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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Text collapse (Outlining) is a useful word processing feature Evernote provides a note editor, storing in note format (enml) Try using a word processing editor - the documents can be stored as a note attachment >At least the ability to compress images so they aren't so obnoxiously huge when scrolling or trying to find something... Please! As per @gazumped, If you use a table, the images size is confined to the cell dimensions
  2. There is a vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>Adding my vote. Being able to stack stacks is integral. This request is for nested notebooks. Perhaps submit a new request <<I currently have a situation where I want to archive my stacks into one stack and start fresh ... the hierarchy that I have is important... I prefix archived stacks/notebook names with an x It moves the entry to the bottom of the list
  3. Upgrade to a paid account Stop using the Evernote service
  4. New features are being beta'd via the web. See https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/640-new-search-experience-currently-web-only/
  5. afaik There is no setting Just wondering what the junk message was. I don't receive many such messages from Evernote
  6. You're not the first to submit a post like this (Evernote May Be Over) Of course the missing feature list varies; you missed Markdown, OCR with access to text files, Highlight Colours, Recurring Reminders, ... And yet, Evernote continues to store and organize my data You might post your items as separate feature requests; and drop the "May Be Over" dramatics >>Custom note order (i.e. drag-and-drop) Currently implemented in Evernote, but only for the Reminder and Shortcuts sections >>Stackable folders Evernote has no support for a folder filing methodology Instead, Evernote provides two fields in the note metadata; Notebooks and Tags imho This is a superior organization method Tags are Evernote's primary tool for organization A hierarchy is supported with unlimited levels (Windows/Mac) Some users emulate folders with the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>(a) notebooks with far too many notes I use minimal notebooks; basically a single FilingCabinet notebook for my 13,000+ notes Is that "far too many notes"? >>Sub-notes Evernote provides a note link feature It's possible to link sub-notes to a master note >>there is no way to categorise your tags and then search by those categories. I prefix tagnames; for example Budget-Utilities, Budget-Rent, Budget-Food and search for tag:Budget*
  7. The Evernote search feature includes OCR of text/handwriting and an easy to use syntax >>Were you asking me, DTLow? Sure, I"m interested in any tips on auto tagging
  8. Implementation of "Manual" sorting is do-able (already implemented for Shortcuts and Reminders) Evernote has to add a sequencing field to the records for notes, notebooks and stacks and modify the UI for each app Stacks will be more work; there's currently no stack record; it's a text field on the notebook record I don't think this request has much user support; the vote count will indicate this. The majority of users are unwilling to pay for product development Stacks and Notebooks are currently sorted in alpha sequence A work-around is to prefix the name with a sequencing character/number >>priorize things Are you using sort sequence to priorize? For my tasks, I use Urgent and Important tags (Eisenhower Matrix)
  9. For "pinned", I cover the three sort sequences, Title, Updated, Created For the dates, I set the date to 3000/01/01 for descending date sequence
  10. Starting Evernote with one of the backup EXB files is the solution for restoring local notebooks The sync process will update notes in the sync'd notebooks; the restored local notebooks will be untouched
  11. Evernote provides a note editor; I use it for basic notes For extended features, I use alternate editors; Word/Pages, Excel/Numbers, ... I save the documents as note attachments
  12. This is the default notebook set up with new accounts Make sure Scannable is linking to the correct account (userid/password) >now my web clipper the one top right near time not the one left of browser This is the Evernote helper app Not a web clipper, but it provides a screenshot feature
  13. Not clear about the meaning of "CLOUD WORD" (or cattiwampus) I use Evernote as a cloud service for the storage and organization of my notes/documents (13,000+) >>Is there a cheat sheet I can download to learn what evernote does I can use what is use what is useful to me & avoid, skip the rest. Sorry, I don't have a source. I mostly learn from experimenting with the apps/service, and reading this forum posts of other's experience If you have specific questions, post them here and you'll get feedback Evernote is a generic service offering storage/organization features and options. I agree, it is "INCREDIBLY POWERFUL & USEFUL" I've developed my own workflow; using the features I need; ignoring the rest An important point is the device/platform used The Windows/Mac platforms are full featured - Mac supports scripting via Applescript
  14. Can you explain your autotag process? I'm still manually selecting tags. I use a script (Mac) to enforce consistency; I could possibly insert some autotag rules
  15. I also group my tags by note type For example receipt notes receive tags for Vendor and Budget >>I've been storing all my notes on my computer in a folder system in parallel I don't see a need for the "folder system in parallel" All my notes/documents are stored and organized in Evernote Folders can be emulated using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>where I have an active worksheet describing tax info or perhaps home improvements. I would store the worksheet in Evernote >>I'll need to start getting my bills/statements sent to me in paper again. Check for an email option
  16. There's nothing currently in place with Evernote For a work-around, create a mail rule that forwards the email as required
  17. I moved your post to the primary discussion for this feature >>notes that are long oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp 😋
  18. I'm actually seeing some markdownish shortcuts in the Evernote editor They're not well received by the general user base; we see many "how do I turn this off" posts The original request is for native support, as in the markdown code would be preserved The latest shortcuts in the web beta set heading styles
  19. This should be posted as a separate request, but I'm curious about the "MS Office content" reference I have no problem storing MS Office documents as attachments in my notes (along with Markdown files)
  20. Are you referring to the sequence in a note list, and pinning notes? This feature is in the Reminder and Shortcut views In other views, note lists have defined sequence options; Title, Date, .. List view provides additional options There's a feature request posted here
  21. I'm used to seeing a 3 panel display; Sidebar, Note List, Note Panel Is there a reason your Note List panel is not displayed? I think the show/hide shortcut key is F11
  22. I also use special characters as a tag prefix No problems using Safari on a Mac
  23. Before this becomes a moderator action This is a discussion on Multi-Level Notebooks in Evernote You shouldn't be hijacking it for other purposes Find a more appropriate place for these posts Also, it's tacky to use Evernote's forums for these purposes
  24. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  25. That includes me ("want to stay within this one dimensional notes product") For note organization; I'm content with using the notebook/tag metadata fields. As I posted above; some users emulate a folder structure using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar This adds various dimensions
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