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Grant837 last won the day on July 30 2023

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  1. @Jon/t Thanks. Indeed, the clips just showed up.
  2. @PinkElephant I guess I did not make my main concern clear. I know how the clippers work. The iOS issue only was the trigger for me to try it on my Windows system, using Firefox and the Evernote app. My main point is, that the content, when apparently successfully clipped (or shared) is not visible in the Evernote windows desktop app. A search for the title of one of the clips shows the clip note as a suggested note, but when I try to view that note, I am told I no longer have access to the app. I have run the test two times, separated by an hour. The same happens in the Windows - Firefox - Evernote version. I belive the issue is in the Evernote app, not the clippers or sharing from iOS
  3. Ah, it's team-only, so we will not see this possibility in 'personal'. I assume ...
  4. I was checking a Reddit claim that that iOS clipper was no longer saving clips. I do not use iOS (much) so tried it on a Windows system. Surprise! My 7 bookmark clips did not show anywhere, even though I was sure I was sorting on 'created'. I had the same result with the browser version. Interestingly, I searched on the title of one of the clips, and Evernote would list the note, but when I tried to access it, Evernote replied that I no longer had access to that file. Does anyone else have this issue?
  5. This could be interesting. In other apps, like Upnote, spaces are used to group, and then restrict viewing to that subset. Also search and tasks should be restricted to that set for it to be useful. I am curious how Evernote will formulate it.
  6. Thanks @gazumped. I was also contemplating a claim with my credit card... I will now start looking into that too. Workflowy sounds promising, and I will give it a look. I also think it would be wonderful if Evernote could support web publishing - and certainly as part of the personal subscription, not just teams, etc.
  7. UPDATE: I signed up for a year ($50) in October. Now I get an error saying my credit card data needs updating - which does not help (it still shows I paid for a year, and the money was taken from my card). I can not access any functionality of the postach.io site now - I always get redirected to my billing page. @jenholl I tried the same 1 month subscription sometime before signing up for a year. The 1 month process never worked, but worse yet it also locked me out of my account with the same credit card information error. At least in this case, they never took my money.
  8. I checked mine, and to add insult to injury, the 'billing' information fo rmy account says I have a free account, even though I forked out $50 in October for a full year. I was publishing an extensive trip log for my family to enjoy... I will be very curious if anyone ever hears from Postach. For the last half-year, after trying every email, LinkedIn, chat, and more, I have never gotten any human reaction about any issue or question I had. Maybe it's time to admit that using a dead company's services is not such a good idea. Here's hoping Evernote can fill that gap.
  9. Good move. I am there. Dont be too quickly too hard on the bad eggs - if only to avoid being seen as (too) autocratic.
  10. Wait!?! I get a different list when I used your link https://evernote.com/compare-plans
  11. I checked and I have 20GB using personal. This is what I see when I go to my Account webpage: (note also the line about Advanced search options being under Professional. I wonder what that means
  12. Personal used to have 20GB upload, did it not? (Doubt I will need it) Why is the ownership clause missing from personal - does evernote own my data, or part of it? Why do they offer 2GB per extra user?
  13. As an aside: Correct me if I am wrong. Indeed, local notes were ´local only´, but wasn't all your data still on your PC, with the rest of the data being synced? Also, as I recollect, you could then log out and still login again offline, and still access your notes (unlike now, where you need to have an internet connection to log in again before you can access your notes)?
  14. As an aside, the initial and end spacing in a code box is HUGE!
  15. How embarrassing... yes, you are right.... (Luckily I do not share notes... yet)
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