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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. A typical response time is four days. I've no experience of how long it takes for a subscription paid with Google to reach Evernote. I would imagine of the order of one day. All you can do is follow up the support ticket. Or tell Google you are unhappy and ask for your money back.
  2. Legacy hasn't gone yet. Your can continue to use it. But it will go sooner or later. So make a plan for your future.
  3. FYI There is a continuing authentication issue. Best wait for that to be resolved to see if there is a different issue thereafter.
  4. I've tagged @Federico Simionato to ensure your request is flagged to the person I think you intend.
  5. You should probably ask in a Grammarly support forum.
  6. As far as I know, there aren't any gift CARDS available for Evernote. An existing subscriber can, though, purchase a 12 month Personal subscription for someone else from within their account. They pay the price for their country. So I would pay the UK subscription price even if the person I was purchasing the gift for was, for example, in India. So provided you have a functioning method of payment for Evernote you should be able to purchase a gift subscription for someone else anywhere in the world. There's area likely to be a few limitations of a country is under sanctions eg Russia.
  7. Why not, first, open a note that you encrypted on Legacy and double check it still opens with your previous password. Then I would give that same password for v10 to continue with. To be absolutely sure, ask Tech Support, but I think I recall that whatever you choose will then become the password for all notes thereafter.
  8. Yes, but it is lower priority than the shows and stability issues. Be sure you record it via a support ticket or feedback@evernote.com
  9. There is an old version of TripMode for Windows. Still available to test and buy if you want it. https://tripmode.ch/tripmode-for-windows/
  10. The outage earlier today has left some lag in authentication. It will come right but if you are logged out then logging in may take several attempts before it is successful. It will be resolved.
  11. @dave23 Occasionally the app update gets stuck. As I said go to evernote.com and download the latest version. Install and then you should be on 10.63.3
  12. Which extension are you referring to? By now, though, you may discovered things are working again. There has been a service outage for the early part of today.
  13. Payments via Google Play seem to take longer to register with the Evernote login stuff. For sure the service outage today will not have helped. If you have problems you should raise this with Google Play who are handling your subscription.
  14. You say you have the latest version. That should be 10.63.3 which has the resolution to this issue.
  15. You'll have to tell us which version of Windows you use. I see you have 10.63.3-win-ddl of the app
  16. No, standard searches search from the left hand end of a string.
  17. Issues like this, especially when it affects some users and not others, can be a routing problem on the Internet. I'm not seeing any sync issues so my route to Evernote is good. But traffic from another user in, say, Indonesia may well follow a different route and come up against a hop that is broken temporarily.
  18. Yes but we'll out of date . Go to evernote.com and grab the latest version which will have the option to move your data.
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