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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Just tested on my Mac with my Basic account; I can search shared notebooks by text or tag Might be web limitation
  2. I'm ineligible for the contest (non-US Resident), but I'll still share I use my daily journal note as my home dashboard It's rebuilt each morning from a template The template includes info and links for frequently accessed information This includes Evernote notes, files, web sites, ... In addition to the links, I also insert screenshots In the Activities Log, I include checkboxes for daily reminders and copy my events from the calendars The calendar section includes links to the calendars/reminders I reference. I try to make sure my events are included in the first entry, my calendar app The Tasks section displays my task notes exported to a spreadsheet I also include a photo from my location. The mountains in the background are the Olympic Mountains in Washington state across the St >Is any of that information dynamic at all? Or must it be built from scratch, every morning, with a ton of copy/paste actions going on....? The links are static from a template; screenshots are a "ton of copy/paste" actions I include Task/Project lists generated by Applescript
  3. To indicate your support for this request, use the voting button at the top left corner of the discussion Integrated Spreadsheet would be a different request My work-around is to export data to a spreadsheet app (Apple Numbers) I use a script (Mac); but copy/paste also works
  4. Likewise, I use a tag Project: GTD-Someday/Maybe Part of my workflow - I assign Project tags to task/project notes Usually actual projects, but this GTD concept got my attention (I Intend to split Someday/Maybe into 3 categories Someday, Maybe, Soon)
  5. The notebook limit for Premium accounts is 1,000 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits >>why would they care how many notebooks we created anyway? Evernote's primary organization tool is Tags - limit 100,000 - hierarchy supported; unlimited levels - multiple entries per note Evernote uses Notebooks to identify notes as - sync'd / local - private / shared - offline - default
  6. Correct; I use a reminder with no date for active "Next Action" tasks that have no specific start date This ensures the task appears on my current task list >>syntax for the reminder searches There are three reminder fields; reminderOrder, reminderTime, reminderDoneTime Search syntax is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 and http://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php
  7. Is this search too elaborate stack:"aaaaaa" "bbbbbbb" We can only include a single stack, and negation is not allowed
  8. My GTD organization makes use of Evernote's Reminder feature - this stores Start Date and Completion Date/Status - the search for completed task notes is reminderDoneTime:* - my current task list is generated by search reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed) My task completion process is to mark the reminder as done As per @gazumped, I add "Completed yyyy/mm/dd" to the task title I use a script (Mac) that does both functions, also handles recurring reminders
  9. Can we go back to "worked fine with the web version and the iOS version" When you access your user settings, do you actually see "Premium Account"?
  10. That's cool; thanks for posting I can see the use of Applescript; Do we need Alfred? >>You will need to modify the searchString and replaceString to get input from however you'd pass those values. Right; a simple display dialog statement would do the job I like the concept of updating the HTML content
  11. The forum also indicates a Basic account Any chance you have more than one userid?
  12. On my Mac, dragging Note 2 into Note 1 creates a note link 1 -> 2 >>Visual Display of Network Relationships I recommend using a mind map app; stored in Evernote as a file attachment
  13. Evernote doesn't support a folder filing methodology Instead, we get two metadata fields; Notebooks and Tags imho This is a superior organization method Users can emulate folders using the Notebook/Tag trees in the sidebar The Tag tree supports unlimited levels
  14. The previous web clipper became obsolete with the Catalina upgrade You could contact Evernote support about your issues (https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action)
  15. If I had a phone, I'd use it for phone service I run Evernote on an iPad and Mac I realize split screen only works on an iPad and should have indicated on my post
  16. My guess is you're using a different wrong userid/password Your notes are stored under the other userid/password
  17. On your PC, access your user settings and check the device list Revoke access for devices you aren't using
  18. In regards to taking a feature seriously, I expect this only applies to Evernote's core feature set For other features; you're better off using a dedicated app As to what constitutes Evernote's core, there can be debate I assure you it's not handwriting. Even the note editor - I find it limited and often use dedicated editors for serious work
  19. Just wanted to post another purpose for using PDF/PNG files The content is indexed for Evernote's search feature; even handwriting
  20. Depending on your needs - For an editable file, store in the native file format - For a viewable file, store in pdf/png format When I have the same requirement - I save in both formats The screenshot is an email note; I save in both .eml and .pdf format >>I have the impression that the handwrite feature of Evernote, is just a useless “candy“ just to say that Evernote support handwritten notes compared to other apps (like i.e. MS Notes) Evernote's sketch feature is not a tool I use for handwriting My preferred tool is the Notability app (Apple iPadOS)
  21. I recommend separate notes for each episode You don't want to risk corrupting your entire log during a single entry >>chronological order Ascending or descending? I would add entries at the top
  22. I'm a fan of using "external high quality apps" Evernote can store files of any format as note attachments; I store my handwriting notes in Evernote
  23. Could you add some details to the request Is this a reference to the Tag element in a note's metadata? On my Mac, "tag it directly" currently requires: select a word > copy > tag mode > paste > enter I could automate the process with scripting
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