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About darrenbuttoniow

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  1. Jon I've just realised who you are! My Friday email man! Taming the Trunk.
  2. I had tried that but my widgets now don't fill the screen and I don't know why I should add more to make it look correct. It's a weird update to change the view in this way. I have reconfigured bit to sort out my OCD lol 😆
  3. All prior to updating the Windows version 10.95.5, EN filled the whole of my screen. Now, after update, there is a space on the right. I have tried restarting, logging in and out but it is still the same. Anyone else experiencing this?
  4. I have now noticed another issue. On both my web portal and the Window app, when I mark a task as done it disappears and then reappears minutes later. I have to use my mobile to mark tasks as done and presently as this access/action overrides everything for tasks- certainly on my account Note sync is fine on all - changes happen but tasks can only be changed/added from Mobile. I have faulted this out to support. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  5. Is there a way to get TOCs to work in shared notes on the web? When I click on a note I have shared to the web for my team, and click on a TOC link, it asks them to open an Evernote Account which they don't have. My version in EN just jumps to the part of the note I require so works fine in the app.
  6. I think this may have already been mentioned but the tasks I set up on a specific note as below Show as just in the default task note when I access via the calendar and EN seems to have moved the task: Assume a fix for this may roll out?
  7. Hi thanks for reaching out - I know all the way to create tasks, it's just the system won't let me create them presently from the main task button/option and also for tasks already created, it won't let me tick that they are complete. The Option to type () works but the task disappears and then appears back on my task list a few minutes later. I have raised a ticket as this keeps happening on my account, so I am assuming it's an account thing as opposed to a function issue.
  8. Tried that on all my devices and now noticed my web version won't allow it either.
  9. As of today, 16/04/2024, I can add the details for a task but when I press the create button, nothing happens The version I am using: Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  10. Mike P I have submitted a ticket and I know that may be the solution they suggest but this remove-all is becoming a regular occurrence
  11. As of today, Evernote for Windows will not allow me to add tasks. I either have to use the web version or my phone. I have restarted my pc and tried it on my work pc too. Both are Windows machines and worked fine on 7th Feb. The video attached showing the issue. Update - Web seems to be the same too now so might just be my account? Evernote Tasks Issue 060224.mp4
  12. The above worked for me after submitting a ticket
  13. @evernote reached out to my support ticket and this worked for me: Please follow these steps as they should help you overcome the issue: Check that your content is present on Evernote Web version Go to File Explorer Search for %AppData% folder In this folder, look for Evernote and delete the entire folder Reinstall Evernote
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