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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The discussion is titled "I need a working solution to locally backup my Evernote data in a non-proprietary format..." and the solution is the Evernote/Export feature; I use it for daily incremental and weekly full backups
  2. Be aware that syncing is Device <> Server <> Device Without the Server and internet connection, notes can not sync from device to device
  3. Did you open a support ticket (https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action)
  4. Personally, I think the note content is important; also the note titles In addition to the file attachments >>So worst case I don’t need an export I will not switch to an application that doesn't support the easy export of my data
  5. My process is a separate note for each task I'm able to keep such information in the note contents Also allows the assignment of tags; like project id Another note for project information; also tagged with project id
  6. Until this gets implemented, my process is to append the task duration to the note title For example Note-title 2d
  7. Run the search Click on the ... on the right side Click Save Search
  8. Your original post for this fearure was
  9. No obligation to convince me I am a user of Evernote's organization tools, with no authority as to Evernote design decisions I apologize for any confusion I have edited the post to "provided a convincing argument" and identified this as a personal opinion
  10. Agreed, Evernote has implemented a hierarchy for the tag feature, and would be able to implement a similar hierarchy for notebooks imho None of the posts have provided a convincing argument that Evernote needs two organization hierarchies Many of the posts indicate confusion with folder methodology which is not supported in Evernote, and is a different discussion topic
  11. Update the internal link; you don't want an evernote:///view... link This is not done automatically in the export
  12. I don't recall a "Smart Tags" feature in Evernote Until implemented, you might look at third party Filterize
  13. Another vote for scripting; applescript on a Mac using the Evernote Legacy product
  14. You're hijacking an Apple Notes discussion It seems an easy process to "get pdfs into Evernote" Drag and drop into a note, or onto the Evernote icon on the desktop or import folder
  15. The Windows/Mac platforms have long supported .enex export/import; both Legacy and v10 Which platform are you referring to?
  16. I'm a long term Evernote user, using the Legacy product on a Mac I consider the v10 product a work-in-progress, presently missing features I need I'm monitoring the v10 progress, and will consider switching when the work is completed
  17. The export/html function creates a file for each note in html format (non-proprietary) Attachments are exported to a resources sub-folder Tags are exported within the note html file content (OS file tags would have been better) I prefer the export/html export from the Evernote Legacy product The v10 export is still a work-in-progress >>the proprietary .ENEX format, but what the hell is that? How do I use that? Will other programs read that and pull it in properly? .enex format has become the de facto standard for import to other apps >>Is there any way to actually store ALL my data locally in a non-proprietary (i.e. useful) format? I use the export/html function The notes are read-able by any browser app What are your format preferences? I would like to see stack/notebook structure preserved Also EN tags exported as OS tags
  18. There's no reason for this to become a panic situation Simply update the credit card info and upgrade the subscription level
  19. The export function is only supported on the Windows/Mac platforms The discussion has been moved to the web forum >>I wish to save these as .enex Just curious about your reasons for saving the notes The .enex format is mostly used for backup purposes
  20. Evernote's Scannable app on an iPhone/iPad (free)
  21. Individual note size limit There's also a monthly upload limit, but no limit to all the notes in your account
  22. Agreed, there's no device restriction You can open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Your vpn might be causing a connection issue
  23. You can verify your subscriber siatus by accessing your account settings using the web client
  24. Could you explain the "private network" If not connected to the internet, how are you loading the Evernote app
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