kill my dreams.
  14. This is the private browser link (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2...) If you paste within Evernote, it converts to the classic/in-app link (evernote:///view/1156250/s10/9eda3a...) On Macs, we can use the option key to force the classic/in-app link copied to the clipboard
  15. A search function would be useful. I added my vote. Manually; this requires searching the note contents, however the url is embeded in the underlying html code. I have to search my external backups. This is also available using Spotlight (Mac).
  16. Moved to the Request forum. Indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.
  17. It is sad This documentation might help https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005587-How-to-annotate-images-and-PDFs-in-Evernote
  18. Or in one shot Tag1, Tag2, Tag3, Tag4, Tag5, ... using copy/paste
  19. This is true, but it's not a block to users emulating a folder/subfolder organization using notebooks/tags. >>Good examples are the mobile versions as EN-Apps. They will not show the tag-superstructure, as if it did not exist. I use an iPad (IOS). All tags are avaiilable, but no hierarchy; we see a flat tag list. There is no issue with the Mac, Windows and Web platforms >>Who tells it will still be like this a year ahead ?  Cue Que Sera, Sera >>Maybe it would be more flexible to project the desired hierarchy into a sort of numbering code that goes right into the header  I.e. The Note Title
  20. I find the desktop clients (Windows/Mac) to be the best full feature access to Evernote I use the web client on occasion - it's good to have a backup. I still recommend downgrading from the web beta version; it's not meant for the novice users.
  21. There is a feature request posted at the top of the discussion You're welcome to indicate your support using the voting buttons in the left corner of the discussion. Current vote count is
  22. You are running Evernote/Web beta version, on a Windows device with a Chrome browser First, switch out of the beta version so you can view your tags See screenshot to the right This is my view on Evernote/Web
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