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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Our Evernote data is organized in an SQLite database Unlike Notebooks, the Tag element is "really hierarchical", and has the advantages of a hierarchical structure As you can see in the screenshot of the tag record, there is specification for a Parent Tag >>It really isn't really hierarchical It is hierarchical by definition although Evernote imposes the duplicate name restriction for notebooks and tags >>You'd also be able to specify tags with a full path and select a full tag branch. That's just the UI Personally, I don't use the tag tree (sidebar), and I don't want to specify the "full path" I do make use of hierarchy navigation using scripting on a Mac; drilling down to lower levels
  2. I briefly looked at the templates and they look ok Can you add detail on the "not formatted correctly"
  3. Evernote's editor is a text based product. Notes are stored in enml format (basically html) Alternate editors can be used; any format file can be added as an attachment This is how the handwriting data is handled Evernote did add a sketch feature in their editor; it's separate code, not core
  4. Yes, you will be able to access (view) your data However, you will not be able to edit your oversize notes Other plan restrictions are listed here https://evernote.com/compare-plans
  5. Check the notes on the original computer to see if there's a problem The original "local" notes should be in the trash on the local notebook
  6. Did you unsync both phone entries?
  7. Please provide some details on your use-case and why it requires Notebooks instead of Tags afaik Tags and Notebooks are interchangeable (except for the share/sync/offline thing)
  8. I'm more into tags than notebooks; basically a single filing notebook named Filing🗂 Adding emoji helps for "categorise on sight"
  9. You might want to adjust your backup proces I haven't lost any notes from Evernote, or from my backups; imho - both are reliable
  10. I merged your post with similar reports There's also a feature request posted at
  11. This seems to be a cross-platform request, so I moved it to the General Request forum >>Evernote will not encrypt hyperlinked text as I discovered) A different request; I also find the text-only restriction to be a problem
  12. Likewise (heavy lifting); I use Evernote on a Mac Mini desktop, with an iPad as my mobile device Features are improving, but I don't recommend IOS/Android/Web as your sole Evernote platform
  13. A partial database is stored locally by default; just metadata stuff There's an offline notebook option for IOS and Android I have a full local database copy on my iPad >>allowing for actions on multiple notes at once like tagging, moving and merging I support feature parity on all platforms Multi-note actions are very useful; however I don't see this as necessarily dependent on a full local database
  14. Correction - The search feature only supports a single notebook specification notebook:[nb name] - will match notes in a notebook with the provided name. Name matching is case-insensitive. Since notebooks have exclusive relationships with notes, at most one notebook can be provided for the search.
  15. You should post a new topic in the web clipper forum The screenshots are from the web clipper on my Mac Safari web browser, and has selections for Notebooks and Tags The Notebook selection includes the tree structure (I use minimal notebooks) The Tag selection omits the tree structure and displays a filtered list as you start typing In IOS, the share sheet also has selections for Notebooks and Tags The Notebook selection omits displaying the tree structure The Tag selection omits the tree structure
  16. I merged your post with existing requests for this feature To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. Currently, there's no support for pinning You could try some of the work-arounds suggested in this discussion
  17. The above request is for native markdown support An example is that bold text is coded as **bold** and stored in the Evernote database as such Currently, Evernote stores the text as <b>bold</b> (html), however we never see the code
  18. If you post a mockup of your template, we can reply with it replicated in Evernote format >>I also can't access the Web Client on my iPhone or iPad. Is that because we have apps on those platforms? It's do-able, however there's no optimized web page available for the mobile device (small screen) You need to switch your browser to desktop mode
  19. Yes, we can edit text of existing Evernote notes Annotation is a different subject, and is only supported for pdfs and images https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005587-How-to-annotate-images-and-PDFs-in-Evernote >>unfortunately, the feature that Evernote used to have to convert a document to PDF is gone I don't think PDF conversion was ever supported by Evernote/IOS There are work-arounds, for example Siri shortcuts
  20. I don't think there's a set schedule; the best I can tell you is multiple times each day
  21. It's an incremental backup. At set periods, changed notes are backed up. When accessing the Note History data, we are presented with a list of note backups available. The screenshot is from one of my notes that's updated weekly The Note History backup is run multiple times daily, for all accounts I run a similar backup daily at 7am
  22. Any facts behind your thinking, or do you just make up stuff >>hard time staying afloat The latest information is Evernote's finances are cash flow positive However, the majority of users are unwilling to fund this service/product >>I’m beginning to explore alternatives like OneNote and Devonthink. I can tell you Evernote makes it easy to export your data Explore the export feature supported on the Mac/Windows platforns
  23. I merged your post with similar requests As per @jefito, your immediate solution is to upgrade to Premium also, the tiff format is unusual for scanned handwriting; I use a compressed format like jpeg Current note size limits are Basic 25 MB Plus 50 MB Premium 200 MB Business 200 MB
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