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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The latest version of the desktop app is 10.61.4 You can download from evernote.com/download or the store versions will update in due time. The update process in the app is always slower than downloading because the rollout is managed to prevent server overload.
  2. Third party sites are the only option. Evernote doesn't publish old versions.
  3. There's a new release today which may assist. Try out 10.61.4 and see if that resolves things for you.
  4. Or via the desktop at Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning You can also send feedback to feedback@evernote.com although that's a one way process of suggesting development ideas. The Real Time Editing and Sync process effectively makes a sync button redundant. But if you need it for some reason Ctrl+R in the desktop or Settings / Sync for mobile would be the way to go.
  5. The 10.61.3 release was paused because of an issue discovered. The release resumed today with v10.61.4 That might resolve the issue for you.
  6. Scannable is really a dead app. Yes, still available, but undeveloped. I'm surprised that it is still available but see no evidence that it has been changed/developed for several years or that it has any support available. At a guess, I'd say that something changed in the OS at some point which has caused the issue. But that's a guess. If it were me, and suffering the issues described, I'd find an alternative application and try something that is current. My scanner has its own software which integrates well enought with Evernote.
  7. Looks like 10.61.4 is now released to replace 10.61.3 It just popped up for me in the Windows desktop and I can see it available for download from evernote.com
  8. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Select Billing
  9. @FrankC Thanks. I couldn't see what made it a '1 hour server problem'. Appreciate the information.
  10. The new AI Search will, I think, resolve a whole bunch of these things for those willing to use the AI. Not sure about the fixes for the standard search that we all love 😉
  11. Ctrl+Alt+1 should open all notes then make your search. I use Auto Hot Key to automate lots of this type of double shortcut requirement.
  12. I'd suggest you refresh your browser cache and go back to evernote.com/download The current release is definitely available there.
  13. @Federico Simionato is fairly visible at the moment and picking up issues to get fixes rolled out.
  14. I set the destination for screen clips as an Import Folder. That way all clips go to a new note.
  15. The latest mobile release is 10.53.2 so do whatever you need to force the app to update. That might assist.
  16. I do this with the AutoHotKey program and it works just fine. Alt+Shift+D and Ctrl+Shift+D both work, for me, in Evernote 10.61.3
  17. I'm sorry. I thought you were looking for those other discussions about Notejoy that might inform your decision to choose it, or not. I'd missed that you wanted a specific thread entitled Notejoy. For that I apologise. I'm not aware that any discussions about Notejoy have been deleted. They just took place in the cut and thrust of other threads.
  18. Notejoy appears in discussions dealing with a whole range of titles but that discuss its benefits or challenges. As I said, four screens worth where it appears. I'm sure these other conversations will give you some additional help determining whether Notejoy is the option for you.
  19. I found four screens of notes referring to Notejoy...
  20. No problem but it may be the solution to the issue you face 😉 I'm sure you are aware that there are a number of functions that don't work in the store versions. If you can live without them then you are good to go via the store.
  21. Why not uninstall, download the direct version from evernote.com/download The store versions have other unrelated limitations in any case.
  22. Don't add the files here. Instead, click @Federico Simionato's photo in his post above. His profile will open. Then tap the message envelope icon. Type your message and drag and drop your log files into the message window. Finally click the SEND button.
  23. Absolutely agree. For those who want some tech involved beyond the camera the Rocketbook notebooks do a fairly good job. You can even download the pages and print them locally. The app is free. So the cost doesn't have to be too great.
  24. Actually, I saw a similar message when I got the 10.53.1 update too... I have seen similar once or twice with updates in the past. I put it down to some local data reconfiguration described as 'Updating Data' or similar. I finally received the 10.53.2 update. Perhaps that will resolve the issue.
  25. Ad hominem attacks are boorish actually. The OP asked for help identifying where to get a refund. That's what was provided albeit short and to the point.
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