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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I don't use the feature but I just tested it. Emails > Notes was very quick. Processing is on the server, so didn't appear on my device until I sync'd
  2. User opinions are one factor in the prioritization of features (not the only factor) Some users use it as a place to submit "Boohoo, Evernote's so bad" posts There's a store about Henry Ford ignoring his customer's requests. They wanted faster horses.
  3. Evernote uses the standard IOS on screen keyboard No command key, no CTRL key, no key combinations
  4. Looks like someone know's your Evernote password; you should reset it. Don't use your Evernote password for other services or web sites.
  5. Command + Z works for me except when I'm not carrying a keyboard to use with my phone 😮
  6. These are my "do-whenever" tasks The note is tagged as !Actionable, reminder is set with no date >>In this way you will see the item as a reminder when viewing the "all notes" option in your EN side bar -(in reminders mode), I view my tasks in a dashboard note As you can see in the screenshot, I divide the list into 5 priorities (searches) The bottom category has no start date (reminder date) >>and it will not appear as a calendar event. Back to my original point; I do not want to see a dated reminder in my calendar unless it's an actual event
  7. Shake to undo is the IOS standard You may have it turned off; check Settings > General Accessibility > Shake
  8. I have no knowlege of Evernote's roadmap, but I think that's a safe assumption. >>Linking between notes is not a viable alternative as it would be too complex to divide them into logical sections. I'd be looking at work-arounds, such as using a differnt format.
  9. I'm interested in comments on reminders being listed in the calendar. I tried the Cronofy integration but it sync's every reminder to the calendar. I only need calendar entries for event based reminders I use a script to transfer selected reminders to Apple Calendar.
  10. Voting buttons/count are at the top left corner of the discussion
  11. I've already added my vote to this feature request; voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. The request is for both header styles, and outline fuctionality. In the meantime, I'm directly adding formatting to my note contents.
  12. You're welcome to add your support to requests for this feature. Use the voting buttons in the top left corner of the disucssion
  13. No change. Evernote only supports a basic text encryption within notes. You can also use the native encryption with attachments stored in a note.
  14. I don't think of my notes as web pages, but the base format used by Evernote is ENML; an HTML fork. I can edit the content.enml of notes on my Mac, using a text editor and it is basic HTML code >>Evernote is a dinosaur compared to modern Note Taking Apps Yes, the Evernote editor is a dinosaur but I still use it for basic notes. If I need extended features, I switch to a different editor. >>relying on the arbitrary use of font sizes is a very idiosyncratic attitude Setting font sizes works for me. I also like consistency; the same size used for my different heading settings Both are provided using the Evertool app >>Notion goes in a more forward-looking direction: I was trying to identify the base code for notes in Notion. Are they "actually web pages, therefore based on HTML"
  15. Profanity is a violation of forum rules. I'd say it's an exception for users to care about the underlying enml syntax in a note. Most users are concerned with setting font, size, ... I'm using a Mac and a text editor to directly edit the note's content.enml file Did you have a specific requirement for inserting these tags into a note?
  16. Further to this request; The <h1><h2>... html tags are supported in Evernote's enml format. However, we need to use a different tool to insert these tags; they're not currently supported by Evertool.
  17. I'm sure other users can come up with other reasons 🙂 For myself, format styles are more important for word processing documents. If important for notes, I would implement a work-around, for example EverTool
  18. Could you provide more details on this integration. I see the benefit of reviewing my task list in a gantt chart view. >>Check out http://bit.ly/2CZrGzq Thanks, I decided to just use a spreadsheet chart Details at https://www.officetimeline.com/make-gantt-chart/numbers-for-mac
  19. Actually Evernote only supports encryption of specific text within a note I also use the native encryption of attachments; pfds, ...
  20. I dropped using the <Now> tag, and just use start date Dashboards are a good idea; and Filterize is a great automation tool I use my daily journal note for this, updated with scripting on my Mac
  21. All my data is stored in Evernote, including action items. I'm interested in methods for getting things done. I'm not enthused with implementing such overhead. Also not Stack/Notebooks - this seems more suited to Tags. My notebook use is for other purposes (shared/offline/local/default) For my task management, the key points are Any note may be actionable; I identify this with tag:!Actionable I also have tags !Urgent and !Important for priortization (Eisenhower Matrix) A project tag (!Project-aaaaaa) for project related notes I store the start date using the Reminder feature. It also stores the completion date/status. I use searches to generate different task views (project, due date, completed, ...) My current task list is generated by search reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:*
  22. I'm not too familiar with Hazel, but I'm seeing problems with the code For example; set reminder time of theNote to "Due Date" - theNote is not defined - a date field is being set to a text value My coding would be set dueDate to item 1 of inputAttributes tell application "Evernote" activate set theNote to create note from file theFile notebook "Statements" tags {"Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3"} set reminder time of theNote to dueDate synchronize end tell
  23. I moved this discussion to the feature request forum. The Evernote editor does not currently support outline expand/collapse. Work-arounds that I use Switch to a word processing format and store in the note as an attachment Use links to separate notes.
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