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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Same here. I have a small folder where I keep critical documents; everything else is scanned then discarded >>However I am struggling to find an optimal DPI and image format to scan and upload my bills / important papers to evernote. I'm just using my iPad camera and Evernote's Scannable app. The images are useable and don't generate large files. I prefer pdf format. I can OCR this externally, or use Evernote's OCR feature (paid accounts) >>Can anyone suggest a better option as I am only on a free account and uploading even the JPG files will use my 60mb upload limit very very quickly! Use Local Notebooks. Make sure you back up your data Store the images outside of Evernote; include file links in Evernote notes Switch to a paid account 🙂 It's good value for the cost
  2. If that's a PDF file attachment, be aware that the PDF OCR/Search is a paid account feature
  3. I moved your request to the feature request forum. Users can indicate their support using the vote buttons at the top left corner of the discussion. Personally, I have no concerns about the three notes listed at the top and they don't "clog up my sidebar"
  4. I can use Evernote Web on my iPad (IOS12) The UI suffers a little because of the smaller screen, but it is functional
  5. Did the message give you access to your Devices list. If not, you can use the web page and access the Devices list in your account settings. Review the list and revoke access to any devices not your's or not active If there are unknown devices accessing your account, revoke access and change your password.
  6. You're using the wrong field for note organization. Evernote supports two fields; Notebooks and Tags As you discovered, notes are restricted to a single notebook assignment Notes are allowed multiple tag assignments I use notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, sync'd/local, default, offline Tags are my primary organization tool
  7. This has been mentioned before and requires directly editing the underlying enml/html code. I've successfully tested it on my Mac
  8. I have no such "genuine" worries but as general backup, I'm prepared for whatever happens. Export of my data is a 30 minute process; I run this weekly as part of my data backups. I'm using Evernote on a Mac and iPad with no serious concerns
  9. I make use of Evernote's text encryption feature, and the native encryption in attachments; pdfs, office documents, ...
  10. Which device/platform? Can you post a screenshot of your search and the note
  11. I know that we're not "being held hostage". Evernote makes it extremely easy to export our data; it's a 30 minute process I run as part of my backups. >>it is one of the most disheartening issues with this software ... I'm likely most infuriated ... I successfully use the Evernote editor, knowing it's adequate for basic notes For word processing features, I use dedicated editors. More productive than being infuriated, disheartened.
  12. Your account was accessed by someone who knew your userid/password. Yes, they may have accessed your notes, ... You should change your passwords; don't use your Evernote password on other services I protect my sensitive information using encryption
  13. Good point. Evernote has an OCR function, but for handwriting it only runs on images A work-around is to store your handwritten notes as images instead of pdf
  14. This is a user discussion forum To contact support, I use https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  15. There's a feature request posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/118809-option-to-find-all-references-to-internal-link-of-the-note/ You can indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>The way around I have now, is to make at the top of the note an "Up links" section where I list the "Up" notes I want to be able to access easily from this point.  I do something similar: repeat a Table of Contents at the top of each note, with the current note highlighted. At the very least, a link to the master note
  16. I'm still promoting handling task management within Evernote using individual task notes. I found it interesting TaskClone can facilitate this. After the tasks are identified as checklist items, TaskClone can generate email to create the task notes.
  17. No phone device. I use a VOIP service (Fongo) on my iPad I tried using phones as tablets, but decided the mid-sized iPad is optimum
  18. The iPad works as my only mobile device. I replaced my laptop with a desktop device; a Mac Mini.
  19. I understand the "general" notebook. The majority of my 13k+ notes are stored in my Filing notebook. What is the purpose of your "spec." notebook? I use other notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, private/local, offline As per @gazumped I access my notes in "All Notes" view. I don't lose track of notes.
  20. Expanding on this from a technical perspective. In the Evernote database, the Note record contains one, and only one, notebook field. Multiple tags are handled by using a separate Notes-Tag table The multiple notebooks request is do-able but requires database and UI changes. The request stated "taxonomy gets really complicated with multiple tags over a period of time". Not clear on how less complicated this will be with multiple notebooks. Personally, I only require one multiple field and I don't care if it's called folder/notebook/tag
  21. I haven't lost notes, sketches, or audio with Noability; it seems like an easy solution. It's my favourite note-taking editor on the iPad with an Apple Pencil. When I'm done updating the note, I save it to Evernote in pdf and native format.
  22. Are you trying to delete your one and only notebook? btw Here's the official documentation on deleting notebooks https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313478-How-to-delete-notes-and-manage-your-Trash EVERNOTE WEB Open the notebook you'd like to delete Click the info button (letter 'i') in the notebook header at the top of the notebook list Click Delete notebook
  23. One of my tools for "keeping things organized" is with a meaningful note title. I've noticed there are different default titles, dependent on platform. This should be consistent. It hasn't impacted my organization, however ultimately, I do make sure each note has a title. My naming standard is; <date> <type> <keywords> [description]
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