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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. No All attachments; audio, image, pdfs, ... have to be dowloaded to your device This isn't Evernote specific; it's the way the web works The web page itself has to be downloaded to your device
  2. As a work-around, - I store custom metadata using keywords in the title/contents - all note titles begin with the subject date, note type Example, a receipt note 2019/11/27 Receipt !Vendor-Walmart !Budget-Furniture [Mirror] $30.98 This is easily parsed >>In spreadsheet/table view, there is a separate column for each category Evernote has a List view feature, but it's limited in functionality For a spreadsheet view, I use an actual spreadsheet (Apple Numbers) - exporting the Evernote data to a spreadsheet using a script on my Mac; copy/paste also works - using separate columns for custom metadata and selected tags - hyperlinking back to the Evernote note - stored in Evernote as a note attachment Example, my spreadsheet view for receipts
  3. I keep daily incremental backups - my personal version of the Note History backup My backups are in html format; accessed by note title
  4. For the Android search, are you online? Do you have offline notebooks? On my iPad, if online the search uses the web indexes
  5. My mind map tool is FreePlane and the files are stored in Evernote as attachment files I can also include screenshots
  6. I have a concern about records protection for a business It's too easy for notes to be accidentally updated or deleted Evernote has not addressed this, so I use the services of third party Filterize - notes are set to read-only - notes are set to not-deleteable
  7. Things like Work Order Id, Customer Id? I prefer a tag; maybe set up in advance by the notebook owner
  8. That's why I like the notebook per user solution; limits the damage potential/scope I'd also recommend back-ups for all the notebooks
  9. afaik The only action that loses Note History access is to delete a note warning Moving a note between local/sync'd notebooks deletes the note and creates a new note Importing a note from an enex backup creates a new note I haven't done a complete check but my Note History data seems intact
  10. We currently have inline/attachment view options for pdfs and Office/iWork Documents It would be great if this was available for images
  11. The search box parameters would be tag:book tag:Europe tag:hiking Search syntax is documented here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 "And" is the default for parameters; there is an option for :any
  12. Actually, I prefer the notebook for each user, just for the tag thing >>Is there a firm or someone who can offer their services to set this up for us? None that I know of. Usually the work is assigned to an admin assistant The Evernote contact for Business accounts is https://evernote.com/business/contact-us
  13. I think you can work with either one central notebook or multiple notebooks Each user notebook solves the "new tag" problem Don't get hung up on the one/multiple notebook thing A search on tag work order 135778 delivers all the notes; the notebook isn't significant
  14. I don't see any problem using a shared notebook Warning; only the notebook owner can add new tags
  15. I see suggested work-arounds posted, but no real "objections", or that the requirement is not important (it has 45 user votes) To indicate your support use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>This is the only thing I use One Note to do I use an inexpensive OCR app, PDF OCR X >>there are no workarounds apart from using some other program that will OCR Agreed. The above request is for Evernote to deliver the OCR'd text instead of using "some other program" >>say for some bizarre reason that it won't work as well Access to an OCR text file works very well for me I also use conversion to ocr'd PDF; the text is embedded as an overlay However, I haven't found a process that converts handwriting in images
  16. PDFs resolve some of the issues, but I still sometimes see messed up content Screenshots are another alternative I also save web pages in web archive format (Mac/iPad) The content is viewed in a web browser app
  17. Evernote uses a default font/size, but it gets overridden in pasted content To restore the default, I use the plain text feature on my Mac >>Is it possible to remove the bars at the top, showing file:///C:\Users etc. Please post a screenshot and identify your device/platform
  18. The duplicate requests for this feature have been merged
  19. Not really my thing; I think it's a niche request addressed by OS add-ons >>I turn to a small PC-installed utility-tool from www.convertcase.net For Mac users, there's a WordService add-on
  20. It might depend on how the PDF was generated I see a problem with dynamic pdfs and just use Safari's save feature directing to an import folder
  21. I just ran this script successfully tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to selection repeat with theNote in theNotes set reminder order of theNote to current date end repeat end tell
  22. set reminder order of theNote instead of reminder time >>I tried this, but it didn't seem to work: I could have been clearer; set reminder order of theNote to <value> This is a date field; current date should work >>I tried typing in the date a number of different ways, but they were all rejected. I just ran this script successfully tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to selection repeat with theNote in theNotes set reminder order of theNote to current date end repeat end tell
  23. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion There are currently 2 votes
  24. .enex is Evernote's format for export/import .html is an option, the data is readable by a browser app >>ALL notes from a couple of notebooks into a PDF You can use print-to-pdf This may have problems when notes have attachments; for example a spreadsheet file or pdf file
  25. I recommend using a text editor; I use Textastic on my Mac and iPad The text files are stored as note attachments >>automatically converted into checkboxes, horizontal lines, and sequences A different topic; I agree with the addition of a switch to turn off these markup extensions We have this on the IOS platform
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