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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You're really late to the discussion on this. No, there's no toolbar customization. You can add your vote to the request linked below
  2. The note attachment is an Evernote feature on all platforms. Mac's also support inline display.
  3. The screenshot from my Mac is a sample note For various reasons, I did not use the Evernote editor to create this document; I used Apple Pages The document is embedded in a note as a file attachment.
  4. No problem with my antique Mac Mini You can contact support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  5. I used Evernote/IOS to crop an image. It clearly reduced the size of the image. I could see this in note details, and rbe actual image files. >>>>
  6. Evernote web is not supported for mobile web; only desktop web.
  7. Evernote/Web (www.evernote.com) is not counted as a device. Log in and check the devices listed in your account settings. Revoke access where necessary.
  8. I'm curious about using two devices. I know E-ink is more readable but is it worth it to have two devices?
  9. On my devices/platforms (Mac, iPad) deleted notes in the Trash are excluded from the search Is this a temporary issue, resolved after a sync?
  10. My Applescript issues relate more to the Mojave OS and sandboxing. We have to authorize access to Evernote
  11. I'm aware of the TSW process for task management. Not clear why it requires hierarchy
  12. Not a link, but I insert search strings within my notes; for example Current Tasks reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:*
  13. You're welcome to indicate your support for this feature. The voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion. I'm sure the Evernote team are aware of this request. imoh Evernote provides an editor that's adequate for basic notes. For extended features, I use dedicated editors.
  14. Use a different editor, and save your documents in Evernote as attachments
  15. I am familiar with "jump links" and make use of them. They're more of a document feature; not so much notes. I can put up with with Evernote's "limitation" by using a word processing file attachment, or splitting notes into sub-notes (note links)
  16. The post was indicating that Anchors are not possible using the existing Evernote editor/format (2015). It's still not possible using the Evernote editor/format You're welcome to indicate your support for the request using the voting buttons in the upper left corner. So far, Evernote has not considered this a priority for notes
  17. This might be device/platform specific. Syncing is not a requirement on Mac and IOS
  18. You're highjacking your own discussion. Contact support for your issue at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  19. Anchor point functions is a different discussion. I posted a link below. You're welcome to add your vote to the request. My view is the Evernote editor/format is not suited for anchor point functions. I use a different editor/format, and store the file as a note attachment.
  20. My process is to right-click the PDF and select Open With A list of pdf editor apps is displayed I can make Preview the default app for Open
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