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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. A question for support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Please let us know the answer btw Existing full Premium accounts were automatically upgraded to Personal You might want to verify your account level
  2. Speaking only for myself, I need dates formatted as yy-mm-dd I use a text expander app on my Mac (Keyboard Maestro) The right to use the editorial ‘we’ Royalty, presidents, editors Pregnant women People with a tapeworm Schizophrenics
  3. I suspect you have a second account at that email address Access that account and change the email there >>I find it odd that there is no tech support I use the tech support for paid accounts at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Twitter @evernotehelps is available for all accounts
  4. Evernote accounts are password protected Log out and no one can access your notes Your device is also password protected
  5. I'm using Evernote Legacy on a Mac Export of notes does not change the link Here's a screenshot of the exported code
  6. That is incorrect This entire discussion is full of your incorrect statements You a question and it was answered Time to close this discussion and move on
  7. The problem I'm solving is "a working solution to locally backup my Evernote data in a non-proprietary format..." You've changed the parameters to backing up the Evernote app
  8. imho the date updated field should reflect any update to the note (contents or metadata) Likewise, the date created field should reflect the date/time the note was created
  9. Please share a sample html file I'd like to see the note link code
  10. So you dropped the non-proprietary requirement Personally, I know that I have "safeguard my wotk" with data backups using Evernote's export feature
  11. Getting back to "a working solution to locally backup my Evernote data in a non-proprietary format..." You indicated objection with both the html and export options What are your preferences for format? I'm satisfied with the html format, but need OS file tags, instead of embedded in the html code (a script can fix this) I also need notebooks exported as folders containing notes (separate exports per notebook) Text search is handled by the automatic indexing on my Mac You mentioned using a database Can you provide details on your requirements for this
  12. The official Windows/Mac Legacy Version can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  13. I reflect the hierarchy in my naming standard For example; !Budget, !Budget-Housing, !Budget-HousingRent, !Budget-HousingUtilities
  14. I merged your request with an ongoing discussion To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>For example, I organise news clips into different notebooks Evernote's primary organization tool is the Tags feature Tags support a parent-child hierarchy, offering unlimited levels
  15. The Legacy product can be downloaded from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. Offline Notebooks are supported for all devices The data is stored on the server, with a copy maintained on the device This is different than Local Notebooks where the data is not stored on the server
  17. But is it a Full Paying Premium account I merged the discussion with the primary plans discussion Note the help post at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500006213161 and the two types of Premium accounts
  18. The OCR process is a server function; notes have to be uploaded to the server btw The latest Evernote product (v10) no longer supports Local Notebooks The Evernote Legacy product still supports Local Notebooks
  19. Discussion moved to the Technical Issues forum
  20. The app "talks to the Evernote servers" on login; discovered when trying to login while offline I avoid this by never logging out of my Evernote account The app will run while offline, or the servers are down >>2. Does anyone know if Legacy has a built in expiration date? afaik There is no "built in" expiration date However, there's no software updates so the app will be eventually killed by OS updates >>3. Does anyone know if Evernote could--if they wanted to--disable the copy of Legacy sitting on an end user machine? Unknown, but if used offline there will be no chance of being disabled
  21. Here's the html code for a test note with 5 tags The meta name is keywords >>I remember when transferring form one database software program to another one was easy--set up your import tables and pulled in your data. Still easy with the Evernote Legacy product
  22. Are we still discussing "locally backup my Evernote data" Evernote has no support for folders For note organization, we get two metadata fields; Notebooks and Tags Some users try to emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>you are give ONE and ONLY ONE "category" for a record Multiple tags (categories) are supported >>The HTML format strips away those tags. This is not correct. The tag metadata is exported within the note's html code (OS file tags would have been betterj
  23. Why do you say "pretty...useless" Notes in Evernote are in .enml format; which is basically html The exported notes look quite similar to the original >>have a second database program This is do-able With Evernote Legacy on my Mac, the local SQLite database is a small file holding the metadata for the separately stored note files. This could be modelled for the "second database" and would include metadata tables for Notes, Notebooks, Tags
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