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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Just did a quick survery of users. Sorry .... the majority are unwilling to pay and fund development How about yourself. Do you vote to pay? At least indicate your support for the request using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  2. On my Mac, I turned off that feature in Evernote Preferences > Formatting On the Web, I downgraded from the new beta version
  3. This is a feature request and users indicate their support using the vote buttons at the top left corner. Current vote count is 1
  4. For those experiencing problems with the web client, are you using the new beta version? You might want to downgrade to a more stabler version. I posted instructions here
  5. Sounds like mail rules within the Gmail service Have you looked at Zapier https://zapier.com/apps/gmail/integrations/zapier
  6. Are you really looking at the account? Are the notebooks still there? tags? trash? Can you post screenshots. I would have to work hard to make my notes disappear completeley disappear from my Evernote account. It's do-able. Delete all the notes, empty the trash ... One thing about using the web. Make sure you're not using the new beta version - it has problems.
  7. As per the others, the note header area bothers me I'm ok with moving items to the overflow menu, but - I do not need the share button always visible - I'd like to see items if active; reminder, shared, .... - Tags should be shown along with Notebook
  8. Interesting to see styles mentioned, and the auto-outline potential Also improved list editing like drag and drop. It's not a hot item for me but I know this has been an outstanding user request. Currently my notes are short and concise, with word processing file attachments. With enhansed editing I see the potential for moving content into note format. Thanks Ian and Sasha. I'm enjoying the videos.
  9. My vote is for external editor if you don't want Evernote's enml/html format. I don't want EN splitting their resources. Evernote's Chinese spinoff went a different direction; users chose the format when creating a note, and the appropriate editor is launched.
  10. It's your choice to use a single level, or multiple levels. Please allow the rest of us to have a choice. Some of us our concerned with how to best organize our data. Some our concerned with the name. It must be called ******. Any other name is unacceptable. >>unless they change the entire structure of their database, which isn't likely It's a simple database change. Updating the UI is a killer. >>stacks are virtual All the hierarchy structure is virtual. The computer has no real folders.
  11. Doesn't the clipper extension interface between the browser and the Evernote Server edit: Incorrect - thanks @jefito
  12. We're not clear on which script you used, can you post it? I'm thinking Apple Note titles would be comparable with Evernote titles, and for the most part the notes would be equivalent. Can you provide specific examples (screenshots) You have control with the script, and should be able to make adjustments as required.
  13. Evernote implemented Stacks for notebooks; this provides two levels...cough cough Notebooks and Tags are useful tools for the control and organization of my data I like the unlimited levels in Tags ...cough cough
  14. Moved to the Mac Technical Issues forum When I drag a tag into Shortcuts, I get just the tag - no parent structure edit: I was able to replicate the sequence bug; happens with tags and notebook stacks It's cool Shortcuts are handling structures - not sure if this was intended by design The structure doesn't get sync'd to other platforms I submitted Ticket# 2851206, I'll post the response (after I reboot my Mac, send activity log, reistall database, ...)
  15. Not sure what you were trying to show. If you hold down the option key, you get a Copy Pathname
  16. That's good. You have a work-around I recommend opening a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  17. Right, and you're using the share menu to save the pdf Evernote isn't working, I'm wondering if a different destination will be successfull
  18. Is the PDF saved when you select a different destination?
  19. As per @gazumped, I store my oversized files externally (iCloud), and include a link in the Evernote note
  20. Check out StackOverflow; it's set up for developer support
  21. Yes, but you need developer skills. Along with the third parties, we have access via the same APIs
  22. For a cloud backup solution, check out cloudHQ
  23. I see Evernote being the same as ever, showing no interest in implementing an attachment view for images. If this is important to you, you can switch the format to pdf; inline/attachment view is supported.
  24. For a clean install, the app AppCleaner is recommended for removal of Evernote from your Mac. It automatically deletes the app, database, and other component files. After logging into Evernote, your database will be rebuilt from the servers. Warning: the reinstall does not include Local Notebooks or unsync'd notes,
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