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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I'm still using the Legacy product. There's no issues with syncing to the servers The v10 product is a wotrk-in-progress; I won't upgrade until the issues have been resolved
  2. I added my vote; it's good to have options fwiw I roll with a minimized sidebar; just the icons
  3. The base format for notes is enml (basically html) which is text based Notes can also reference attachment files A note can be text, with image attachment files displayed inline Sketch attachment files are also displayed inline along with text As you noted, the text can contain links, links to external services (or other notes) and it's a two step process 1) Open the note in the Evernote window 2) Open the link in an external app
  4. Evernote has no support for Folder Methodology It uses Tag Methodology with two metadata fields (Notebooks, Tags) Some users emulate Folder Methodology by using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar As @PinkElephant mentioned, tags are the primary organization tool. They are structured in a parent-child hierarchy, supporting unlimited layers
  5. Confirmed; Export is only supported on the Mac/Windows platforms https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-Export-notes-and-notebooks-as-ENEX-or-HTML
  6. I don't encrypt data when working in a sync'd notebook - the note history will contain a mixture of the data encrypted, and unencrypted
  7. Here's a screenshot from my Mac Note, I'm on the Notebook page (select the notebook icon on the sidebar panel) and right-click on a notebook You also have to select a format .enex is used to import notes to an app, but is not read-able without an app .html is read-able by any browser app
  8. For calculations, I recommend finding a spreadsheet app Some word processing apps support basic calculation functions
  9. Until this gets implemented, there's a solution with third party Filterize
  10. I use the camera on my iPad = text + pictures stored in Evernote
  11. The Evernote Legacy product is a mature product The v10 product was released last year and is still a work-in-progress
  12. Just curious about your replacement of Day One and Things Can you expand on the issues For sure, dedicated apps will have extended feature-sets, but I'm happy with my use of Evernote for these functions I prefer to keep all my notes in one place I use the Evernote Legacy product on a Mac integrated with scripting (Applescript) My journaling consists of a daily dashboard/journal/planner note generated each morning, and separate notes entered throughout the day My task management consists of task notes (one per task) and filtered note lists
  13. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes When I need features not supported by the editor, I create a document using an external editor like Apple Pages The document is stored in Evernote as a note file attachment
  14. Which platform/device are you using? IOS only supports installs from the app store The link works on my Mac and triggers an automatic download
  15. Could you add more details about "handwriting changed into text" It's not a feature supported by Evernote
  16. I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product The v10 product is a work-in-progress; I'm waiting for work to be completed considering switching >>Multi-platform I'm Apple only, but I agree that multi-platform is cool however this comes at a cost The Evernote Legacy product maintained native apps for each platform at increased development work and costs This limits the implementation of new features The Evernote v10 product converted to a more universal mechanism and reduced the development work and costs This limits the product quality on the Mac/Windows platforms (imho) >>Love the structure of the setup The .enml note format (basically html) works for me; although some users want a markdown option I'm happy that my other files are maintained in native format (note attachment files) I appreciate the sync process that maintains the master data copy on the Evernote servers, and copies on each of my devices >> Tagging setup is phenomenal. Agreed, and convinced me to drop folder methodology >> Data Export I would also include the data export feature I've always appreciated that my data is not locked in and easily exported Works well in the Evernote Legacy product; still a work-in-progress for the v10 product
  17. I merged your post with the ongoing discussion for notebook hierarchy fyi Evernote never implemented Stacks as an entity; it's a text field on the notebook record. We will not see sub-stacks
  18. In my working days, we used MS Project I'm retired now, and don't need a dedicated task like this
  19. Can you identify the advantages of the "one note" I use one note per day for my daily journal plus separate notes though out the day I can quickly navigate to a specific day
  20. Recurring tasks is a different request
  21. This feature request has two user votes The vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion
  22. My solution would be to upgrade to a paid account for a single month This gives you immediate access to - use your account - create a support ticket - revoke access to the problem device
  23. Confirmed, I make use of the reminder feature to identify active tasks, and store an optional due date It also stores completion status/date
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