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Grant837 last won the day on July 30 2023

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  1. I do not get the question. On my phone, at the bottom of the app, I can click on the Notebooks icon, and I get the Notebooks list.
  2. I have a long list - which focuses on improving existing features, and not new 'subscriber bait' new features. I am glad to see most here feel the same. It does scare me, however, that they want to 'simplify' the organization of the Desktop - usually that results in less control and more clicks (and in Evernotes case, more space between everything). I think these are at the top of my list (it was very hard to choose!) Editing: provide more fonts, sizes, colors Editing: have type ahead in tags at the bottom of notes work as it does everywhere else (eg also shows tags containing the typed text) Headers: more levels and an option to set new headings and normal text formats for all future notes, or at least save them to a template Tasks: Tags (maybe that is what they mean by meta-data but I suspect not). And Subtasks! Navigation: Indeed, more levels of Hierarchies Navigation: shortcut key to collapse levels in Navigation pane (all the more needed if they add more levels) Direct Editing of Templates Home: Option to remove the large banner at the top Home: Custom control over the height and width of Widgets I will submit all my points to Evernote via feedback too. Everyone should.
  3. Does anyone else find that clicking on "Need a little Help" and then "Help Center" on the Windows app, opens the web client and does go to the Help Center?
  4. I am surprised this issue still needs to be resolved. Is there a good reason for it not being possible to copy multiple notes?
  5. @Cristiano478@gazumped Nice app! I am going to "kick the tires" BTW
  6. One of the things I liked about Notion was its web publishing capability. You can create reasonably well structured information websites, with some access control. I recently noticed that Evernote has this capability. But as far as I can see it only publishes individual pages, and not notebooks or a collection of linked notes and it offers no real access control - eg I want to choose who can see my pages (using the share with feature required the other persons use Evernote) For example, as far as I can see, there is no way to create a web home page, that will include links to other published pages - at least not with much work to add all the unique publish links manually, which, in turn, makes the Evernot version messy. Is this potentially great feature really so basic, or am I missing something?
  7. Hi, I want a quote box in the first line of my note (Windows app). So far all the options I have tried always insert a blank line above (not empty space) that I can not remove without also removing the quote box formatting of the text on the next line. It seems this blank line insertion only happens when you try to create the quote block there - elsewhere it simply creates the box where the cursor is.
  8. This will be great. BUT! can i create my own template for the Daily Note?
  9. Humm, its happier today (except that Evernote is slower than normal when creating a file), BUT I still see: If I make a new header, change its color (not make it the new default), put my cursor at the end and press enter, the new Normal text is the same color of the header You can not select the header, or text, and make them match the default font/size/color by using the H1/H2/H3/Aa options Probably, if this is really how it works now, its not a big thing, but it is confusing if someone does happen to go down this path...
  10. Thanks. @Mike P I assume you have the latest release from their website? I can reproduce this on two different Windows systems.. One still needed to be upgraded, so the problems 2 and 3 existed before the last 10.93.2 release. I guess i will just wait around and hope. I hope the team soon completes its backlog of new features and goes back to fix and improve everything to polish up Evernote more. For one, I would like more outine levels, more text colors , more fonts and more font sizes, among may other things.
  11. Has anyone else run into this? The last update (for Windows) says "Fixes header formatting not being saved". I have hoped for this - where a change and saving it would also be saved for future new notes. But: 1. Its does not save for new notes. It sets back to the default 2. In the note where changes are made, the new header format is applied to new Normal text 2a. It seems that only a color change results in Normal being the right size, but the new color, but if you change the font size, then the Normal text (also) is the new size 3. setting a header back to default results in any other header you try to reset to default using that first reset. There might be more, but I gave up testing. 😞
  12. This is not really relevant, given if I am logged in, when I go offline, I can still access and edit my content. So it still does not explain why being logged in before you go offline a requirement to access your data when you are offline I can imagine its in part ease-of-implementation of good security, where the function to do so is based on a cloud server service, and not local. Still, I am pretty sure they could implement a local login option that is secure, couldn´t they? I can accept this lack of access to my content from services that are totally online and make no such claim (Reddit, Facebook, etc), and not critical to my work and life, but given Evernote claims ´offline´ access to my ´second brain´ data and linkages, when its not entirely true, is misleading (and frustrating that it is not!)
  13. Not (entirely) true. If you log out, you will have zero access to your content if you are offline. This is wrong in my opinion.
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