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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Your mouse is pointing to a Stack Move the mouse pointer over the March 2016 notebook, you'll see the delete option to the right
  2. Using Evernote/Web, we don't right-click It triggers browser options instead of Evernote options Select the notebook page in the sidebar Move the mouse pointer to a notebook
  3. Re: Fixing broken note links Note title search doesn't always work for me; I use a generic title standard for my notes; <date> <type> <keywords> [description] and it doesn't really work as a link name in all situations. I'm often changing the link name to fit the circumstances My solution is to append a copy of the metadata to the bottom of the note, including the in-app link (note id) This can be acccessed in searches, and carries forwarded for merged notes, and backup (html export)
  4. And yet, here you are How can we miss you if you won't go away
  5. For the web platform, the import folder would need to be in the cloud The thread linked below is for a user importing from Google Drive https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120388-auto-notes-from-google-drive/
  6. This is Import Folders on the Windows/Mac platforms Only a one time import - updates are not kept sync'd
  7. "Folder synchronization" ??? edit: refers to Import Folders fwiw Our Evernote data is sync'd for all platforms
  8. Agreed - personal backups are essential if using the Local Notebook feature >>I’ve created a backup session on Acronis, that runs a full copy of the EN database folder every day. ...at least one full copy (non incremental) ... Mac Time Machine; hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for everything older than a month (incremental) Restoring from a .enex backup loses the notebook and note-id* This can be avoiding by using a raw database backup * maintaining note-id is required for note links
  9. Same for me, and most of my taks only require a due date and completion status/date This is handled by the Evernote product There have been a few projects/tasks that required heavy duty project management tools >>I'm fickle and change apps a lot I keep an eye on the alternates, but am not willing to spend the time or resources to "change apps a lot"
  10. My sensitive documents are encrypted and stored in Evernote cloud
  11. Great, a bigger new note button 😊 I was ok with the long press but agree "hidden" option selections can be confusing Thanks for the latest video
  12. There's an axiom about buying a toaster; women read the instructions, men sign up at a toaster user discussion group.😊
  13. Can you post a screenshot. I'm seeing delete on my Mac I'm expecting Evernote/Windows to be similar
  14. Solution with this version. See https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120059-evernotespotlight-wants-to-use-your-confidential-information-stored-in-evernote-in-your-keychain/?do=findComment&comment=540293
  15. Some day, I may have to consider two accounts for performance reasons. Until then, I'm happier with all notes in a single account, and a switch (tag) to include/exclude archived notes.
  16. I understand archiving by moving notes to a different account Doesn't sharing the notebooks undo the archive
  17. Fixed - see https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120059-evernotespotlight-wants-to-use-your-confidential-information-stored-in-evernote-in-your-keychain/?do=findComment&comment=540293
  18. Skip this step; you will end up with a duplicate set of notes When you login, Evernote rebuilds your database from the servers (except for local notebooks)
  19. TimeTracking seems like a niche requirement that wouldn't apply to a significant % of notes or users I'm comfortable using an external app Users can indicate support for this request using the vote buttons at the top left corner of the discussion
  20. Evernote does not have Pen/Handwriting Mode The icon you posted is for the sketch feature. As you pointed out, it's a known bug that sketches are lost if not manually saved Evernote is not the tool I use for note taking. I use Notability on my iPad. The documents are saved in Evernote in both native and pdf format
  21. There is a basic note lock function, not connected to any plans. However Evernote has not given us access to the toggle. I use third party Filterize to toggle notes read-only and non-deletable
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