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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Note: If you get your Evernote app from MacOS or Microsoft Stores the option to relocate your data isn't available.
  2. It sounds like you might be better moving the rest of the family to a free plan. Of course that will depend on how much data they use and the number of devices. If they can be content with the web client when they are on desktops or tablets and mobile for phones then they might be able to work happily on a free plan. That would certainly give you a more economical solution. Otherwise, you can advocate for a Family plan but I doubt it will be along anytime soon. I'd suggest you also give your feedback to feedback@evernote.com as well as here. Good luck with your request.
  3. 10.61.5 is a security release. It doesn't change the function or features of 10.61.4.
  4. A full local copy does seem to take sometime. But the good news is that you can select any note and it will open locally. Presumably bringing it to life causes it to jump to the front of the queue as it were.
  5. I'd take a guess that you have some corruption in the local data. Try sign out, remove your data, then sign back in. The local data will be rebuilt and all be available after some time to be rebuilt. See how the search stuff works from there.
  6. Go to the store and check if that version is uninstalled from within the store. If not uninstall in the store. I'd probably then rerun the DDL installation to be certain everything will run smoothly from thereon.
  7. You can go back but you will need to download from a third party repository. I fear, though, that this will only be a short term option. The writing is on the wall for the old options. Better to make peace with V10, work out how to achieve your outcomes and move on. If that isn't possible you can go back wile you make a plan for the future.
  8. In the direct download desktop app, to save a note as a PDF, you tap the three dot menu at the top right corner of the note. If you can tell us the full details of which version of the app you are using and your OS, we may be able advise specifically.
  9. You can open a BILLING or ACCOUNT ticket with Evernote support but the chances are that Evernote hasn't had notice of your payment from Apple yet. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
  10. The v10 apps work very differently to Legacy as far as data storage is concerned. You need to think of the whole data structure under %AppData%\Evernote as being the 'database'.
  11. Be warned versions earlier than 10.51 are shortly to be phased out. In my view, best to be on the most recent version. But at least 10.55.
  12. Sorry I can't raise a ticket because I cannot reproduce the issue and I'm using the latest release.
  13. There is an issue with this in that with typing in a notebook name you press Tab to select the existing name. With tags you press enter to select the suggested name. With tags, Tab creates a new tag. I've learned that so it is in my muscle memory but for awhile I used to create lots of new tags. I think 'Tea' got created several times when I was searching for 'Team'. So I'd say that it isn't intuitive to me or my mindset but it does work and can be learned
  14. I'm just another user like you. If you didn't receive the automated response check your spam folder. If it is still missing. Submit it again.
  15. No. I don't think it does. At least I haven't explored settings to see if I can make it do it. But it hasn't been a problem for me. If I need the character layer I just tell my PDF reader to do the task when I first need it. Takes just a few seconds and off I go.
  16. Be patient. Apple has to report the purchase to Evernote and then the information updated. I pay directly which is pretty much instant. I think paying through a store might take a day to reflect the updated status.
  17. @dastratton The post you quote is from April. Things have moved on. The Legacy application is no longer routinely available to download. You can try your favourite search engine and see what it's available now.
  18. You should receive an automated Email confirmation. Replies can take four days.
  19. Try this... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  20. When you go to the support ticket system be sure to raise the ticket as Account or Billing Also you should edit your post to remove your account details. These are public forums and bad actors are known to harvest details. This is possibly half way to cracking your account open
  21. I took a look at the shared note and was confused (not unusual). I could see the embedded video followed by the second link. But they are both in the shared note. Can you describe with a little more detail what you mean. Clearly it is more than being in a shared note. Is this a note that was initially not shared when you added the first video. Then you shared it only then adding a second video link which did not embed the video? There are quite a few niggly inconsistencies in Evernote 10. Try attaching a PDF. Only one or two methods respect the setting which determines the default view. Mostly it just defaults to page view. Please submit your video issue to support via the normal ticket process.
  22. No. This is a feature discussed in other threads. You can add your support there. You could also send a suggestion to feedback@evernote.com Meanwhile, a good solution is to split your note into multiple notes joining them with internal links and create a Table of Contents note as the front page. Others create unique references and search for each inside the note. I prefer the ToC approach. Shorter notes are almost always a good idea in Evernote.
  23. Same for me 10.61.4 In a bulleted list I also have the handle to grab and drag the items about to reorder them. Perhaps an clean reinstall using Revo Unistaller would reset things.
  24. You can, as now, choose not to use 2FA. But if you use it you will in due course need to switch to an app authenticator rather than SMS. If you are switching to an app authenticator first disable the SMS version and then enable via app. There are many apps to choose from. Google is the one named in the registration but you can use any of the others. Authy seems partiularly useful since it can be installed on multiple devices.
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