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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. "Evernote basics" for me is a digital filing cabinet, where I store my notes and documents The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachment files I also make use the integrated note editor This editor works well for basic notes, but lacks the features of dedicated editor apps When I need extended features for documents, I use Apple Pages for word processing; Apple Numbers for spreadsheets
  2. Agreed, adding features at the note level was the better design Due date should have been added at the note level The current implementation of tasks seems to be a hack job; there is no task entity >>However, creating notes with single tasks is still rather awkward. I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product, and the note per task methodology It works well for "plain task management" To produce task lists, I use filtered note lists; supplemented with scripting (Mac Applescript)
  3. Correct - 1 note per html file I should have pointed included that I use the Evernote Legacy product on a Mac
  4. Just an fyi, sorry to report Jim (posting as JMichaelTX) has passed away He was quite active in these forums, and helped many people There's a notice at https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com/t/the-passing-of-jmichaeltx/23791 and a go fund me page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-bury-our-friend-jim?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
  5. I'm guessing you're working on a Windows device Import on a Mac converts to .enml format and creates a note
  6. HTML works for me, using a Mac edit: Evernote Legacy product
  7. Backup to "one .enex file" is not recommended Separate exports for each notebook is recommended to retain notebook assignment Also, large .enex files can fail to import; smaller files are recommended Personally, I use the Legacy product for my backups
  8. I've had success working within a table grid This allows more options for layout Keep in mind that Evernote notes are a html based format For more options like "text box ... pictures layout", you need to switch to a proprietary format Be aware the pictures/sketches do not have an annotation layer (like pdfs) Text annotations are inserted directly in the image itself
  9. I can see a reason in that the technical platform has changed The client application is no longer custom software optimized for Windows/Mac/... The local database is no longer optimized; the function has moved to the cloud
  10. I'm not a fan of organizing with notebooks; I have minimal notebooks My preference is to use the the tag feature (tags 2bsortedrecipes" and "2bsortedfinancial") I don't use the tag hierarchy; instead structure is reflected in the tagname - for example !Budget-HousingUtilities My taglist is organized in advance - I don't often create tags on the fly I'm not moving notes to notebooks; just assigning tags My note list remains unchanged during this process
  11. Are you sure about this? I just tested and didn't lose my offline content
  12. Agreed, I have no problem with offline access Offline notebooks are specified in the mobile apps settings For the desktop apps, the setting is in Preference > Save data >>you had to use local notebooks The correct term is Offline Notebooks; the master version is maintained on the servers a copy is stored locally With Local Notebooks, there is no server version - the only copy is stored locally This is a feature supported by the Evernote Legacy product on the Mac/Windows platforms
  13. Personally, I use a separate note for each task I can add tags to the note and it integrates with the other apps
  14. The master copy of our data is stored in the cloud on the Evernote servers A local copy on our devices is optional; this can be enabled/disabled On the iPhone/iPad, the local copy is enabled by specifying Offline Notebooks On the Mac, the local copy is specified in Preferences > Save Data (v10 only; can not be disabled for Legacy product)
  15. Please explain this "need" The Evernote Legacy product stored your Evernote data in a single .exb file; an SQLite database The Evernote v10 product stores your note contents in a single .sql file. Note file attachments are stored separately; a folder for each note How does this information enable you "to proceed" Personally, my data backups include an export of my data using the .html option This data is useful; notes are read-able by any web browser
  16. The problem is, you can't have two apps with the same name If you install the Legacy product from here - the name will be "Evernote Legacy" - there's a grey elephant icon - the app will not update to v10 - uses a separate local database than v10 but both products sync to the same master database on the server
  17. Accounts require a unique email address It's very simple to go to Gmail and create the required 3rd email address This trick might work for you If you're using email name@sample.com, set up the new account with name+1@sample.com Evernote identifies this as two different emails, but your mail service might identify a single email account
  18. As you pointed out, there is no device limit for the Premium/Personal account You can open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Before doing this, you should confirm your subscription level in your account settings
  19. This may difficult when switching off a native based code platform
  20. No notification, but I have a saved search/filter listing items needing my attention
  21. How about assigning an @mention tag to the note For specific test, you can flag with @mention (it's searchable)
  22. By default, little data is stored on mobile devices Just note metadata, and offline data waiting upload With a 15k notes, 20GB database, my iPad use is 500MB There is a mobile option to specify Offline Notebooks which will trigger the download of note data With desktop platforms, the option is all or none for offline storage
  23. Evernote has no support for folder methodology; we get two metadata fields - Notebooks and Tags Users can emulate folders with the Notebook/Tag trees in the sidebar
  24. Confirmed; not a feature supported by the Evernote editor "Long note" might be considered an oxymoron (like giant shrimp) Personally, I use a word processing app to create documents with this feature supported The document is stored in Evernote as a file attachment
  25. Not so much a work-around; but definitely different names Both Notebooks and Tags are fields in the note metadata Personally, I'm not hung up on the fieldname
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