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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Not sure about the "one additional step" but I agree with the external OCR processing I use app PDF OCR X Even better, convert to pdf and have the text embedded >>I don't see what the technical details have to do with OP proposal. Technically, an image can not contain grab-able text. It has to be stored in a separate text file >>+1 for this enhancement request To indicate your support for a request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  2. I'm not sure why you saw that in the video, but I also find the truncated display of tag names a problem. Notebook and stacks too, but I have minimal entries.
  3. Local Notebooks is a completely different discussion. This discussion is titled selective sync; offline notebooks would be more appropriate
  4. Confirmed; the tag hierarchy is not a factor for filtering purposes We see this when we have multiple tags with the same name (shared notebooks), all the tags are used in the filter >>This doesn't change the fact that the struct needs to be changed to allow for multiple appearances of a tag in the hierarchy We would have to select our tags from the tag tree in the sidebar as per folder methodology 😕 The method I use is to define tag relations independent from the hierarchy; I store this information in a note I use this when assigning tags via a script on my Mac (Applescript)
  5. I (and it seems many others) do not want to take time to file in folders/subfolder/subfolder/... - we want to file it and go >>Companies who don't listen to their users [ or worse... lecture them! ] are unlikely to do well. Evernote has over 200 million user accounts Have you heard the story about Henry Ford not listening to his clients - they wanted faster horses >>Looking into alternatives now Good plan. In fact, if you need folders why did you chose the Evernote product in the first place It's like a person choosing a hammer and complaining how terrible it is with screws Use a screwdriver
  6. My daily journal is stored as Evernote notes. It's mostly typed using the Evernote editor, with imports/links for various sources I can see using GoodNotes for handwritten parts, imported into Evernote
  7. Mac/Windows OS allow unlimited levels of directory hierarchy. Personally I stick with Evernote, and use the Tags field for unlimited hierarchy
  8. Is it possible you have Scannable logged into a different account? "First Notebook" is the default notebook when you create a new account.
  9. and the "endless folders vs tags discussions" get started again 😕 along with tags vs notebooks and nested notebooks 😕 @PinkElephant These discussions belong elsewhere
  10. Right, it wasn't the a great example for organization structure I would put HK Restaurant as a sub tag of Hong Kong (I like prefixed tagnames) Unless they are planning a redesign on tag hierarchy >>alleviate the endless folders vs tags discussions... Only if they rename Tags to .... Folders 😋
  11. Siri Shortcuts can format the data and put it in the clipboard Paste will insert it into the note Also, date insert shortcut works with an external keyboard The request has been moved to the IOS forum
  12. Two different issues Complex Documents The evernote editor is fine for basic notes; not a great tool for complex documents Organize, Efficient Way Evernote can handle complex documents as attachments with great organization and efficiency
  13. Or one installation that allows selective notebook sync 😋
  14. Vote button is at the upper left corner of the discussion. This request has 37 votes
  15. Bad news - Evernote sign in requires an internet connection It's important to not sign off before going offline, however this may have triggered somehow >>I've removed all traces of evernote Just the app, or also the database and associated files ... You can check the master version of your data on the web platform at www.evernote.com
  16. There are forum members who seem to feel the need to always put down Evernote with derogatory comments, and to jump on members whose posts they don't like. They often come across as hostile and close-minded. I recommend they switch to a product they're happy with.
  17. What I value most is the storage/organization/sync of my data You're right - Evernote's OCR feature is/was one of the "killer" selling points I may be the exception but text recognition on images is not a feature I make much use of. I rely more on tag searches. I can do my own OCR, with an external app
  18. As an hostilty example, you chose "Whatever" I think a better eaxample is "Evernote has shown itself to be a dysfunctional company" This is a feature request discussion. Users can indicate their support using the vote button in the top left corner. This is how I indicate my support. I'm also interested in work-arounds I'm not into "BOOHOO, Evernote is so bad" posts
  19. There is a request posted at the top of the discussion. You can indicate your support using tne vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. Markdown is not supported by the Evernote editor, but notes can contain files of any format, including Markdown. You can use an external Markdown editor to edit the file.
  20. I added my vote to the request (vote button at the top left corner of the discussion) but someone's going to post 300 is not enough; they need nnn. There's no end to this unless Evernote goes unlimited note size (do we need both limits, note size and upload limit) In the meantime, store your videos outside of Evernote and include a file link in an Evernote note
  21. @Shane D. This was your question. Can you provide details >>The check box implementation is one of the biggest sticking points (frustrations/problems) I have with EN  Not clear what your checkbox issue is. I use checkboxes for my task-list My process is to use individual task notes instead of a general to-do list I generate a task-list using a saved search; a list of notes Using the copy links feature, I paste the task-list into my daily journal note as a checklist
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